The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 3144: Lineup

Fortunately, he seems to be afraid that it hasn't arrived yet, and he can't smell such delicacies either.

They all cook these things in a small restaurant on the left and right of the snack bar in Weistian, and they are ready to eat as soon as they are ready, and the room is full of aromas.

Suddenly there was a loud noise on the surface, and they all walked out of this small restaurant. Just out of the small restaurant, they saw Xiangpian and Bardos landing down, and the noise came from a floating circular high platform. The upload is coming.

"You didn't stray, you really dared to come." Elephant fear sarcastically said as soon as he saw Birus.

"Although, I have to play with your tearful look, and then pack the Super Dragon Ball and take it home." Billus said ironically.

"Not so self-control, I will get the earth. Be prepared to lose as soon as possible." The elephant looked scared.

"Alright? I will lead you into the venue. I have prepared seats for you." Bardos said at this time.

"Isn't there a soft seat? This seat looks panicked, and I must be sad to sit up." Little Jack looked at the long bench below and had already imagined how sad and sad his **** was.

Bulma and Little Jack were in the same mind, and they said the same: "That's right! We are at ease watching here."

"Hmph! I didn't call you." Xiang was angry when he heard that they were unhappy with his furnishings.

"Bulma is right. It would be absolutely unimaginable for the guests to sit on such a shabby stool." Birus supported Bulma. After all, he was a member of the universe and Xiaozhi's wife.

"What?" The elephant was afraid of anger.

"Weis!" Birus didn't answer the fear of the end, but instead shouted Weiss and asked Weiss to change these stands.

"Yes." Weisi agreed, and raised his cane, "Oh, huh, huh~" Weisi yelled strangely and waved his cane at the same time.

After Weiss waved his cane, the three-way stand below slowly dissipated. After the original hard-seat stand dissipated, there appeared a variety of drifting seats in the original place, including a stand with sofas and soft cushions. The stands, in short, are particularly stable.

"Hey! Bardos! Why don't you make it so handsome without preparing." As if afraid, asked Bardos silently.

"To perceive that even the master can't know the artwork is blasphemous to the master." Bardos said with a smile.

Elephant Fear looked at Bardos in surprise.

It's just that although their voices are not loud, those present are all powerful people in their respective universes, although they can be heard.

"Worthy of my sister." Wei Si complimented.

"She's just a republic of your aesthetic level. She is really an amazing angel."

Birus seemed to eulogize Bardos, but in fact he was sarcasm like fear.

Although Xiang Fear can be heard, he is full of hatred, but he has nothing to say.

It's just that this state hasn't been maintained for long. The people in Universe Six have already been waiting in the examination room, the written examination room.

"It's time to leave for the written test." Bardos reminded everyone present.

"Almost forgot, hello! Xiaozhi, Monkey King, it's time for you guys to go for the written test, hurry up." Billus said while looking at Xiaozhi and the others.

"Let's go, maybe the masters of Universe Six thought we were timid." Xiaozhi said.

As they said, under the leadership of Bardos, they flew to the field of written examination.

"Don't be eliminated by the written test." Bulma's commanding voice came from behind.

Xiaozhi didn't turn his head when he heard it, but just compared his thumb behind him.

Soon, a few of them followed Bardos to the pen game venue.

As for the old world king gods that appeared in the original work, the east world king **** Xin and Jiebit didn't stop in front of them and talk to them, but watched from a distance with the world king **** of the sixth universe.

After Xiaozhi and Monkey King followed Bardos to the field, seeing the people who joined, except for Xiaozhi, the others were very surprised.

In addition to looking at Frost twice, Xiaozhi was sure that he had been resurrected a long time ago, but there was no surprise when he looked at others.

After seeing Xiaozhi, Frost wanted to make a fortune and revenge for losing Xiaozhi, but because of Bardos's presence, he didn't dare to start.

The first thing Monkey King grasped was the huge Wotai Magata, and Monkey King was shocked by his size.

"How to add this, it looks like a man-made machine, is this really a human?" He couldn't help but questioned in surprise, but no one revived him.

Xiaozhi just looked at it, but he was laughing inside, but he didn't say anything to them.

Piccolo on the side narrowed his eyes and saw a person who looked very similar to Frieza, it was Frost.

"Goku, look!" Piccolo showed that Monkey King looked at Frost's position.

"Ah! Isn't that Frieza? It seems that there are also universes over there!" A shocked voice came from Monkey King's mouth.

"Plus it looks like a bear." Monkey King said, looking at a person in Universe Six.

It's just that Beijita's focus is on Sid, and he feels the breath of the strong from Sid.

However, Sid didn't stabilize Beijita, and Sid's eyes were all on Xiaozhi.

"Hey! Xiaozhi, you are here on behalf of Universe Seven!" Sid's tone was a little surprised, but also a little unable. If Xiaozhi joined, after such a long time, his level must have become Stronger.

It's just that the feeling of being unable to be is just a moment, as a killer and martial artist, this feeling is not agreed by Sid.

"Ah! Yeah, I'm here to join the competition on behalf of Universe Seven." Xiao Zhi smiled back after hearing Sid's greeting.

At this moment, Gaya, who was sitting in a cross, couldn't help but walked up to Xiaozhi and a few others.

"Teacher, are you Saiyans?" Gaya asked.

"Yes, Kakarot and Beijita and I are all Saiyans." Xiaozhi pointed to Monkey King and Beijita and revived.

"How do you know?" Monkey King wondered how Gaya knew.

"So there are Saiyans over there," Beiji said calmly.

"Yes, I am a Saiyan." Gaya smiled and revived.

Beiji, who was so calm just now, was as shocked as Monkey King at this time.



Two doubts sounded, Monkey King looked at Gaya, and Beijita also looked at Gaya seriously, making his goose bumps rise. *

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