The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3299: President of the Dark Society

The huge fireball scorched everyone like a drawn sun, and everyone dared not to take any action. As for those who dared to attack Xiao Zhi before, they were all scared.

He didn't know that magic could still be used in this way.

After Ash reached the level of a magister, he found that he had stronger control over the magic elements, and he tried to change the order of the magic elements.

Magic elements also do not exclude Ash's command, a small fireball technique, Ash let more magic elements join, so that they are closely arranged together.

This is the super big fireball in front of me.

The water in his body was constantly being evaporated, and Baker was too hot. He didn't expect Xiao Zhi to use magic like this.

Finally, the group couldn't take it anymore.

Seeing the person who attacked Xiao Zhi, he knelt down directly.

"My lord, the little one is wrong. In the future, what your lord says will be a military order, and I will absolutely implement it." The man's attitude was extremely respectful.

Xiao Zhi glanced at him, but ignored him, instead looking at the others.

Everyone knows each other, how can they not know what Xiao Zhi thinks.

Everyone knelt down with one shoe and said, "Follow your instructions."

Xiaozhi smiled and slowly dissipated the fireball technique, the magic element dissipated, and the fireball technique disappeared without a trace.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and all looked at Xiao Zhi nervously.

"As expected, he is the general of the empire, Lord Earl, he is not an ordinary person." Someone whispered.

Xiao Zhi didn't care either.

He knew that his figure had entered the minds of these people, and the next thing was much simpler.

Xiaozhi raised his voice: "You are all elites of the empire, I understand your pride, but what I tell you is that your opponents are not mediocre."

"It may even be more genius than you, never underestimate anyone." Xiao Zhi said seriously.

Everyone agrees that Xiao Zhi is a typical case.

With this experience, I believe everyone will change their previous thoughts.

Xiao Zhi continued: "From now on, I want you to train in groups, divided into ten groups of nine people. I want nine of you to know each other and understand each other."

"Until you can make a look, you will know what he wants to express."

"At that time, you were a whole."

"You have to believe that everyone's strength is definitely stronger than your own strength. Do you know why the ninety-nine of you were overwhelmed by me alone?" Everyone listened carefully, but it was Xiao Zhi who suddenly stopped the question.

Everyone was quiet.

After a while, someone couldn't take it any longer and asked, "Why?"

Xiao Zhi said lightly: "Because you are not united enough, you still represent individuals."

Everyone was lost in thought.

At this moment, everyone re-examined the people around them, and they put down their proud heads.

Ash slowly descended, knowing that his mission was accomplished.

These people in front of them are geniuses, and they can't teach them anything. They can only rely on them to think about it, figure it out, understand it, and then they will understand.

Naturally know how to do it.

Baker secretly gave Xiao Zhi a thumbs up, and he couldn't accept the person in front of him.

They have already discovered the problems of these people, but don't know how to solve them.

Xiao Zhi's words made them wake up, and it was not too late.

After everyone dispersed, Baker accompanied Xiao Zhi talking and laughing, discussing the final time.

"Ten days later, the official departure." Baker said.

Xiaozhi's eyes twitched, ten days, a long time.

"No problem, I'll be there on time." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Baker didn't say anything, what should be instructed has been made clear, and the next step is to see Xiaozhi adapt to his own needs.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was time to leave.

"Sir, it's ready." The servants shouted outside the door.

Ash walked out of the door slowly and got on the carriage prepared by the people.

Ash did not ride a horse, but rode a carriage to the Royal Training Ground.

"Your Majesty." As soon as Xiao Zhi arrived at the training ground, he saw the emperor standing on the high platform of the field and hurriedly saluted.

"Today is the day for you to fight for our empire, so you don't have to be polite." The emperor personally helped Xiaozhi up.

Everyone is ready, Xiao Zhi observed it and found that these people have changed a lot, much better than before.

At least there is no annoying arrogance in his eyes.

"Everyone, since you're ready, let's go." Xiao Zhi took the lead and rode a Pegasus.

Pegasus is a kind of docile monster, which can be used as a means of transportation after being domesticated by humans.

Everyone rode on the Pegasus, led by Austin George, a great magician of the Shenwu Empire, and set off immediately.

Although the Great Magister Austin George is the strongest in this group, he still obeys Xiaozhi's arrangement in all his actions.

All the way, everyone went to the outside of the island where all the forces of the continent have created the qualification battle for the secret realm.

"This is not Austin George, long time no see." What people didn't expect was that they met someone from the Dark Association.

Dalton Evelyn, the president of the Dark Association, is also the strength of the Great Magister.

People who have reached their level of strength have very few opportunities to take action, and they are all mainly shocking.

Only people like Xiao Zhi can play the game.

This time, the competition for the resources of the secret realm is not to say that it can help the great magus of his family break through to a higher realm.

Xiaozhi looked at the people of the Dark Association. It was the first time he had seen people from this force. Knowing that they existed to provoke war and seek benefits from it, Xiaozhi couldn't help but look more carefully.

At this moment, the president of the Dark Association glanced at Xiao Zhi.

"This is not Earl Xiaozhi, but I've wanted to see you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here, but I was surprised that you didn't play for the Magic Academy." The president of the Dark Association said with a smile, making everyone puzzled.

Austin George was wary.

"You don't have to worry about the affairs of our empire, don't talk nonsense, let your people in or mine." Austin George said quickly.

He didn't want to say a word to this dark association president who was full of bad water.

No one knew what was going on in his mind. If it wasn't for the strength of the Dark Association, everyone would have beaten him long ago, but they were not sure to take him down completely, so everyone just tolerated it.

But no one wants to deal with it.

Xiaozhi glanced at him strangely, but did not speak.

"Let's come first, or don't worry about it." The president of the Dark Association chuckled.

Then he directly arranged his own people to go in, and when they all went in, the president of the Dark Association left with a smile. *

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