The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 789 Meet and Contest!

The purpose of Mu Chuan coming to China this time is not only for such a purpose, but his greater ambition is to become famous and make all martial arts masters admire him!

After all, this kind of mentality is common to every master of martial arts!

"Haha, that's good, Muchuan-kun, the room is ready for you, you can rest at any time, and strive to become famous all over the world tomorrow and win glory for the island country!" Hiroshima said with a smile.

"Well, I'm going to rest first, I won't eat dinner, don't call me, I need to adjust my internal strength, I don't like to be disturbed!" Mu Chuan said, then got up and left the room without looking back.

Just after Mu Chuan went out, Ichiro next to him leaned forward and said softly to Hiroshima, "Hiroshima-kun, this Mu Chuan-kun seems a little arrogant?"

"Hehe, this is the strength of the king. Can he become arrogant without any ability? This is his capital!" Hiroshima said with a smile.

"But he does the same to you, and I'm kind of..."

Before Ichiro finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ichiro without making a sound and without any warning!

Before Ichiro realized what was going on, his neck was grabbed by a hand, and he didn't have any chance to react!

"What do you have?" Mu Chuan stood in front of Ichiro and said in a cold tone.

Ichiro was pinched by the neck, he was a little out of breath, his face was flushed with horror, and his face was full of horror!

Mu Chuan had already gone out just now, and he had already appeared in front of him without any reaction?

Obviously, what he said just now has been heard by Mu Chuan!

But it wasn’t this that surprised Ichiro, it’s nothing more than abnormal hearing, this speed is so abnormal that it’s out of bounds, it can be said to be silent, and Ichiro didn’t react until he appeared in front of him!

"Mu Chuan-kun, don't get angry, Ichiro-kun has such a temper, he will say anything, but there is no malice or contempt towards you!" Hiroshima said to Mu Chuan.

Mu Chuan glanced at Ichiro, and then let go of his hand, "Remember, arrogance is the capital of a warrior. You can be arrogant if you have the strength, but you can only do this if you don't have the strength. This slap is a lesson for the disrespect you just said!"

After saying that, Mu Chuan slapped Ichiro's mouth!

And a trace of blood seeped from the corner of Ichiro's mouth in an instant!

However, Ichiro didn't say a word, he didn't have any temper at all, because he understood that maybe he didn't have a deep understanding of the terrifying strength of the person in front of him before, but through Mu Chuan's few strokes just now, Ichiro fully realized it!

I can't afford to provoke myself!

After Mu Chuan slapped Ichiro, he turned around and left here!

As for Ichiro, he could only take this slap unwillingly, without any complaints!


Early the next morning, Ye Long received a call from Murong Zhanhun. According to the agreement, today is the day of the competition!

For Murong Longcheng and Murong Zhanhun, this matter is a very important matter, and they are very concerned about it. After all, the number one bushido masters in the island country are all involved, so this matter is by no means as simple as imagined!

You must be serious, this is related to the face of the country, the honor and disgrace of the country!

At the same time, it is also related to Ye Long's comfort. Hiroshima proposed a competition, and the intentions are obvious, and everyone who is not a fool knows it!

But Ye Long looked indifferent, he didn't pay attention to the so-called Mu Chuan at all!

Murong Zhanhun notified Ye Long, asking him to find him first, and then go there together. Ye Long said there was no problem, then hung up the phone, had some breakfast, and then drove to Ninghai Navy District with Lin Xiaodong!

Lin Xiaodong was also very excited about this matter, after all, he had never experienced such a thing before!

Soon, Ye Long came to Ninghai District and met Murong War Soul and Murong Longcheng!

"Ye Long, are you confident in today's martial arts competition?" Murong Longcheng looked at Ye Long and asked.

"Hey, no problem, brother has never done anything he is not sure about!" Ye Long said with a grin.

It can be said that among them, Ye Long is the one with the most relaxed mood, Murong Zhanhun and Murong Longcheng, both of them are a little jealous!

Murong Longcheng nodded and patted Ye Long's shoulder, and said, "Okay, I believe in you, no matter what, you are good. I, Murong Longcheng, have never admired anyone in my life, but you are one of them." !"

"Uh... Hey, don't say that, we are really shy!" Ye Long said with a grin.

Ye Long's tongue-in-cheek words made both Murong Zhanhun and Murong Longcheng laugh, temporarily relieving the tense atmosphere!

After all, for Murong Longcheng and Murong Battle Soul, what Ye Long is dealing with this time is not an ordinary character, but the number one warrior in the island country, that is to say, the most powerful person in the island country!

If you win, it will be extremely glorious. If you lose, the result will be disastrous. After all, this contest seems to be a friendship contest, but everyone understands that this is a murderous contest!

It was almost time, and immediately, Ye Long, Lin Xiaodong, Murong Zhanhun and Murong Longcheng got into the car, and they drove to the martial arts venue next to the hotel!

This competition can be regarded as formal or informal, formally because there will be masters from all over the world at that time, and informally because there will be no awards, it is a battle of honor!

After all, experts from all over the country are watching here!

Of course, if Ye Long defeats Mu Chuan, he will be famous all over the world. After all, Mu Chuan is the number one expert in the island country. If Ye Long can dress him up, doesn't it mean that he is stronger than Mu Chuan, and he is even better!

Soon, the car stopped in front of the martial arts venue!

Ye Long and the others opened the door and got out of the car!

After getting off the car, Ye Long took out a cigarette and smoked it happily!

And now Ye Long's state is as if this martial arts competition has nothing to do with him, there is no such thing as the so-called nervousness of a martial arts competition with a master!

Of course, this also shows that Ye Long doesn't take Mu Chuan seriously at all!

Just as Ye Long and the others got out of the car, a Mercedes Benz stopped behind Ye Long's car!

Immediately, the door of the Mercedes-Benz opened, and several people from Hiroshima got out of the car!

Ye Long, on the other hand, didn't look at Hiroshima directly, but instead focused on an island man next to Hiroshima!

At the same time, the man from the island country also looked at Ye Long!

Of course, this man from the island country is Mu Chuan!

Ye Long locked onto today's opponent without even thinking about it, because Ye Long could easily feel the powerful aura emanating from Mu Chuan's body!

Of course, Mu Chuan also felt the same as Ye Long, so he directly targeted Ye Long for today!

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