The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3390: those who haven't come back

"Lu Lan, where are they? Are they all back?" Xiao Zhi asked suddenly.

"It's coming back, it's just..." Lu Lan seemed to be in a dilemma when she spoke.

"Just what? Did an accident happen?" Xiao Zhi asked nervously.

Lu Lan didn't want to answer this question and kept her brows down.

Suddenly, Zhang Lili came to Xiao Zhi.

"Brother, you're finally back, I'm really worried about you!"

Zhang Lili shouted this sentence and ran over directly.

Xiao Zhi also felt excited when he saw Zhang Lili.

"Brother, maybe you don't know yet, Lao Xu and Wang Yuanzhong left the team, and they haven't come back yet!"

If Zhang Lili hadn't told the truth, I'm afraid Xiao Zhi still didn't know about it.

He first left Zhang Lili and walked to Lu Lan.

"Please tell me what's going on here? Didn't you arrange for someone to find them?" Xiao Zhi asked angrily.

"Of course I have. Of course I arranged for someone to look for them, but the people I sent haven't come back yet, they just found you!" Lu Lan lowered her head as she spoke, those eyes didn't dare to look down at all. wisdom.

"Okay, anyway, this incident was not caused by you directly. Where is Chen Songbai? Let him go with me to find it!"

He looked around, searching for Chen Songbai all the time.

"Xiao Zhi, I have to advise you, if you go this time, the road will definitely be full of dangers, I think you should think about it carefully!"

"Don't think about it, I've made up my mind anyway!"

While the two of them were talking, Zhang Lili called Chen Songbai directly.

"My brother is right there, hurry up and find him, he needs your help with something very important!" Zhang Lili said nervously.

Chen Songbai nodded, and he quickly ran to Xiaozhi's side.

"Xiaozhi, just tell me if you have anything to do, we don't need to be so polite!"

As soon as Xiao Zhi saw him, it was like seeing a comrade-in-arms he hadn't seen for a long time, and it seemed quite complicated.

"Chen Songbai, you must go out with me now, and try to find Lao Xu and Wang Yuanzhong as soon as possible!" Xiao Zhi said sincerely.

"Don't worry, the two of them are not mean to me, and it is impossible for me to ignore them. Let's go now!"

Lu Lan was very helpless. She knew that Xiao Zhi had made up her mind and could only arrange for someone to bring some food and fresh water.

"This is your water and food. You must cherish it. Although it is not much, it is also my heart!"

In fact, Xiao Zhi didn't know it yet. This was saved from Lu Lan's rations and was reserved for Xiao Zhi.

"I see, I will definitely be able to find them this time, the outside world is not as dangerous as you think!" Xiao Zhi seemed to be complaining about Lu Lan.

Lu Lan could also sense this, but she didn't say anything, and didn't argue with Xiao Zhi, but watched him and Chen Songbai disappear from her eyes.

Xiao Zhi and Chen Songbai had just walked out of Hope City when they saw the Hercules and his subordinates who had played against him before.

"I didn't expect you to wake up now. It seems that your physical fitness is indeed very good. What? Where are you going next?"

Seeing that it was Xiao Zhi, Hercules began to become frightened.

"What are you doing? Why can't you walk steadily after seeing me?"

The other party sighed helplessly, and seemed to be convinced by Xiao Zhi.

"Then I'll tell you the truth. I'm scared of being beaten by you, okay? I've never seen someone as powerful as you, and this time I've really been taught!"

Xiao Zhi noticed that Hercules' eyes were so sincere, it didn't seem like he was lying, and I'm afraid they were desperate, so they would just break into Hope City.

Suddenly, he noticed the empty stomachs of these people and the sound of cooing, and quickly gave them some food.

"This is the ration we carry with us, and of course some fresh water. You should eat a few mouthfuls first, fill your stomach first, and when we find the food, we will naturally give you a portion!"

Ash's generosity has won him great respect from these people.

Hercules said earnestly: "This time, I really thank you too much. I didn't expect you to ignore the villain. You are our benefactor!"

"Okay, don't say such high-sounding polite words, and hurry up and eat something!"

In fact, Xiaozhixin knew very well that when Hercules was fighting against him, he quickly became exhausted, and a large part of the reason was that he did not fill his stomach.

"Actually, this time we played against each other, I won't be able to win, and we will compete again when you are full next time!"

This time Xiaozhi gave the other side enough face.

Of course, the other party readily accepted it. He knew that Xiao Zhi was stepping down for him, and he did not hesitate to appreciate it.

"Thank you very much. This time, you are really our savior. Next, we are willing to be a bull and a horse for your Excellency!"

Xiao Zhi thought about it carefully, since the barrister has spoken, he will not refuse.

"Well, I promise you, but you can't work for me in vain, I will be responsible for your daily food, and if you get anything good, I will give it to you too!"

"Don't say that, it's our biggest wish to keep our stomachs full every day!" Hercules said calmly.

"Since that's the case, let's talk about this topic later. Now you need to help me find two people!"

Before Chen Songbai came, fortunately he still had two portraits, one of Wang Yuanzhong's and the other of Lao Xu's.

Xiao Zhi saw the two portraits and said to Chen Songbai, "It's really enough for you. How did you think you would bring two portraits?"

"It's nothing, I just had an idea, if I meet other people, ask them about Wang Yuanzhong and Lao Xu, and let them see their appearance, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zhi smiled contentedly. It seemed that he didn't bring the wrong person with him this time, and he didn't misunderstand.

Several people on Hercules' side have firmly remembered the appearance of Wang Yuanzhong and Lao Xu in their hearts.

Before they split up to find someone, Hercules said loudly to them: "This time is regarded as a test for us. I hope you can accept this test. Do you understand?"

They said in unison: "We understand, boss please rest assured!"

They soon looked elsewhere. *

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