The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 489 The Person Fang Qinghan Talked About

Leng Feifei did not move, but said, "Director Yang, I came to you this time for something!"

"Is there something? Director Leng, if you have anything to do, just say it, just say it!" Yang Fengzhi said with a smile, a typical hypocritical smiling tiger.

"I heard that you arrested a man named Ye Long. I want to see him, and I hope Director Yang will be accommodating!" Leng Feifei said directly without any other cover-ups. Now, cover-ups will have no effect at all. Both parties The true purpose is clear to everyone.

Yang Fengzhi still had a smile on his face and said to Leng Feifei, "Director Leng, I'm sorry. Ye Long is a major economic suspect, and the amount of money is not usually huge, so no one can visit until the matter is investigated clearly, so please You understand!"

"Bureau Yang, I am the director of the DC District Police Station. I should have this right. It won't have any influence, right?" Leng Feifei looked at Yang Fengzhi and said.

Yang Fengzhi nodded and said, "Under normal circumstances, if you are a people's policeman and go to see Ye Long, there is no problem, but as far as I know, you and Ye Long should still be friends. You also know , in major cases, avoiding suspicion is the most important thing, so Director Leng, you’d better avoid suspicion to avoid gossip from some garrulous people!"

Obviously, Yang Fengzhi was refusing to let Leng Feifei see Ye Long!

"Can't we even meet him once?" Leng Feifei continued to ask.

"Director Leng, it's not that I don't want you to see him, but you really want to avoid suspicion, so it won't be too late for you to see him after this matter is investigated clearly!" Yang Fengzhi looked at Leng Feifei and said.

Leng Feifei also understood that she might not be able to see Ye Long today. After all, this was the XC District Public Security Bureau, Yang Fengzhi's territory, and she was just the police station chief, so she had no qualifications to order Yang Fengzhi to do things!

"Okay, Director Yang, please go ahead!" Leng Feifei responded. When turning around, she glanced at Su Dahai, who also showed a sneer.

This damn sneer is full of provocation!

Leng Feifei ignored it, turned around and left the office!

The cold phone rang soon after leaving the office!

"Sister Qinghan, what's wrong?" Leng Feifei answered the phone and asked.

"Feifei, I called Ye Long but didn't get through. Did something happen to him?" Fang Qinghan asked anxiously on the phone.

Leng Feifei responded on the phone and said, "Well, he was arrested by the police and is under investigation for suspected economic crimes!"

"What? Arrested by the police?" Fang Qinghan was extremely anxious, and then said, "Where are you? I'll go find you!"

"No, I'm in the XC area. I'll come over to you later to discuss what to do!" Leng Feifei said.

"Okay, come here quickly!" Fang Qinghan responded.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Feifei drove directly to Fang Group!

After stopping the car, Leng Feifei went directly to Fang's Building to find Fang Qinghan!

Fang Qinghan saw Leng Feifei walking in and rushed forward anxiously. Now Fang Qinghan was also worried about Ye Long!

"Feifei, what's going on?" Fang Qinghan pulled Leng Feifei and asked.

"I just went to the XC District Public Security Bureau. Ye Long has been arrested, but I wanted to see him. Yang Fengzhi, the director of the **C District Police Station, refused, saying that he wanted to avoid suspicion. When I went, Su Dahai was also there. !" Leng Feifei briefly explained the situation to Fang Qinghan.

After hearing this, Fang Qinghan said, "It is indeed Su Dahai. It must be Su Dahai who designed to harm Ye Long. Feifei, is there anything you can do?"

Although Leng Feifei usually dislikes Ye Long, Leng Feifei is still very worried about Ye Long, otherwise she will rush there as soon as she learns that something happened to Ye Long!

Now that Ye Long has been arrested and taken to the police station, Leng Feifei is also very anxious, but now things are not as simple as she thought. Ye Long has been taken to the XC District Public Security Bureau. It can be said that it has nothing to do with her, and she can't help him even if he wants to. Come in, after all, the XC District Public Security Bureau is not under her management!

Leng Feifei shook her head and said, "I'm afraid there's some trouble now. I can't see Ye Long at all. I can't understand the situation at all. And Yang Fengzhi has obviously colluded with Su Dahai to deal with Ye Long!"

Fang Qinghan also frowned, with a worried look on his face. Fang Qinghan was usually known for his stability, and he had never been so unstable. But today, because of Ye Long's incident, Fang Qinghan was not calm anymore. His whole heart felt like Ants on a hot pot, worried to death!

"Feifei, I have also been in contact with Su Dahai and know something about Su Dahai. He will definitely not let Ye Long go in this matter. Now I can only rely on you to save Ye Long!" Fang Qinghan thought for a while and looked at Leng Feifei said.

Leng Feifei frowned, spread her hands helplessly, and said, "Sister Qinghan, I also want to save him, but I don't have any good way now. This case is not my responsibility at all, and I also talked to Ye I know Long, and they have every reason to reject me. I can’t even get in touch with Ye Long, so there’s no way I can save him!”

Fang Qinghan grabbed Leng Feifei's shoulders, and then said with firm eyes, "You have a way, you can make that person appear!"

After Leng Feifei heard this, her eyes became complicated and alternated. In her eyes, there was a trace of resentment, and this resentment seemed to be aimed at "that person" in Fang Qinghan's mouth!

"No, I won't go to him. I have severed ties with him. Even if I go to him, he won't help me!" Leng Feifei said firmly. From her tone, it could be seen that When Leng Feifei came out, she felt very resentful towards that person.

"It's been so many years, and you've grown up, don't you think you still hate him?" Fang Qinghan looked at Leng Feifei and asked.

"That's right, our relationship will never be eased for the rest of our lives, I hate him!" Leng Feifei said with some excitement.

"But Feifei, apart from his identity, who else has the ability to help Ye Long?" Fang Qinghan looked at Leng Feifei and said.

Leng Feifei shook her head and said, "Sister Qinghan, I will find a solution for Ye Long's matter, but I will never seek help. I told him two years ago that I would not beg him to do anything. There is no affection, no connection between us!"

"But he is your father after all, no matter what, you are relatives!" Fang Qinghan said.

"Sister Qinghan, stop talking, I won't go to him!" Leng Feifei refused.

Fang Qinghan looked at Leng Feifei, sighed, and seemed a little helpless, Fang Qinghan knew something about Leng Feifei and that person, if Leng Feifei was asked to find him, it was really impossible, because Fang Qinghan knew Leng Feifei too well , this girl is stubborn and ruthless!

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