The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 694 Don't mess with you, who else!

Sister Mei looked at Lin Zhiping, smiled politely, and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry, the project of the old city renovation project you mentioned is not my responsibility, but Mr. Ye of our group. If you want to chat If you want to talk about this matter, you can talk to Mr. Ye!"

"Sister Mei, aren't you the legal person of Sister Mei? Don't you have the final say on the whole Longmei?" Lin Zhiping looked at Sister Mei and asked.

Sister Mei nodded, and said, "I am indeed the legal representative of Longmei Group, and it is true that I have the final say on the whole Longmei Group, but this does not mean that I can make whatever decisions I want!"

Sister Mei's words all showed Ye Long's status in Long Mei, and at the same time told Lin Zhiping and Liu Yang, if you want to get this matter done, please, please, don't despise Ye Long's status!

"Oh? That's it. I don't know sister Mei, where is Boss Ye? Can you let him come over?" Lin Zhiping said in a calm tone.

Now Lin Zhiping is also making compromises for the sake of Liu Yang's matter. Of course, this matter has something to do with him, otherwise, Lin Zhiping would not be like this. Calling Meijie obviously means lowering her status!

Of course, if he doesn't lower his status now, but shows a condescending look, then no one will pay attention to him!

Asking for help and pretending to be b, who would take care of this kind of goods?

Sister Mei looked at Lin Zhiping, and said immediately, "That's it, that's fine, then I'll call him, of course if he can come over, then I don't care!"

Immediately after Sister Mei finished speaking, she called Ye Long!

At this time, Ye Long is in the lounge of Longmei Bar, fighting the Landlord passionately with Lin Xiaodong and Da Zhuang!

After receiving Meijie's call and hearing what Meijie said, Ye Long not only grinned coldly, but unexpectedly came to the door in less than an hour!

But whether it is an hour or a minute, as long as the contract is signed and Liu Yang's name is on it, the contract will take effect and Liu Yang will be finished!

Unless he can complete the project on time, but this is impossible anyway!

This is the construction industry, not anything else, it can be done overnight!

Ye Long answered on the phone, saying that he would be there later!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Long took a look at the cards in his hand, it was a bad deal, he would definitely lose this hand, and then Ye Long directly threw the cards in his hand into the pile of cards!

Lin Xiaodong and Da Zhuang, who were sitting across from each other, were a little impatient when they saw Ye Long's action!

"Fuck...Brother, you are playing tricks!" Da Zhuang said while looking at Ye Long with his big eyes.

"Hey, I have important things to talk about now, so I have to withdraw first!" Ye Long said with a grin.

"Brother Long, don't bring anything like this, we're leaving after this game!" Lin Xiaodong also said.

"No, I'm in a hurry, I'm leaving first!" Ye Long got up, then picked up a large stack of banknotes he won, patted his buttocks, and left the lounge.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Xiaodong and Da Zhuang looked at each other face to face, a little dumbfounded!

"MD, Brother Long is cruel, I managed to get the big and small kings in this round, Wang Zang!" Lin Xiaodong said depressingly.

Da Zhuang also said depressedly, "I found a ten bomb, and a three bomb, a total of two bombs!"

"Brother Long is the landlord, the two of us are invincible together!"

"But he has already slapped his ass and left!"

"Fuck... I won't play cards with Brother Long anymore!"

At this time, Lin Xiaodong and Da Zhuang were very depressed. After losing so many rounds, they finally got a good card and were about to win. Ye Long actually wanted to go out to work!

"Resolutely don't play cards with Brother Long!"

At this time, Lin Xiaodong and Da Zhuang became more determined in their decision, they must lose every fight, they finally won, and they left!

And Ye Long, smoking a cigarette and pushing the door, came to Sister Mei's office!

After Ye Long entered the door, he grinned and walked in!

"Hey, Sister Mei, what are you looking for?" Ye Long said to Sister Mei, ignoring Liu Yang and Lin Zhiping next to her.

Sister Mei looked at Ye Long, then pointed to Lin Zhiping and said, "This is Mr. Lin from Dongfang Labor Service Company. He came to talk to you about something!"

Ye Long exhaled the smoke, then looked at Lin Zhiping, and asked, "Hey, Mr. Lin, what can you do with us?"

Lin Zhiping smiled at Ye Long to show his respect, then turned his head and said sharply to Liu Yang, "Manager Liu, come here!"

At this moment, Liu Yang who was standing beside him obediently walked to the front!

At this time, Liu Yang was like a child who made a mistake, obediently bowed his head and stood in front, not saying a word!

He even didn't dare to have any complaints about Ye Long posing with him!

Because Liu Yang is also very clear that if he complains now and vents his anger for a while, then there will be worse things waiting for him!

So Liu Yang can only be honest, endure the momentary anger, and strive to settle the matter of this contract!

"Kneel down!"

After Liu Yang walked to the front, Lin Zhiping scolded sharply.

Regarding Lin Zhiping's words, Liu Yang didn't dare not listen, and then knelt down in front of Ye Long!

Kneeling doesn't matter to him anymore, it doesn't have any dignity anyway, so it's nothing to kneel down!

"Hey, Mr. Lin, what does this mean? Why do you let Manager Liu kneel in front of me? Hurry up, get up, we can't bear it!" Although Ye Long said so, he sat firmly on the sofa, There was no intention of making Liu Yang get up.

Lin Zhiping looked at Ye Long, and said, "Mr. Ye, here, I would like to express my humility to you on Liu Yang's behalf. If I offended you in the past, I hope you will not be offended!"

"Apologize for him? Eh? What are you?" Ye Long looked at Lin Zhiping and said with a smile, but his tone was full of provocation.

Of course, Ye Long saw that Lin Zhiping's attitude was good, so he saved a little face for him, otherwise, Ye Long would directly add the word "something" at the end!

"What are you?"

Take a look at you, you are the boss of Dongfang Labor Service Company, if you don't open your eyes to look at you, that's nothing!

Lin Zhiping's face showed a little embarrassment about Ye Long's words, but this was within his expectation, and things were just as he had imagined. Sure enough, Long Mei wouldn't play with Liu Yang for no reason, and he really offended People of Dragon Charm!

Otherwise, Ye Long wouldn't have said that just now.

For Ye Long's words, Lin Zhiping still behaved modestly, because he knew that now he didn't have any strong capital!

"Mr. Ye, I am here this time to sign Manager Liu and Longmei to sign the old city renovation contract. Although Mr. Ye gave a high price, the construction period is too tight. Manager Liu has been engaged in real estate for a long time and has no such experience. I hope to save face and revise the construction period in the contract!" Lin Zhiping looked at Ye Long and said.

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