The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3231: The Minister of Justice


An outbreak.

Xiaozhi overturned all Seriulian dogs, and at this moment, Sayu also received the wounded Iyasi from the castle.

Who knows, Iye Yasi was even more excited when seeing the two of Xiaozhi:

"Brother Xiaozhi, leave me alone, go home! Southern General Lewan is in danger!"

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, both Xiaozhi and Sayou were blindfolded.

"Is such that……"

Next, Iyyasi talked about the process of why he was arrested. It turned out that after he joined the night raid, with a large group of people, I heard that the next minister was taken over by the corrupt official Ernesto, so he started the assassination. Plan.

Unexpectedly, the other party had been prepared long ago and directly ambushed everyone in one go.

In the end, only Iye Yasi was captured because she was the youngest and had the shortest joining time, and was kept as an confession.

Then, just during the period of time when Iyeas was imprisoned, he heard the conversation between Ernesto's men and learned that the other party would take measures against General Lewan, who had won a great victory in the South and had a great meritorious service.

Including, I had deliberately asked Yiyasi to send the letter to the Southern Army Corps before, but also to attract the two of Xiaozhi over.

Therefore, now, when I saw the two of Xiaozhi, Yiyasi quickly told each other.

"Okay, let's go back then."

Because Iyyasi was seriously injured and the other party said that he had organized arrangements, after Xiaozhi and Sayu placed him in a hidden countryside, they set off and returned to the south.

Xiaozhi and the others marched toward the south for half a month, only to see the wall captured by the Southern Army, and the defenders on the wall found them.

As they approached the wall, they opened the door and entered the city.

"My lord." The guarding soldiers saluted them respectfully.

Xiao Zhi nodded at them and Tema walked inward.

Under the guidance of the soldiers, Xiaozhi and Sayou came to Lewan's office.

Just walked in.

"You are back."

Pollard stood up on the side.

Laughed and said:

"The two of you don't know. Now that the alien race in the South has been defeated by us, we will definitely not dare to let Lei eat anymore in the next few years."

"Calm down, Boland."

Lewan touched his beard and said, looking very happy, turning his head to look at them.

"You two did a great deal before. I will report to your majesty the emperor the great contribution of your construction site and send it."

"In this way, Ernesto can't make a hand in hand."

Sure enough, when Xiaozhi and the others returned to the imperial capital, Ogilvy had successfully become ministers.

Since he came to power, corruption has been even more impossible to curb. Fortunately, the emperor has used the incorruptible to check and balance in the court, and after all, he has maintained apparent stability.

However, Ernesto's greed eventually reached the Southern Army.

When Xiaozhi took Sayou to the imperial capital, he thought that he had entrusted someone to call Lewan and ask him for a bribe. That was the only way to ensure that his position as a general of the Southern Army could be stabilized.

Levan was naturally very angry and refused in one fell swoop.

Onister was naturally annoyed, and Lewan reported to the emperor every time since.

The results achieved by the Southern Army have been evaluated by Ernesto, but they are icing on the cake.

It is better to focus more on the fighting northern and western warlords, etc., and reject it for similar reasons.

Lewan simply didn't report the exploits, but planned to accumulate the exploits to a certain level and then report them, so that this credit reached the point where Odu could not suppress it.

It is now at this time. Once the aliens in the South cannot bear the loss, they send envoys to the South to conduct peace talks.

Hope the war ends here.

However, Lewan went back hard, telling them that if they want to end the war, they must send envoys to the must-read.

Declare your failure and pray for the emperor's forgiveness.

Previously, the victory of the army led by Xiaozhi could greatly speed up this process.

At that time, even if Ornist was young, he would not be able to make the emperor ignore this credit and complete the first division.

Xiaozhi and Sayou will definitely be on the highest peak.

However, what Lewan waited for the next week was not the officials sent by the emperor to let him go to the imperial capital to accept the surrender ceremony of the southern aliens.

Instead, he came to investigate the inspector who arrested him.

Looking at the ombudsman who was smiling and not smiling, Lewan said in a dull voice, "What did you just say.

Say it again? "

"It's true that nobles have forgotten things. General Lewann wouldn't be because he is too old. Even his memory has a problem."

"The Minister Ernesto has obtained evidence of your collusion with the alien race in the South. Please come back to the imperial capital to assist in the investigation."

"Am I colluding with the alien race in the South?"

Levin laughed angrily at the words.

"How many of them did I kill? You said that I would have an affair with them."

"I didn't say it, but Ernesto said it, and he has the evidence. Come back to the imperial capital with us, if you are innocent.

We will naturally apologize for this reckless behavior. "

Lewan looked at the inspector opposite:

"Yes. I'll go with you."

"But give me one day to schedule tasks."

"This is natural, after all, the minister does not want to see the riots in the Southern Army.

Don't even want to meet with the Southern Army Corps in battle..."

The inspector said meaningfully.

He looked at the inspector's expression on his face.

Levin clenched his fists.

"Then I will go to bed first. Coming here is really out of strain." The inspector left with a smile.

In Levin's office.

Uncle Bolander stood up, his face full of anger raised his fist and slammed it on the table in front of him, causing it to make a hole.

"Is that fat pig eating crazy? He dared to frame the general."

"But framing is not a problem. The important thing is that the emperor sitting in the imperial capital has already ordered it."

Xiao Zhi looked towards Lewan, who was standing in front of the window with his back facing them and looking at the scenery outside the window and said.

"You must not go with them. If Ernesto is really a traitor as you said, then you will never come back."

"If I don't go, I won't even have a chance to prove my innocence."

Lewan turned to look at them and said.

"As long as I refuse to go to the Empire, Ernesto will have more good reasons to punish me."

"But at least when you were in the Southern Army, whether you were treason or not is up to you."

"As long as you are in the Southern Legion, Ernesto dare not act rashly. He has the guts to risk a legion's disintegration.

Convict you forcibly? And is the emperor really mindless? "

"I don't know." Lewann said with a bit of frustration. *

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