The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3315: unmanned tunnel

Ash grabbed his hand with ease, actually by the hilt of his sword.

It can only be said that this guy's hands are too short, just like his five short stature, they are all so short.

In desperation, he could only use another sword.

But he considered Xiaozhi's good intentions to rescue him, so his hand endured the severe pain and tightly grasped the tip of the sword, instead handing the hilt to Xiaozhi.

Drop by drop of blood flowed out of his palm.

The bloodthirsty Zerg smelled this fresh **** smell and became extremely excited.

Their humming grew louder and louder, and together they sounded like thunder, and like the strong movement before a volcanic eruption.

It didn't take long for more and more Zerg to follow behind them.

Apparently they were his targets.

But that's fine, except for the two of them, the others will not be threatened and disturbed by the races.

They sacrificed themselves, but saved others!

"Boy, I really didn't expect you to be very skilled. It seems that I underestimated you before!"

"It doesn't matter, in fact, as I said to you, I am indeed a newcomer, and now I still don't understand the rules of this place!" Xiao Zhi said sincerely.

"It turns out that, in fact, I don't know what the law here is. Anyway, let's settle the Zerg in front of us first!"

Xiaozhi nodded and kept detouring, heading towards the place where Zerg was rare.

The Zerg behind followed them nervously and orderly, forming a band-like appearance in the air.

It's like a paintbrush, constantly drawing to and fro in the sky, turning it into an invisible pattern.

"Little brother, aren't you tired? I feel tired for you!"

"Now we can't say that we are tired. As long as we stop for a while, I believe that we will definitely become the Zerg's meal!" Xiao Zhi said casually.

"You said it well, I didn't expect you to be very interesting to talk at such a young age!"

Xiao Zhi smiled coldly, and then spun again, and he kept spinning and swaying up.

The purpose is to leave those Zerg behind.

But these Zerg clung to their backs like a dog-skin plaster, as if trying to drag them down.

The fat-headed and big-eared guy stopped talking, and Ash thought he was tired, so he went to sleep.

However, he accidentally discovered that he had passed out in a coma, perhaps because of excessive blood loss, he fell into a faint.

"It seems that I have to make a quick decision. The other person has been in shock, and I have to save him!"

At this moment, he kept turning over in the air, trying his best to get rid of the Zerg behind him.

Suddenly, he found an empty tunnel.

This tunnel should have been abandoned for a long time, so he rushed in quickly.

And those Zerg, seeing a pitch-dark place, they no longer followed, but divided into two groups, blocking at the two entrances and exits of the tunnel.

"As expected!" Xiao Zhi guessed that they would not follow.

He temporarily took off the red cloak on his body, threw himself into the tunnel quickly, and put the fat-headed and big-eared guy on it.

Xiaozhi didn't expect that this red cloak could extend infinitely, and actually rolled up this fat guy with big ears.

Look at his appearance and the red cloak as one, like a huge silkworm chrysalis.

"You have a good rest here first, and I will come to rescue you after I have cooked the Zerg outside!"

After speaking, Ash instantly rushed out of the tunnel.

He knew that the Zerg was fully prepared and would definitely block himself at both ends of the tunnel, so he rushed over with all his strength, and then washed away a large group of Zerg.

"Humph! It's just over-comprehensive!" Xiao Zhi said coldly.

In order to prevent these Zerg from accidentally entering the tunnel and finding the fat-headed and big-eared guy, he also shifted his position and quickly came to the beginning.

That is, outside the tower.

In fact, he really hopes that there will be some insightful people to fight against these Zerg with him.

He landed steadily and glanced at the people inside the tower.

Those people often have empty eyes, as if they have lost their souls.

They were indifferent and even more ruthless, looking out of the window with those empty eyes indifferently, watching the difficult battle between Xiao Zhi and those Zerg.

But they won't help Xiao Zhi, after all, they don't know who he is, and they don't want to attract some trouble.

Even if there are some masters among them, they will not waste their leisure time fighting against these disgusting Zerg.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sighed.

With a sigh, the Zerg seemed to be lining up in front of them, and they had become a huge team.

Ash had never seen such a huge Zerg team before.

It seems that their performance just now has made them anxious.

"Come on if you have one!"

The Zerg team in front of him should be able to understand what he said.

Like a torrential rain, the huge raindrops like pebbles continued to fall.

Ash has never seen such huge raindrops, which really amazes him.

Fortunately, he has extraordinary strength. Although it is not copper and iron bones, it is still as solid as a rock. Even if those huge raindrops hit him, he will not cry out in pain.

But if it were an ordinary person, even a huge raindrop could smash the head into a big hole.

These huge raindrops are also ineffective against the Zerg, and these Zerg attacked without hesitation.

Ash kept waving the sword in his hand, and in the chaos, he found another sword.

The two steel swords inlaid with blue gems will flash a dazzling light every time they are swung.

After seeing these rays of light, the Zerg actually stiffened in the air for a while, not moving at all!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi thought that the environment here must have changed the habits of these Zerg, and the effect of this pair of sharp swords formed a super strong force, which would freeze the Zerg's actions.

But as a strange wind hit, this group of Zerg became active again.

And the surrounding of these Zerg is like some white foam, constantly eroding the living space around Xiaozhi.

At this time, Xiao Zhi only felt that it was difficult to breathe, as if there was a suffocation, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the mysterious man finally came out from the tower.

There seemed to be a purple-brown plant in his hand, like a special medicinal herb.

He hurriedly stuffed the plant into Ash's mouth. *

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