The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3294: dark guard

Aphra shouted, but no one moved, as if the situation was a little different.

"Move to me, why my words don't work anymore." Aphra roared again.

The noble princess was a little rude at this moment.

No one helped her, even the little **** beside her lowered their heads, and everyone remained motionless.

Bada was also puzzled.

"What's the matter with you today, move me, aren't you afraid of death?" Bada roared sharply.

No one knew that everyone remained silent. The people in the royal courtroom had already recognized that this was the mighty Scarlet Earl Xiao Zhi, a former imperial general.

They knew that it was Aphra who helped their nephew to let out his breath today, and it would be fine if it were an ordinary person, but when it came to the person in front of them, they really regretted it at this moment.

"What? I still don't understand what's going on?" Xiaozhi smiled and looked at the two in front of him, and then looked at the people around him to know that he was recognized.

The royal courtroom was originally drawn from the army, and naturally knew Xiao Zhi.

"Adults, the little ones know it's wrong." Everyone knelt down.

Aphra and Bada are stupid.

"Why do you kneel down for this prisoner?" Aphra asked excitedly.

She also felt that she seemed to have provoked a great person. At this moment, her mind quickly turned, who was it.

At such a young age, if these guys who see the wind and the rudder dare to directly violate me and are not afraid of their own ambitions, then this person in front of me is definitely a big man.

I have never seen this appearance before. I carefully recalled the big figures of the empire in my mind. After comparing all of them one by one, a figure flashed in Aphra's mind.

If this person puts on the armor and takes the giant sword, Aphra is startled!

It's him, it's him, the general of the empire, Ash.

Aphra's face suddenly changed dramatically, but Bada still kicked the kneeling humanity: "You **** slaves, I don't know that my aunt is the imperial concubine, can this adult still be bigger than the emperor, you just wait. Die."

Bada was still roaring, ready to start yelling at Ash.

Olaf took a stride and slapped Bada's face, and the powerful Bada's teeth were punched out.

"Auntie." Bada exclaimed bitterly.

"Lord Count, I'm really embarrassed to be bewitched by this little thing." Aphra said humbly, as if she had changed herself.

When Xiao Zhi saw it, he didn't have to play anymore. After all, this is the emperor's person. No matter what he does, he can't take care of her.

It is up to the owner to beat the dog. If it is cleaned up, it will hit the emperor in the face. Xiao Zhi is still a courtier, so naturally he cannot do such a thing.

"Ms. Aphra, I know, it's alright." Xiaozhi didn't want to play with her anymore, it was just a woman and a child, it really didn't make any sense.

"I'm leaving." Xiao Zhi turned and left.

Aphra didn't dare to stay. She didn't know how to end it now. It was Xiao Zhi who left. Otherwise, as an imperial concubine, if she really apologized to Xiao Zhi, she really couldn't afford to lose face.

As a noble concubine, he knows that Xiaozhi's identity is by no means as simple as everyone thinks. People think that the earl is also conferred by the emperor, but if the earl is strong to a certain extent, he has the ability to challenge the emperor.

The emperor is still in a state of drowsiness. He doesn't know that this earl is so powerful that he can start a war with the empire, but as the prince's sister, she knows, even the ministers know that Earl Xiaozhi is so powerful that it makes people jealous.

Without any disturbances along the way, Ash and Ina returned to the earl's mansion safely.

Xiaozhi was still very happy when he returned to the Taoist home. Seeing that nothing had changed in the palace in the imperial capital, the housekeeper was overjoyed when he saw Xiaozhi returning.

But there is indeed one person here who is unhappy, and it is Ina.

Elf Princess Ina, at this moment is homesick.

At the dinner table, Ina's appetite is not so good, and it often takes a long time to move a chopstick, and Xiaozhi looks distressed.

I don't know when, he began to feel sorry for this little girl.

This elf princess is sometimes willful, and she is also a little clever. At this moment, she is homesick after all.

"Or I'll take you home tomorrow, the emperor has your elves' teleportation array, if you're okay, we'll go there tomorrow morning." Xiao Zhi said softly.

When Yina heard the words, she turned her head sideways, her heart was overjoyed, but she was a little disappointed, and said involuntarily, "You just don't want to see me so much."

When Xiao Zhi heard it, her head was a little big, how could this woman really change her mind so fast.

It's not that I was homesick, I sent her home myself, and I blamed myself.

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing Ash's speechless expression, Ina "Pfft." All of a sudden she laughed.

"I'm joking, why are you so rude."

"Okay, I'm doing it for you, but you're making fun of me." Xiao Zhi suddenly rushed up.

Ina dodged sideways.

Then quickly ran away, leaving behind a sentence "I rested." and left directly.

Xiao Zhi did nothing and watched Yina leave.

After watching for a while, he said lightly, "What happened to the empire recently." Xiao Zhi's words seemed to speak to the air.

But soon, a figure flashed in front of Xiao Zhi.

"Sir, there have been quite a few things going on in the empire recently." He was dressed in black, raised his head, and even his face was black.

There is not a part of the whole body that is not black, as if it is a dark shadow walking in the world.

"Pick up the important ones." Xiaozhi frowned, as if thinking about the person who was talking in front of him.

"The various ministers of the empire began to form parties and private parties, and they began to collude with various counts, that is, they themselves began to secretly train private soldiers."

"Someone came to our mansion and wanted to join forces with you, Lord." Shadow said one by one.

The Shenwu Empire is now rotten, and the reigning emperor is blinded by his ministers. The emperor still thinks that his country is still peaceful and prosperous, but he does not know that his decrees are not the imperial capital, and everyone loves and ignores him.

"Okay, you go down." Xiaozhi nodded, letting the shadow disappear.

These shadows are Xiaozhi's private guards, who are responsible for assassination and gathering intelligence. They are outside the private soldiers registered in the empire, and they are independently trained by him.

Before being conferred the earl, Xiao Zhi started the layout. He originally wanted to be a happy earl, but with the development of the situation, he had to go a step further. The current empire could not be preserved, so he would build a new one.

Ash does not lack such courage.

"Looks like I'm going to stay in the capital for a while, but who is the person following behind?" Xiao Zhi wondered. *

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