The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3344: break

Xiaozhi's request was relentlessly rejected by Lu Lan.

At this time, he looked at Lu Lan with a strange look. Before that, he thought that Lu Lan was more beautiful.

However, at this moment, he found that Lu Lan was just like the ignorant people outside, she was extremely ignorant and indifferent!

"Lu Lan, have you really thought about it? As the leader of Hope City, do you have the heart to watch Wang Yuanzhong be expelled?"

Lu Lan shook her head gently.

"Actually, I can't bear it, but in order to protect more people, I have to do this, I can only ask you to express my deep apologies in front of Wang Yuanzhong!"

After Lu Lan finished speaking, she turned her back to Xiao Zhi, feeling like a jar was broken.

"Lu Lan, you must understand that if Wang Yuanzhong leaves Hope City, I will also go with him!" Xiao Zhi said decisively.

Lu Lan turned around in a hurry, already showing a begging look.

As a meritorious person in Hope City, Xiao Zhi now acts as a kind of spiritual sustenance for Hope City. As long as he is there, there will be more hope for the achievement of hope.

But if Xiao Zhi leaves at this juncture, it will be like losing a certain faith to those living in Hope City, and it will bring a big blow to their lives.

What's more, thanks to Xiao Zhi's help this time, I hope that I have received a lot of food and can temporarily overcome the current difficulty.

If Xiao Zhi leaves with Wang Yuanzhong, Lu Lan will definitely be criticized by the people of Hope City, and they all think that she forced Xiao Zhi away.

At that time, I am afraid that Lu Lan will not only lose his status, but will also be attacked by others.

Lu Lan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In desperation, he explained everything that he had just thought of.

"Lu Lan, are you only thinking about yourself? You are a human being, and Wang Yuanzhong is also human, can't you be treated equally?" Xiao Zhi asked angrily.

Lu Lan was in a dilemma for a while, not knowing how to answer these questions.

She could only bow her head silently, and the angel's face became bleak.

"Okay, don't discuss this matter anymore, and I don't want to implicate others. I'll leave Hope City now and will never disturb your normal life again!"

Xiao Zhi didn't expect Wang Yuanzhong to come here, and also heard the conversation between them.

Although Wang Yuanzhong was affected by zombies, and it is very likely that he will become a zombie at some point, he tried his best to maintain his sanity.

He won't let his inner demons swallow his reason, and he won't let him have a revenge mentality to take revenge on those who hope to be innocent.

It is precisely because of this that Ash will strive for him to stay.

But it was too late, Wang Yuanzhong's heart to leave had already been decided.

"Xiao Zhi, I know you are doing it for my own good, but for the sake of more people, I'd better leave here, please respect my thoughts!"

After Xiao Zhi heard this, the whole person looked more and more guilty.

He suddenly glanced at Lu Lan, the emotions contained in those eyes were extremely complicated.

After Lu Lan saw it, she was really upset.

"Wang Yuanzhong, in fact, I didn't mean that, but..."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. I understand your feelings. Lu Lan, you are an excellent leader. I hope you can lead everyone to continue living in Hope City. I hope you can lead everyone to restore this world one day!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it, this is my goal!" Lu Lan vowed.

Xiao Zhi noticed that Lu Lan's attitude had changed, so he asked for the last time.

"Lu Lan, do you really want Wang Yuanzhong to leave here?"

Lu Lan's silence gave Xiao Zhi the final answer, and Xiao Zhi understood in an instant.

"Wang Yuanzhong, let's go! I came with you, then we must go together!" Xiao Zhi said angrily.

"Xiao Zhi, can you be more rational? I haven't finished speaking yet, I..."

Before Lu Lan could finish her words, Wang Yuanzhong and Xiao Zhi had already disappeared from her face.

After they came out, Xiao Zhi suddenly thought of Zhang Lili.

"Let's take Lili with us, how is her physical condition now?" Xiao Zhi asked suddenly.

Wang Yuanzhong shook his head. When he brought Zhang Lili back, there were naturally professional personnel to take care of her.

"I don't know what's going on with Lili, but I suggest keeping Lili behind!"

Hearing Wang Yuanzhong's suggestion, Xiao Zhi thought about it carefully, but nodded helplessly.

From the moment he recognized Zhang Lili as his sister, he decided to take care of her by himself, but he didn't expect...

"Then listen to you, let Lili stay first, anyway, her body is relatively weak!"

"Xiao Zhi, is it really worth it? If you leave Hope City with me, it means that you and Hope City have broken up!" Wang Yuanzhong said suddenly.

"I already told you just now that since I came here with you, I must go with you. No matter what happens, we must live and die together!" Xiao Zhi said loudly. .

"Xiao Zhi, I was very moved to hear what you said, but..." Wang Yuanzhong suddenly choked up.

"There is nothing to worry about, since everything has been decided, then we must embark on this unknown journey!" Xiaozhi said earnestly.

Just as they were about to leave, Zhang Lili came to them staggeringly.

"I've already heard about your business, no matter what, I have to leave here with you!" Zhang Lili said excitedly.

"No, you have to stay here to raise your body, you are different from us!" Xiaozhi persuaded bitterly.

"Why is it different? Do you think that if you leave, I will be able to survive in this place unharmed?"

Ash's eyes widened, maybe he'd already thought of this.

"Alright then, then you can go with us too and leave this sad place!" Xiao Zhi said with a little sadness.

Zhang Lili suddenly burst out laughing, she felt that as long as there was Xiaozhi, there was warmth everywhere.

Suddenly, Lu Lan came after him.

"Why are you here? We don't need your hypocrisy!" Xiao Zhi said angrily.

"Xiaozhi, don't misunderstand me, I know that you have made up your mind, so I made a special trip to send you some supplies!"

Xiao Zhi originally didn't want to accept it, but under Wang Yuanzhong's suggestion, he reluctantly accepted it. *

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