The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 56: One year in a blink of an eye

The sincerity on Xia Tuo's face made Yan's eyebrows twitch suddenly, and he looked carefully for a long time.


However, the more Xia Tuo was like this, the more uncertain he felt in his heart.

Terribly flustered.

He vaguely remembered that when he first met Xia Tuo, Xia Tuo looked like this.

This damn, with a genuine smile.

Let him fall into it, unable to extricate himself.

The elder brother's status in the clan has risen, and the younger brother will still need to rely on the elder brother in the future, so don't worry, the elder brother, the younger brother will never hold back the elder brother, enough salt.

While talking, Xia Tuo watched the change of Yan's expression, his face turned red for a while, then turned pale with anger, and finally calmed down gradually.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. It is a very simple truth. Looking at the whole body of clothes, the shiny animal robes, the inner lining covered with patterns, and various exquisite bone ornaments are hung. It's not the dress of the totem warrior in the past.

Naturally, the status is different.

Today is different from the past, even if he now understands that he lied to him back then, facing his current status, he is sure that he does not have the courage to abandon his current status.

If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake and make a mistake. If you make a mistake, you will be right.

For a while, Xia Tuo summed up such a fallacy.

Sure enough, with a changed expression, Yan sat paralyzed on the stone chair, panting heavily, sweating profusely, as if he had struggled a lot.

Xia Tuo looked at Yan's appearance, and nodded imperceptibly. If the Dafengbu did not provide resources, then why would the Dafengbu and the Blackwater department keep fighting.

He has plenty of salt, but he doesn't know how many people in Blackwater and Gale can consume it.

Tribal development takes time, it is best not to notice the corners of the corners of the eyes of the two parts, he is leisurely farming, amiable, perfect!

Brother came here this time because of the matter of salt.

Sitting on the stone chair, every time he heard Xia Tuo yell big brother, he felt uncomfortable all over his body. Would I come to your corner for salt?

At this time,

The antelope that went out earlier came with three jars of salt in a bamboo basket, put them in the hall and retreated.

Looking at the three stone jars of similar size in front of him, Xie glanced at Xia Tuo again, and said bitterly, Not enough.

In the past, he felt that the three jars of snow-white table salt were a lot, but at this moment, he had an anger suppressed deep in his chest, and he couldn't express it no matter what.

As for the nonsense that Xia Tuo said earlier that this kind of snow-white table salt was dug out from the ground, and the output was very small, he wisely didn't pursue it.


Pointing to the salt jar in front of him, Xi stared at Xia Tuo and said.

I want ten!

Okay, I'll give elder brother Shijun this kind of refined salt every month.

Unexpectedly, Xia Tuo agreed so readily, and even had the same amount every month, Xi looked at Xia Tuo in surprise.

But elder brother should also understand that there are some things that you don't need to say when you see them, right?

At the moment, brother, you have broken away from the category of ordinary totem warriors in the Feng Tribe. You are following the elders of your tribe. With my help, you may be able to get the position of an elder in the future.

Looking at Yan with squinted eyes, Xia Tuo said word by word: Don't you want to be an elder?

After being told by Xia Tuo, the old man's face turned red which is rare. This idea has been brewing in his heart for a long time, even before he entered the Xia tribe just a moment ago.

How could he not understand what Xia Tuo meant? He supported himself as the elder of the Great Wind Department, and he helped him temporarily conceal the situation deep in the forest.

Speaking of it, it's really a bit messed up.

The Dafeng Tribe didn't care much about the corners of the mountains and forests in the depths, otherwise they would not have even patrolled over the years, allowing the tribes here to rise and fall.

Yan lowered his head to look at the snow-white table salt, the look in his eyes was gloomy and uncertain.

Such snow-white refined salt is a good thing. The salt that Xiabu sent to the tribe a few times ago was collected by the elders and traded with other tribes outside the mountain, in exchange for two bronze weapons and a bronze cauldron.

If he has ten jun of salt every month, he will hand over five jun to the tribe...


His body trembled, and Xie was taken aback by his own thoughts.

However, this thought was sprouting in his mind, no matter how hard he squeezed it, he couldn't shake it off.

Is it really ten Jun every month?

Pointing to the stone jar in front of him, Xie said to Xia Tuo again.

That's right, ten jun every month.

Seeing the gleam in Yan's expression, Xia Tuo cultivated and watered his cute ambition again.


Brother, go slowly.

Brother often comes.

Outside the Tribe Mountain, Xia Tuo waved goodbye to the far-off Xun. Along with Ling and the others, they headed for the Feng Tribe with Shijun's salt on their backs.

Until everyone disappeared into the jungle, Xia Tuo rubbed his stiff smiling face, turned and walked towards the tribe.


I just returned to the top of the tribal mountain, and I heard the sound of humming in my ears.

Well, the debt collector came in time.


Blackwater Tribe.

It's a newly promoted mountain warrior. There are still traces of the newly built tribe's houses. There is no doubt that they swallowed the Lu tribe.

