The onmyoji whose shikigami had been destroyed turned blue, stared at Xiaoqing, looked like a ghost in hell, let out a stern roar, sacrificed his remaining shikigami, and moved towards Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing rushed over!

For such a desperate move, no one on the Onmyoji side spoke out to persuade him, let alone stepped forward to stop him, and just watched the scene in front of him coldly.

Many of them showed coldness on their faces. They all had old grievances with the owner of the giant terracotta warriors. Even if the other party didn't rush forward to fight desperately, they would take action when the battle here was over.

In their view, it would be cheaper for that guy to die in the hands of the enemy. If he falls into the hands of himself and others, he will definitely make the other party's life worse than death.

Nakajima Yukimura had noticed all this a long time ago, and he snorted coldly in his heart. This is also the reason why he desperately wanted to be in the position. If he continued to do nothing like this, sooner or later, he would be abandoned like this.

He can't let everything in front of him become his final fate, so he must climb up, climb desperately, and trample all those guys that he once needed to look up to under his feet!


A muffled sound interrupted Nakajima Yukimura's contemplation. When he raised his head, he saw that the owner of the Terracotta Warriors gradually fell to the ground, and a hole the size of a fist was opened in his chest. A burst of white smoke floated out of it, as if it had been shot by a laser weapon.

"Since you are determined to die, then this girl will fulfill you."

More than ten steps before the corpse, Xiaoqing still put her left hand behind her back as before, and stretched her right index finger forward, and said lightly towards the direction of the corpse.

Obviously, the onmyoji just now died at her hands.

Nakajima Yukimura couldn't help but feel tense. Although only a middle-ranking onmyoji died, he always felt an ominous premonition. The two women from the Qimen group in front of him seemed not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

You must know that the information I got before shows that the Shishen of the Onmyoji is very effective for the guys in the Qimen group. The two elders who were arrested, as well as the group of people who were hunted down by experts from various countries before, were eaten by the Onmyoji. Not a small loss.

But looking at it now, there seems to be something wrong with this information. Just now, the other party just moved his fingers neatly and killed a middle-ranked onmyoji. This kind of strength has far surpassed that of Nakajima Yukimura. expected.

"Damn...Although I guessed that it would not go well, after experiencing it myself, I still feel a little uncomfortable."

Nakajima Yukimura muttered in his mouth, but his hands kept moving, pointing in the direction of Xiaoqing and the two:

"You've seen it all. If you don't cheer up, you will really die."


The onmyojis around Yukimura Nakajima responded in unison. They naturally understood that the words just now were for them. They also understood that the opponent's strength this time might be beyond their imagination, and they wanted to take down the opponent. , You must have the awareness to face death.

All of a sudden, dozens of onmyojis made their moves together, and all kinds of strange shikigami appeared, like ghosts walking in the night, and they went straight to Xiaoqing. . . . . .

"Hey, hey, what the hell are you doing, brat, why have you been laughing since you came here? Isn't your face stiff?"

In the underground passage, Hideo Yamada's assistant was holding on to the handle of the knife, looking at Ye Chen with guarded eyes.

"I just thought of some interesting things. Don't worry, old guy. I'm not possessed, and I'm not fake. Also, the knife in your hand is the one that can't be pulled out. You don't need it." Test me."

Ye Chen glanced at Hidesuke Yamada and joked.

"You kid..."

Hearing this, Hidesuke Yamada breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he was too cautious, it was because Ye Chen had been away for a long time, and his expression was a little weird before, so he couldn't help but worry.

"Ye Chen, you seem to have a strong evil spirit, just now you..."

At this time, Hao Mingbai suddenly spoke.

"It's okay, I met some small characters nearby, and I took care of them."

"Qianqi...Although you are our leader, we will be angry if you say that."

A voice of some dissatisfaction sounded, and then four figures appeared at the entrance of the passage. Yamada Hidesuke and Hao Mingbai immediately became fully alert. It was not that they were too nervous, but that the looks of several of them really made them have to alert.

"Relax, they are our own."

Seeing this, Ye Chen hurriedly said, he was really afraid that Hao Mingbai would directly take out the talisman paper and send thunder to the bride, that would be really troublesome.

Facts proved that Ye Chen's idea was indeed right. Just as he finished speaking, a Thunder Talisman appeared in Hao Mingbai's hand, which was almost cast by him.

"Are they our own people? Ye Chen, are you kidding me?"

Hearing this, Hao Mingbai stopped his movements, but he did not take back the Thunder Talisman in his hand.

"It's a bit troublesome to explain. Generally speaking, they were recruited by me. Don't worry about them suddenly turning back. In this operation, you and them are responsible for helping me contain the secret sentries and blockers inside. "

Ye Chen patted Hao Mingbai on the shoulder:

"Remember, from now on, the two of you are onmyojis, and these are your shikigami. Once you find danger, don't fight recklessly. Take them back, and I have a way to get out myself."


Hao Mingbai looked at Ye Chen worriedly, this is the imperial residence after all, Hao Mingbai was really not at ease to let Ye Chen stay here alone.

"It's okay, just listen to me. When the time comes, you go to meet the rest of the people. I will rush over after the matter is over."

Ye Chen's tone was unquestionable, obviously, he had already made plans, Hao Mingbai could only nod his head when he saw this.

He knew that since Ye Chen made such a plan, there must be his reason.

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

Hao Mingbo said.

"It's okay, you know my strength, this place can't trap me."

Ye Chen smiled confidently, and the Ksitigarbha sword in his sleeves appeared in his hand. Ye Chen grabbed the hilt of the Ksitigarbha sword and looked back at the brides:

"I'll take a step first, you can go up later, and help me take care of my two friends."

"Don't worry, we won't let these two gentlemen have an accident, meow."

The cat patted Aobozu's chest again with its paw, echoing back and forth, and it seemed that the force was not light.

"You bastard, why don't you pat mine if you don't pat your own breasts!"

Master Qingfang said dissatisfied.

"Idiot, have you ever seen a cat that can pat its own chest?"

The cat turned back to look at Aofangzhu, his cat eyes were full of contempt.

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