The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 692: After Sad Reminder, You Can Only Be a Dog!

Even though Liu Yang was beaten by Lin Zhiping, he still didn't find any problems with this contract, except that it is good, it is good, and there is no harm!

"Uncle, there's nothing wrong with this contract, right? And I've won a lot of benefits, it's clearly written in the contract!" Liu Yang looked at Lin Zhiping and asked suspiciously.

When Liu Yang asked this question, Lin Zhiping became furious, and it was not ordinary fury!

At such a time, it's no wonder that Lin Zhiping is not angry that this idiot Liu Yang hasn't found out about the contract issue!

Lin Zhiping regretted it very much. It was an extremely wrong question to ask Liu Yang to be the project manager!

Lin Zhiping pointed at Liu Yang, cursed, and said, "You trash, idiot, you only have interests in your eyes, have you not considered what is behind the interests? Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?"

Now Lin Zhiping not only wants to blow up Liu Yang, but also wants to beat him up!

What he did in these things was simply too stupid, and it made people hate iron for being weak!

"What's behind the benefits?" Liu Yang asked in confusion, because he didn't find out what was behind the benefits of the contract.

Now Liu Yang is like a monk of Zhang Er who can't figure it out, and Liu Yang is still thinking about whether this Lin Zhiping is brain-dead, and doesn't make any profit?

This contract is clearly only for making money, not for losing money at all?

"You trash, let me take a good look at the payment for the construction period. The first phase of the project is one month, the total project is half a year, can you complete the total project in half a year? You can complete the first phase of the project in one month? Is it a dream? Did it? Can't you even think of this for such a long-term project?" Lin Zhiping pointed to Liu Yang and said angrily.

Even if Lin Zhiping didn't calculate carefully, he knew that it was absolutely impossible to complete the project period, not to mention the quality assurance!

In fact, the construction period is still secondary, the main thing is liquidated damages, double liquidated damages, the total project, at least 400 million!

Liquidated damages is the key point. Everything, including raising the price very high, is a preparation for liquidated damages. They just give you a piece of meat and let you win a big set!

If you want to pay for this, you will lose several hundred million, which can directly bring down a company!

And Liu Yang, a waste, has not even seen what's going on until now, Lin Zhiping is so angry that he is dying!

This kind of thing, no matter who it is, will be angry!

Hearing Lin Zhiping's words, Liu Yang was taken aback for a moment. He did not look at these things carefully at the time, and Ye Long had reminded him that the project was tight, but Liu Yang thought that with such a high price, even if the project was tight, it would definitely not be worth it. what a problem!

Of course, he is full of confidence, and of course he thinks more about money, especially the 10 million project money, which is a great temptation!

But looking at it carefully now, the project period is indeed very tight, and it also requires quality, everything, and I have fallen into someone else's trap!

Looking at the contract, Liu Yang himself is stunned now. Even though he is stupid, he also understands that if he violates the contract, he will face such a huge compensation. This is no longer calculated in tens of thousands, but in billions. Let's do unit calculations!

"Uncle, I... I..." Liu Yang looked at Lin Zhiping, not knowing what to say. At this moment, he was a little silly, and he felt bad all over.

"You trash, a complete trash!" Lin Zhiping kicked Liu Yang and cursed at Liu Yang. Now Lin Zhiping has the urge to strangle Liu Yang to death.

Liu Yang was also extremely depressed. Now he also understands that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. He didn't expect that he would suffer such a big loss!

"Uncle, if we hurry up to catch up with the construction period, can we catch up?" Liu Yang looked at Lin Zhiping with a glimmer of hope and asked.

Liu Yang now understands very well that if he breaks the contract, the consequences are not something he can bear at all, even if he spends all his family property with him, he can't afford it!

Liu Yang was so greedy that he regretted this little bargain!

Lin Zhiping stared at Liu Yang, and said in a cold voice, "Since they want to mess with you, do you think they will give you a chance? You will not be able to keep up with this construction period no matter what. If you breach the contract, you are in breach of the contract. Why didn't you read the contract carefully before signing it?" ? After working for so long, don't you even know this?"

"Uncle, I... I didn't think much about it, I just thought that the benefits they gave me were very good, so I signed without hesitation!" Liu Yang said depressedly.

Lin Zhiping let out a long sigh of relief, he looked very helpless, and then he said, "Okay, from now on, you are no longer the manager of Dongfang Labor Service Company, and you have nothing to do with Lin Xi, you can do it yourself, it depends Bar!"

When Liu Yang heard Lin Zhiping's words, he panicked, what to do?

As a person without any background, what should he do?

His only backer is Lin Zhiping!

Immediately, Liu Yang hurriedly begged, "Uncle, don't, please, help me, definitely help me, I don't have so much money to pay liquidated damages!"

"Help you? It's just such a contract, how can I help you? You have no money, and I can't afford that much money. This is not a small sum, and it's not something you can get!" Lin Zhiping asked.

Lin Zhiping really couldn't help this contract. After all, the compensation was not a small amount, but hundreds of millions. If the liquidated damages were several hundred million, the Dongfang Labor Service Company might go bankrupt!

It is impossible for him, Lin Zhiping, to bankrupt his company because of a fool, and Liu Yang is completely doing it on his own!

Fortunately, Liu Yang didn't have the official seal of Dongfang Labor Service Company, otherwise, if he used the official seal to affix the contract, the whole company might be involved as well!

But now, he signed the contract himself, and the responsibility is his alone!

"Uncle, please, please help me!" Liu Yang knelt in front of Lin Zhiping and begged.

Liu Yang has no power and power, and the only one who can help him is Lin Zhiping!

So no matter what, Liu Yang also asked for Lin Zhiping's help, because Liu Yang knew very well that Lin Zhiping was the only one he could rely on at this time, and he couldn't solve this matter at all with his own ability!

Lin Zhiping put his hands behind his back, and directly ignored Liu Yang's kneeling plea!

It's not that Lin Zhiping is ruthless, but that Lin Zhiping really can't help this matter. This is not something that can be done with 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, but it will cost hundreds of millions!

And Liu Yang is not a child anymore, he should be responsible for what he did, signing the contract is not a joke, since he signed the contract for fun, then he will be responsible!

Liu Yang knelt in front of Lin Zhiping and saw that the pleading was fruitless, and then looked at Lin Xi!

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