The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3791 show mercy

And because I lost my mind because of being too angry, I actually forgot about them, and a super powerful spiritual bullet came from the imperial palace, which finally led these six old guys out.

Chongde is very afraid of these six guys whose strength is unknown, so his purpose has changed from killing Ye Chen to leaving here safely.

His plan to harm the emperor's lineage has failed for the time being, but as long as he can save his life, there will be another chance in the future. Thinking of this, Chongde planned to run away.

But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly raised his finger and pointed at him:

"His Majesty the Emperor was killed by this guy!"


As soon as this statement came out, although it has not been confirmed, it still successfully drew the attention of the six people to Chongde.

"It's true, this guy has manipulated Emperor Xunren decades ago, seized his body, and pretended to be the emperor. In fact, his real identity is the shikigami of the Onmyoji Association, the Onmyoji Association Trying to control the emperor's line in vain, this is also an action approved by the military!"

Ye Chen continued to add fuel and vinegar and said:

"If you don't believe me, you can carefully recall what your Majesty the Emperor has done in the past few decades, and think about how the Haneda family of Amaterasu was destroyed back then, and you will understand."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the six priests all showed surprise on their faces, and during this period, dozens of people came one after another, and they were all a little shocked when they saw the head of the Tengu floating in the air in front of them.

"Priest, His Majesty's body was found in the damaged palace, but..."

At this time, a middle-aged man also wearing a long robe jumped out of the ruins behind Ye Chen with a panicked expression, holding a corpse in his hand. The priests looked at it, and the corpse was wearing the clothes of Emperor Xunren. At the same time, the head of the corpse has disappeared, leaving only the torso and limbs.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the six priests suddenly became extremely ugly, and they turned their heads suddenly, like a beast that chooses someone to devour.

"The Onmyoji Association is really daring. It dared to murder His Majesty the Emperor, and even tried to control the imperial family. At this time, it is a serious crime of rebellion. Today, I will take you down and take you to the Onmyoji Association to seek justice!"

The older priest roared angrily, his beard and hair moved without wind, and his evil spirit overflowed.

Although they usually don't care about world affairs, His Majesty the Emperor is not among them. Although they usually ignore the Emperor, the meaning of their existence is still to protect the blood of the royal family. Now that His Majesty the Emperor has died, A shikigami has been pretending to be the emperor for decades under their noses, and no one can bear it.


The remaining five priests also shouted in a low voice, and rushed towards Chongde, surrounded him in the middle, raised their dry palms and shouted at Chongde: "The spell— The Sky Crystal Realm!"

As the voice fell, pieces of crystal slowly formed from their hands, and then flew towards Chongde like lightning, covering it in the middle, and slowly condensed into a spherical space like a golf ball, covering Chongde's body. Trapped in it, Chongde also seemed to accept his fate, staying in it obediently, and did not resist.

After capturing Chongde, the head priest turned his attention back to Ye Chen.

"Even if what you said is true, who are you? What does the explosion tonight have to do with you? Why did you appear here?"

While talking, the six priests were not idle, and they slowly approached in the direction of Ye Chen.

"Hey, hey, aren't you? I helped you find out the fake emperor. Even if you don't thank me, you don't need to do this, do you?"

Seeing the six people slowly approaching him, Ye Chen also started to back away slowly. He didn't want to try any spells in the Sky Crystal Realm that could trap even Chongde.

"As long as you cooperate with us to complete the investigation and confirm your identity, we will consider letting you go."

The leading priest looked at Ye Chen indifferently, as if he regarded him as something in his pocket.

"Priest, this kid is from the Onmyoji Association, be careful!"

At this moment, Hattori Hirakawa's voice came from far away. Hearing the words, the faces of the priests turned cold, and they did not delay any longer. They planned to repeat the old trick and surround Ye Chen as well.

"I didn't expect my identity to be found out. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude. Come out, my shikigami!"

Ye Chen raised his hand, and dozens of sparrows appeared out of nowhere and flew towards the crowd. At the same time, his figure retreated and he glanced in the direction of Hattori Hirakawa. There was a hint of anger on his face, as if he was a little bit annoyed at being exposed.

"Rewind, this is a penis!"

People who can become priests naturally have extraordinary experience. When they saw these sparrows, they recognized their origins. Similarly, Ye Chen's move made them completely identify Ye Chen's identity.

The people present immediately backed away when they heard the words, and the priests also stopped, standing there and reciting scriptures. Although they were not monks, they also dabbled in Buddhism.

"The Inner Sparrow is the signboard of the Jiuxin family, you are indeed a member of the Onmyoji Association!"

At this time, Hattori Hirakawa also arrived, looking at Ye Chen unkindly:

"Even if what you just said is true, the purpose of your coming here tonight is definitely not pure. Maybe you just came to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor, but happened to break through this matter, am I right?"

"I said you bastard, I kindly saved your life before, it's fine if you are not grateful, but you actually repay your kindness with revenge, isn't it a bit too much for you?"

Ye Chen retreated to the ruins, and then stopped, looking at Hattori Hirakawa with a look of shame and anger, seemingly angry, but happy in his heart.

With the confession of Hattori Hirakawa and the proof of Nuriuai, the fact that he is an Onmyoji is already a certainty. What he has to do now is to escape from here and successfully meet with Yamada Hidesuke and the others. It is the grievances between the Onmyoji Association and Shintoism.

"One yard counts for one yard. I naturally remember that you showed mercy to me before. After the matter is over, I can intercede for you, but you and I are each master, so you'd better listen to me and surrender obediently, otherwise I will There’s no guarantee what’s going to happen.”

Hattori Hirakawa looked at Ye Chen calmly, not at all embarrassed by Ye Chen's words. The meaning of his existence is to revitalize the Iga clan. As for morality, it is not within his consideration, as long as it is a threat to the family. , he will not show mercy.

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