The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 717: Everything Has a Price!

When Ye Long heard Xueshen's words, he couldn't help laughing. When he said this, didn't he think about what he said just now?

Could it be that what he just said was farting?

Just now, he pointed at Ye Long and said arrogantly that there are too many people on my side because he is self-willed. If you have the guts, you can look for it too. With that arrogant look, you can't wait for someone to throw a pile of shit in his face!

Now that Ye Long has found someone, he even said that Ye Long is not a hero because he fights more and less? It makes people laugh and piss, this blood stain talks like farting!

Ye Long sneered, and said, "Hey, it's fortunate that I was blindfolded, otherwise I would have vomited when I saw you peeing like that. Could it be that what you said before was farting? Just now, who bragged that you have sex? People are coming? Are you afraid now?"

The blood-stained face is indeed a bit unstoppable, the words before and after this have a feeling of slapping yourself in the face!

But two to three, they definitely can't fight, so the bloodstain can only continue like this, otherwise what can they do?

"Ye Long, let's have a fair duel and win!" Bloodstain pointed at Ye Long.

"Fair duel? Why? If you want a fair duel, you can fight a fair duel. If you don't want a fair duel, you don't want a fair duel. If you are a fool, I will fight more and less. What can you do? You are not a hero, you will die of anger You!" Ye Long jokingly said to Xueshen.

The bloodstains were also irritated by Ye Long's words. Ye Long said that there is really nothing to do with him. He just wants to fight more with less. What can you do?

Naturally, Ye Long wouldn't listen to the bloodstains and fart blindly, and he would be a little tender to play with words to stimulate himself, and Ye Long did this by hitting more and less, and he must be angry with the bloodstains and blood shadows!

"Hei Die, bloodthirsty, cover your eyes. To deal with them, it's better to cover your eyes!" Ye Long said to Hei Die and Bloodthirsty next to him.

Now Ye Long is also lazy in the ink, hurry up and subdue the bloodstains and blood shadows, and then slowly clean him up, the arrogant appearance of these two guys just now Ye Long is still echoing in his head, why don't we clean up the bloodstains and blood shadows today Blood shadow, let them fuck, then Ye Long will lose!

Arrogant to yourself?

Ye Longke has reminded, the latter may be very serious!

Soon, both Hei Die and Shen Shen blindfolded their eyes, and now the three of them are fighting against Bloodstain and Blood Shadow, which can be said to be a piece of cake!

"Ye Long, you, you are not a hero, you have lost your reputation of being addicted to God!" Xueshen pointed at Ye Long and continued to speak provocatively.

"What's wrong with your mother, do you need to do that to rubbish like you? Speaking of which, you are really a rookie, you can't beat it, but you still use words to stimulate? Fuck you, come on! "Ye Long talked nonsense with the blood marks and blood shadows lazily, and took the lead in rushing forward.

Before, Ye Long respected bloodstains and blood shadows as men in the underground world. After all, masters are worthy of respect, so even if they are enemies, Ye Long respects bloodstains and blood shadows very much!

But now seeing the faces of bloodstains and blood shadows, respect?


Ye Long really wanted to spit a mouthful of phlegm on the faces of the bloodstains and blood shadows, talking about respect, they are not worthy!

Immediately, Ye Long took the lead, followed by Hei Die and Li An, and charged towards the bloodstains and blood shadows as quickly as lightning!

At this time, Bloodstain and Blood Shadow didn't even make a move, and their hearts were already crushed. Now they don't want to fight at all. The three people who rushed up are all top masters in the underground world, so why are they in the mood to fight?


Bloodstain said a word, and then wanted to run out of the bar with Xueying. Now they can only run, otherwise they will die if they stay here!

"Want to run after pretending to be b? It's beautiful!" Ye Long sneered, and his figure flashed quickly, directly blocking the path of the bloodstains and shadows.

Bloodstain and Blood Shadow gritted their teeth, and immediately attacked Ye Long!

Naturally, Ye Long didn't hold it in his mouth, and charged forward with strides. At the same time, Hei Die and Bloodthirsty also followed suit!

Black Butterfly and Bloodthirsty are both top experts, and their sensory abilities are naturally super strong!

Immediately, a group of people fought together!

Although Bloodstain and Blood Shadow had already developed abnormal kung fu, under the joint attack of Ye Long and Hei Die, they were still overwhelmed very quickly!

Under the joint attack of Ye Long and Hei Die's bloodthirsty, Ye Long kicked towards the chest of the bloodstain and the blood shadow one after another!

Xueshen and Xueying groaned, and then flew up, and were directly crushed to the ground by Ye Long!

The bloodstains and shadows that fell to the ground fiercely, clutched their chests and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

Immediately, the bloodthirsty three of Ye Long and Hei Die landed on the ground and took away the clothes that were covering their eyes!

Seeing the bloodstains and shadows that were already powerless to resist, Ye Long smiled coldly, looked at the two of them and said, "Aren't you pretty awesome, let me show you one!"

Bloodstain and Blood Shadow just held their chests and stared at Ye Long fiercely, but didn't speak!

Because at this time, the blood marks and blood shadows really have nothing to say!

Ye Long looked at these two guys who had pretended to him infinitely before, and then stepped forward!

Before and after walking, there was a chill in Ye Long's eyes!

Play b to yourself?

To yourself?

Ye Long stepped forward and stepped on the blood-stained wrist!


There was a crushing bone breaking sound, and the blood-stained wrist bones were directly crushed by Ye Long with his feet, directly crushing them into pieces!


Bloodstain let out a hysterical howl of pain!

Immediately, Ye Long turned his eyes to Xue Ying, sneered, and said, "Don't worry, there's you!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Long raised his foot and stepped on Xueying's arm and wrist!

There was the same "click" sound again, and Xue Ying's arm and wrist were also broken by Ye Long!

At the same time, Blood Shadow let out a hysterical howl of pain!

At this moment, Bloodstain and Xueying were sweating profusely from the pain!

"Ye Long, if you kill us, don't insult us!" Bloodstain and Xueying stared at Ye Long fiercely.

"Kill you guys? Do you want to die like that? Hehe, it's not that easy, I just want to insult you first!" Ye Long said with a sneer to the blood marks and blood shadows.

These two guys pretended to be b with themselves, just want to die like this?

How can it be so easy!

"You two idiots who like to pretend to be b, I will clean it up today and let you know that there is a price to pay for pretending to be b!" Ye Long said with a grin, and then took out an extra dagger in his hand.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the blood marks and blood shadows. Now they are just meat on the board, and they are picked up by Ye Long casually, because now they have no power to resist in front of Ye Long!

Ye Long squatted down holding the dagger, and patted the bloodstained and blood shadow's face lightly with the dagger, letting them feel the coldness of the dagger!

And the bloodstains and blood shadows not only shivered, but also felt a little bad!

"You...what are you going to do?" Xueshen asked in horror as he looked at Ye Long.

"Why? Don't worry, you'll know soon!" Ye Long said with a grin.

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