The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 697 Old Love Meets

Hearing Ye Long's stern voice, Liu Yang's body not only trembled, but then turned to look at Ye Long!

Now Liu Yang is not only still muttering in his heart, but Ye Long won't go back on his word again, right?

Liu Yang has been worrying about this matter!

Ye Long looked at Liu Yang who turned around, and said with some displeasure, "Brother can't speak well, right? Brother told you to get out, not to let you out!"

"You..." Liu Yang was a little annoyed, did this make him get out?

What a face!

Of course, when Liu Yang thinks about himself, he really has lost face!

"Me? Why do you want to hit me? If you don't agree, just talk, I don't mind throwing you down here!" Ye Long said, looking at Liu Yang.

Liu Yang gritted his teeth. Being in a disadvantaged position has no dignity at all. Liu Yang also understands this truth very well!

Immediately, Liu Yang lay down on the ground, and then rolled out from the ground!

Just like that, Liu Yang got out of Sister Mei's office without the slightest temper!

After rolling all the way to the corridor outside the office, Liu Yang got up depressed!

The one thing Liu Yang wanted to do the most after getting up was to find Meng Shuya!

Because Liu Yang understands very well that this matter can only be settled if Meng Shuya is settled, otherwise, he will have no future!

As for whether Meng Shuya can be dealt with, Liu Yang is still a little confident, because he knows that Meng Shuya loves him very much. In the past, Meng Shuya could give everything for him, but now asking her to do such a favor, he is saying a few nice words , she should not refuse!

Thinking of this, Liu Yang breathed a sigh of relief!

Lin Zhiping is unreliable, and Lin Xi, the relationship between the two of them must have ended like this. Now Liu Yang can only rely on himself!

After leaving Longmei Bar, Liu Yang drove straight out of the bar parking lot!

What Liu Yang is looking for now is Meng Shuya. As for where Meng Shuya is, Liu Yang also knows, and Liu Yang has been paying attention to Meng Shuya's situation!

So Liu Yang drove directly to the bank where Meng Shuya was!

The car stopped, and Liu Yang sat on the car and smoked a cigarette!

Although Liu Yang was very confident, he was still a little apprehensive. After all, Liu Yang was the one who betrayed Meng Shuya back then, and now it is really shameless to beg Meng Shuya!

But shamelessness is no longer important, the contract is not important!

After thinking about it, Liu Yang felt that he couldn't reveal this matter first, otherwise, it would be very difficult to accomplish this matter. After all, he would abandon him when he had nothing to do, and beg him when he had something to do.

After a cigarette, Liu Yang opened the door and got out of the car!

After getting off the car, Liu Yang walked directly into the bank!

After entering the bank, Liu Yang asked about the location of Meng Shuya's office, and then walked towards Meng Shuya's office!

I have to say that Liu Yang's heart is still complicated and alternating. After all, it has been so many years, and he was the one who betrayed her at the beginning. When we meet today on the first day, it is impossible for Liu Yang to react in his heart!

When he came to the door of Meng Shuya's office, Liu Yang stood in front of the door and hesitated for a while, then knocked on the door!

"Come in!"

After Liu Yang knocked on the door, Meng Shuya's gentle voice came from the office!

Liu Yang hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, opened the door and walked in!

The moment Liu Yang entered the door, Meng Shuya also looked up!

When Meng Shuya saw Liu Yang, her beautiful eyes wrinkled together, showing a hint of surprise in her eyes, after all, Meng Shuya never thought that Liu Yang would appear here!

Liu Yang looked at Meng Shuya, smiled, and then walked in!

Meng Shuya is still frowning. It has been two years since they broke up, that is to say, Meng Shuya hasn't seen Liu Yang for two years!

Looking at it, Meng Shuya's tears rolled in her eye sockets, but she still held back her tears!

Seeing that Meng Shuya's eyes were moist, Liu Yang felt a little relieved. It seems that Meng Shuya still has feelings for him. Since Meng Shuya has feelings for him, if he asks her to help at the right time, what is the chance of success? Will be much higher!

"Why are you here?" Meng Shuya looked at Liu Yang and asked slowly, her tone seemed very peaceful, neither angry nor agitated.

Liu Yang looked at Meng Shuya, smiled gently, and said to Meng Shuya, "Shuya, you still haven't changed, you are still as beautiful as before!"

A woman likes to hear words that praise her, no matter it is true or not, as long as it is said by the person she loves, she will believe it!

And using sweet words is the best fusion agent to melt a woman's heart!

Now Liu Yang is using his feelings for Meng Shuya for so many years, Meng Shuya's deep love for him to bet that Meng Shuya will forgive himself!

Meng Shuya looked at Liu Yang, and when she heard Liu Yang's words, she smiled peacefully and said, "Thank you for the compliment, let's sit down and chat!"

Seeing that Meng Shuya wasn't angry, Liu Yang felt confident. As long as Meng Shuya didn't get angry, he would have hope!

Now for Liu Yang, it is to slowly bring up the events of the year, and then show his regret for the events of the year. The last blow is to ask to get back together with Meng Shuya. With Meng Shuya's love for him, Liu Yang has Be confident, as long as you show intentional remorse, Meng Shuya will definitely forgive herself!

And as long as Meng Shuya reunites with her, the contract matter is naturally not a matter!

So these have to be done step by step!

And Meng Shuya is the bank manager now, he and Lin Xi are impossible, Meng Shuya is naturally the best choice!

After Liu Yang sat down, he looked at Meng Shuya and said, "Shuya, how are you doing these years?"

Meng Shuya nodded and said, "Well, it's pretty good, do you have something to do?"

For Liu Yang's appearance, Meng Shuya was very surprised, if nothing happened, Liu Yang would never appear!

"Shu Ya... Liu Yang looked at Meng Shuya, called her affectionately, and then said, "Shu Ya, I was wrong about what happened back then. I regret it. Can you forgive me? "

As he said that, Liu Yang's eye circles turned red. Since he wanted to pretend, Liu Yang naturally had to pretend to be more affectionate. Women are soft-hearted. Seeing the man he loves like this, even if he is angry in his heart, he will not continue to give birth. !

Meng Shuya looked at Liu Yang, smiled, and said, "What happened back then is over. After all, everyone has their own choice, and there is no such thing as forgiveness or unforgiveness!"

"Shu Ya, let's get back together. It's been so many years. I always have you in my heart. I can't forget you. I can't forget the days with you. I can't forget that we cook together, live together, and watch movies together. All the things we did together with you!" Liu Yang said with a reminiscent look in his eyes.

Speaking of these, Meng Shuya's heart trembled slightly, it was only because of these memories that Meng Shuya was so sad!

But should she forgive this heartless man?

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