In the family hall, apart from the Great Elder, there was also a strong man in armor with a wild aura and a fierce face.

This is one of the only two commander-level totem warriors in the tribe, possessing a strength of over 4,000 jin. In the entire Heishui tribe, except for the patriarch, they are the most powerful.

The commander-in-chief commanded the soldiers of the thousand-human tribe. Of course, the Heishui tribe did not have so many people, so the two only had the name of commander-in-chief, but not the reality of commander-in-chief.

A newly promoted tribe, just win it directly.

His aura is savage and strong, his big hand is like a palm leaf fan, and there is a sound of air bursting when he swings it. His face is already ferocious, and now he can scare a child to tears at a glance.

The Great Elder glanced at Zhuang, and said: The newly born tribe is the time when the morale is the most concentrated and the clan strength is rising the fastest. It is not easy to fight.

Thinking of the way Xia Tuo looked at him, the Great Elder felt uncomfortable, and always felt a kind of horror.

Okay, sooner or later, let's talk about defeating the Gale Department first.

In the end, Heishuijiang made a sound, his face became ferocious, and he lost his temper immediately.


Hey ha...


On the open space at the top of the Xia tribe, dozens of teenagers stood at intervals, shouting in unison, their immature bodies constantly making movements like wild beasts pouncing on food, walking, jumping, and climbing.

With one hand behind his back, he was walking around with a bamboo pole in the other.

Is this how the tiger roars in the mountains and forests?

There was a hint of sternness on the old face, and the bamboo pole was mercilessly hitting the lazy person, and every time there was a red mark.

Yesterday's ferocious beast essence and blood have been absorbed in vain!


After being severely reprimanded, the boys resumed their postures and started.

Li Min, you kid still dare to be lazy.

Seeing Wei looking over, a little guy suddenly got up, he didn't care about the bamboo pole hitting his body, and he was giggling and giggling.

The blood essence absorbed yesterday was not tempered, and you will suffer it tonight.

The few people who were lazy and slippery at first cheered up when they heard a flash of fear in their eyes, roaring along with their movements.

The blood essence of the ferocious beast enters the body, even if it is diluted, if the body cannot completely absorb it, then after a certain period of time, the blood essence will riot in the body, and the whole body will be hot and red, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Not to mention every day in the tribe, there will be one or two disobedient little guys every now and then, with red eyes at night, jumping up and down in the tribe, tossing vigorously.


Outside the patriarch's stone house, Xiao Yu tiptoed and wanted to peek into the house through the crack of the door, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything.

Uncle Patriarch, Grandpa Grandpa said he has something to report.


After a long time, there was a response from the stone house, but the door did not open.

Patriarch Uncle, Uncle Hong is also busy.

Let him go to the Great Elder.

Outside the stone house, Xiaoyu stomped his feet and walked back and forth. The patriarch, uncle, was lazy again, and he yelled twice, how can it be broken.

Finally, when Xiaoyu wanted to speak out again, the stone door opened, and Xia Tuo came out and glanced at him.

Time passed quickly, and with the tribal living comfortably, the bodies of the children also became better, and the rein Xiaoyu grew a head taller than when he first came to him.

It has been a year since the Blackwater Tribe exchanged slaves for salt to supply the Gale Department with salt. The Xia Tribe is lucky, and the battle between the Blackwater Department and the Gale Department is not over yet.

Perhaps it was a cover-up, but the Dafeng Ministry did not notice the abnormality of the Xia tribe. Of course, this year, Xi has also benefited. Now he has firmly secured the position of the last elder of the Dafeng tribe, and his strength has also improved a lot.

As for the transaction with the Blackwater Tribe, Xia Tuo stopped after three times and changed to exchanging ores and herbs. For some reason, the Blackwater Tribe did not raise any objections.

Now the entire tribe has a population of more than 1,600 people. In a short period of time, Xia Tuo is not going to absorb the outside population anymore. He just wants to clean up his own three-acre land.


family hall.

Is the patriarch sleeping well?

Stepping into the clan hall, Xia Tuo's voice rang in the ears of the Great Elder.

The great elder is burying me. Xia Tuo responded with a smile: How about I go back to sleep for a while?

Seeing that Xia Tuo was about to leave again, all the elders in the clan hall rushed up one by one and grabbed his animal skin clothes.

Hey, this is a fur coat made of Qingshui fox fur, be careful that it might break.

Xia Tuo, who was dragged into the clan hall, just sat on the stone chair in the hall when the voice below rang out.

Patriarch, the clan library is almost finished, is there anything else that needs to be explained?

Patriarch, why did the armor newly made by the Ministry of War be handed over to Anbu of Shika first?

It's not fair, and the bronze soldiers were also given to them.

Patriarch, the caves in the valley are too humid, and the stored corn and potatoes are somewhat moldy.

Patriarch, Commander Hong broke down the gate of our military department, he must be beaten... oh no, he must be severely punished.


There was chatter and chatter in the hall, for a moment, Xia Tuo only felt that his head was so big.

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