The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3781 underestimate you

"Oh, play and develop, you are indeed a native of R country, and you are quite skilled in this business."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully, not paying attention to Emperor Chongde's increasingly ugly face.

"You guy, I have tolerated you for a long time. I told you serious things, but you kept talking nonsense there. Since you don't want to hear it, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you. Today you saw through my identity, so I will leave you alone." No, it just so happens that the continuous effects of these puppets are coming soon, and I am worried about how to deal with the corpses, so you are doing me a favor."

As he said that, with the brilliance in Emperor Chongde's hand flashing, a cattail fan appeared in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Chen, full of murderous intent.

"Well, I've always thought of myself as a topic-stopper, and it's a good idea to just do it."

Ye Chen yawned a little sleepily, and rummaged through his pockets.

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, Emperor Chongde couldn't help but take a few steps back. The kappa was captured by a trick before, and he didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. Although the possibility of using that kind of thing to subdue him is extremely small, he Still unwilling to risk his life to try.

But Emperor Chongde was relieved soon, because Ye Chen rummaged for a long time, but only found a dozen coins, and did not take out the black ball like before.

"Why, take out so many coins, are you trying to bribe me with money?"

Seeing Ye Chen's weird behavior, Emperor Chongde also mocked for some reason.

"No, this one is for killing you!"

As Ye Chen said, he threw out more than a dozen coins in his hand at the same time, and the coins made sharp piercing sounds in the air, which made Emperor Chongde's expression change. A barrier of airflow formed in front of him.

"Puff puff!!!"

The few coins that touched the air barrier first were blocked and flew out, but before Emperor Chongde could breathe a sigh of relief, the coins that followed went straight through the much weakened barrier, The big nose that hit his face directly.

Emperor Chongtoku had no choice but to raise the cattail fan in his hand to block in front of him, and the result was obvious. Although the cattail fan was a magic weapon, Emperor Chongtoku didn't have time to activate it in a hurry. After Ye Chen's attack, there were several cracks on the cattail fan.


Seeing that his treasure was damaged, Emperor Chongde was furious:

"Boy, I originally wanted you to go on the road happily, but you just don't know how to praise, and even broke my baby. Today I will let you die in extreme pain!"

"Oh, scare me, you think I'm a big scare, what skills do you have, you just use it, I will take it!"

Ye Chen sneered, looking domineering.

"good good good good!"

Emperor Chongde was already extremely angry, and even said a few "good" words, and then the cattail leaf fan in his hand burst and scattered, and along with it, Emperor Chongde's suit was also exploded.

"Damn, are you a big man still playing clothes?"

Ye Chen was taken aback, the opponent's move really made him a little bit astonished, and couldn't help complaining.

Faced with Ye Chen's complaints, Emperor Chongde chose to ignore, a burst of black smoke enveloped his whole body, and when the smoke dissipated, he reappeared in front of Ye Chen in a kimono.

The one standing in front of Ye Chen at this moment can no longer be called Emperor Sutoku, it is more appropriate to be called Tengu.

Because at this moment, his handsome face has disappeared, replaced by thick eyebrows like fire, eyes as big as bells, and a reddish face with a ferocious face, and his nose was originally more than ten centimeters long , and now it has grown a lot, twice as long as before.

Seeing this nose, Ye Chen couldn't help thinking of a fish called tuna.

Emperor Sutoku. . . No, it might be more appropriate to call him Daitengu now. At this moment, he slowly raised his hands and touched his proboscis, which can only be used as a murder weapon, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I originally thought that there would be no need to restore my real body in a short period of time. I didn't expect that there would be an accident like yours that would allow me to kill you in this form. Boy, even if you die today, you can rest in peace."

"No, isn't your real body supposed to be just a head? This body isn't yours, is it?"

Ye Chen stared at the big tengu with a pair of dead fish eyes and said.


Seeing that Ye Chen still looked lazy at this time, as if he didn't take himself seriously at all, the big tengu was furious:

"You glib little slicker, I'll kill you right now!"

After all, his figure pierced through the air, brought up a strong wind, and appeared in front of Ye Chen in the blink of an eye. He raised his right fist and slammed it hard at Ye Chen's head. The speed was so fast that even the surrounding air They all cracked.

The oncoming high pressure caused Ye Chen to frown. He could feel that the punch was not as simple as he imagined. The fist was covered with a layer of dangerous atmosphere, which made Ye Chen's original plan to force his thoughts disappear. With lightness kung fu, he widened the distance from the opponent.

The punch missed, but Ootengu was not surprised. It would be strange for a guy who dared to come here alone, if he was punched to death by himself.

"The speed is good, and it was able to avoid my fist."

Big Tengu glanced at Ye Chen coldly:

"But that's all. I can feel that your strength is just enough to reach the peak of Qi refining, and I, based on the rating of you Huaxia people for the monster race, is already in the realm of refining gods. How far away is that?" The demon king is only separated by a thin line, he was just playing with you just now, and if he really wants to kill you, it's just a matter of pointing."

Ye Chen saw that the big tengu didn't speak, but the dignified look on his face had revealed his inner thoughts. Then he threw out several coins from his right hand again, and flew towards the big tengu with the sound of breaking wind.


The big tengu rolled its head slightly, followed by a soft drink, and a sound wave that was faintly visible to the naked eye burst out, knocking out all the coins, and then swept towards Ye Chen unabated!

"Fire Spirit Shield!"

Ye Chen's pupils shrank, and a human-shaped flame appeared in front of him. At the same time, the sound wave also came from him and hit the Fire Spirit Shield. After a moment of stalemate, the Fire Spirit Shield burst and turned into a The fire and rain scattered, and the sound wave was also canceled out.

Ye Chen's face turned pale. Although the Fire Spirit Shield offset most of the howls, he was still attacked by the aftermath and suffered some injuries.

"Hehe, you are overthinking yourself. Now you are no longer qualified to fight with me. You must be able to feel the blow just now. It's a pity, even if you regret it now, it's too late."

The Big Tengu didn't chase after him any more, but stood where he was, looking at Ye Chen playfully.

"I didn't expect you to suppress your strength all the time."

Ye Chen calmed down the turbulent blood, and looked at the big dog with serious eyes:

"It seems that I really underestimated you."

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