The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 484: The Heart of a Career Overlord

Cyclops is still madly cursing Ye Long, scolding a little crazy, of course, most of these swear words come from the fear that Cyclops' tongue will be cut off, and then he will have to suffer for a long time!

"Be honest!" Da Zhuang kicked the one-eyed dragon, and then he was dragged down by someone.

After procrastinating, several security guards tidied up the scene, and the office returned to calm!

After Lin Xiaodong and the others retreated, only Ye Long and Sister Mei were left in the office!

Sister Mei also let out a long breath, turned around and sat on the sofa, and said, "It seems that they are really sent by the Yang family in the provincial capital, and they really want to let us go!"

Sister Mei had been on the roads of Ninghai City in the early years. Although she was not well-known, Sister Mei was very clear about some things on the roads. The Yang family in the provincial capital is naturally a powerful family, so it can be said that black and white can take all!

It is stronger than the combined strength of the four major families in Ninghai City!

Ye Long looked at Sister Mei who sat down with a long breath, grinned, and said, "It's okay, Sister Mei, no matter who it is, there is a brother in front to protect you from the wind and rain, and there will always be a powerful one in front of you." Husband supports you!"

"En?" Meijie heard Ye Long's words, the first half of the sentence was a bit heart-warming, but the latter half of the sentence, why did it sound so coquettish?

"Uh...hehe, future husband, future husband!" Ye Long quickly explained.

"Little villain, you don't know the strength of the Yang family in the provincial capital, do you?" Sister Mei looked at Ye Long and said.

Ye Long spread his hands, and said indifferently, "I don't know, but I don't need to know. I only know that whoever offends Sister Mei, who dares to harm Sister Mei, will kill whoever, it's as simple as that!"

Sister Mei was still inexplicably moved when she heard Ye Long's words, but it was a fact after all. The strength of the Yang family in the provincial capital was distributed all over the province, and no one could provoke the strength of a single branch in Ninghai City. Get rid of by Ye Long, but this is only a branch, the overall strength of the Yang family is still strong and ruthless, it can't be killed just by talking about it!

"Little villain, the strength of the Yang family is not as simple as you think. Let alone the fact that the Yang family has strong financial strength and controls most of the industries in the province. Even in terms of thugs, there are countless masters. Black and white take everything. It's not something we can deal with, after all your strength alone is limited, if he really wants to deal with us with all his heart, I'm afraid our Longmei Group will cease to exist!" Sister Mei explained carefully to Ye Long, her tone full of worry.

After all, Sister Mei has been from Ninghai City since she was a child, and Ye Long is an outsider who doesn't know much about the underground families in the whole province!

But Ye Long's eyes lit up when he heard Sister Mei's words, and said, "Hey, Sister Mei, you mean that the Yang family's family property is very large, very wide, and very rich?"

"Otherwise, you should know that the Yang family's property involves the entire province, and no one can compare to it!" Sister Mei nodded.

"Hey, that's great!" Ye Long said excitedly.

Seeing Ye Long's excited expression, Sister Mei's eyes were full of black lines. She was troubled by the fact that the Yang family's property was strong and powerful and difficult to deal with. This little villain is so good that he is still happy about it?

What's the idea?

Sister Mei can't figure out what the little villain Ye Long is thinking!

"Little villain, what are you happy about?" Sister Mei asked puzzledly at Ye Long.

"Doesn't this guy have a lot of family business, so I'll kill him and try to find a way to attribute those properties to the Longmei Group. Now the strength of our Longmei Group is very strong. Naturally, we need to expand and become stronger in the future. Then use this Yang family as a stepping stone!" Ye Long said with a grin.

When Sister Mei heard Ye Long's words, she was completely helpless by Ye Long!

I am still worried about how to deal with the Yang family's targeting, this little villain is good, not only does he not worry about how to deal with it, but also erodes the Yang family's property?

This made Sister Mei completely unable to guess how big Ye Long's heart is!

"Little rascal, are you dreaming? The Yang family has a strong property. Did you erode you if you wanted?" Sister Mei naturally didn't believe that Ye Long had this ability.

Business does not mean that you can do it if you are good at it, but it requires proficiency in many aspects, so Sister Mei still thinks that Ye Long's thinking is a bit too simple!

Now Sister Mei doesn’t just pray that the Yang family’s property can be eroded under the Longmei Group, but just prays that she can deal with the Yang family’s target. Sister Mei dare not even think about the grand ambitions that the little villain Ye Long said!

Of course, Sister Mei doesn't want to mean that Ye Long doesn't want to. The Yang family in the provincial capital is so frightened, how can it be done without asking him to pay a little price?

Moreover, Longmei Group needs to develop. Although the strength of Longmei Group is steadily increasing now, Ye Long is not a person who is content with the status quo. Than, invincible!

"Hey, Sister Mei, don't worry, just look good, one day, the property of the Yang family will follow Sister Mei's surname, I will never forgive a person who threatens Sister Mei, no matter how powerful the opponent is !" Ye Long looked at Sister Mei and said.

And the Yang family is already within Ye Long's range!

Sister Mei looked at Ye Long, although the little villain's words were a little unreliable, but it was warm in her heart, giving people a strong sense of security!

And for many years on the streets of Ninghai DC District, no matter who it is, Meijie has never given Meijie such a sense of security. Since Ye Long appeared, Meijie feels much more at ease and relaxed!

Ye Long chatted with Sister Mei for a few more words, and it was already twelve o'clock, and then Ye Long sent Sister Mei home, and Ye Long drove Sister Mei back home!


Tonight in Ninghai City, many unsettling things are destined to happen!

Song Family Villa!

In the living room, Song Minhao leaned on the sofa and smoked a cigar. Standing next to him was a man who looked like a cunning and cunning man. Of course, this man was a cunning mouse, a mouse!

No kung fu, no younger brother, just an extremely cunning mind with so many little thoughts, as quiet as a mouse!

"Mouse, there's no need to stand and talk, sit down!" Song Minhao looked at the mouse and waved.

The mouse grinned and sat next to Song Minhao!

Song Minho pulled out a big cigar from the table and threw it to the mouse!

"Thank you, Mr. Song. Thank you, Mr. Song!" Mouse said excitedly as he took the cigar thrown by Song Minhao.

"You're welcome to tell me. How is the monitoring going?" Song Minhao asked.

"I have been monitoring the police station until now. Since Su Dahai entered the police station, he has not come out until now, and Ye Long and Leng Feifei have both left the police station. Judging from the situation, Su Dahai has been locked up. Otherwise, until now Didn't come out!" Mouse reported to Song Minhao.

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