Haneda Akemi doesn't ask, it doesn't mean that other people will do the same, especially the outspoken person like Yamada Hidesuke.

He stood up, walked around the table and came to Ye Chen's side, and put his arms around Ye Chen's neck:

"Young man, I knew you were not simple. You could even snatch Jiuxin's house bird. How did you do it?"

Seeing this, Akemi Haneda didn't stop her. After all, she was also very curious about what kind of miraculous methods this Chinese youth in front of her had.

If the other party is willing to share with them, then the people of the Onmyoji Association will have nothing to worry about. Without the advantage of Shikigami, those guys will be better than ordinary people, or even worse than ordinary people.

"Oh, this, it's not too difficult. You only need to meet two conditions to do it."

Ye Chen said disapprovingly.

"Which two conditions?"

Hidesuke Yamada's eyes showed a gleam. If he could meet the other party's conditions, maybe he could ask this little guy to teach him. Of course, he was ready to pay the price.

"This is the first."

Ye Chen pointed to himself:

"It is to be handsome, not to be earth-shatteringly handsome, as long as he is as handsome as me, introverted, handsome with depth, and secondly, to be as smart as me."


Hidesuke Yamada was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand Ye Chen's brain circuit at all. In other words, this guy was too shameless.

"Then what, handsome, let's not talk about it, you said you are as smart as you, how smart are you?"

Yamada Hidesuke asked patiently.

"You don't even know how smart I am, and you don't meet the qualifications at first sight, so don't ask, it's useless."

Ye Chen shrugged.

Akemi Haneda, who was sitting opposite Ye Chen, couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling, she could tell that Ye Chen didn't even think about telling them, what he just said was just to tease Hidesuke Yamada.

"You brat..."

Yamada Hidesuke naturally reacted, but he was not angry, so he also knew that he was too excited just now and asked something that shouldn't be asked, so he just shook his head with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask, but even if you can control the squirrel, you should also know that the Imperial Palace is full of experts, and I'm afraid you will be killed if you can't see where the emperor is. Bar?"

Yamada Hidesuke looked at Ye Chen:

"Even if you can sneak in secretly, you will definitely alarm other people in the process of killing the emperor, and you will still be unable to escape. Could it be that you plan to die with the emperor?"

"No, no, no, I don't have the consciousness of 'complete this task with the heart of death'. The prerequisite for me to do this is because I am sure that I can leave the scene safely."

Ye Chen touched his chin with his hands, and smiled confidently at Hidesuke Yamada.

"Looking at you, it seems that you have planned it long ago."

Yamada Hidesuke nodded, being so calm, he already believed that Ye Chen had indeed made a plan before he came.

"Okay, since that's the case, then it's settled!"

Yamada Hidesuke immediately made a decision. Although he regretted not being able to kill the enemy himself, he could still accept this small concession compared to letting both the Emperor and Onmyoji be destroyed together.

"Don't agree so quickly, Mr. Yamada, you still have to do the ideological work of Mr. Haneda Koichi, otherwise he may not agree to my plan."

Ye Chen yawned lazily, and at the same time stretched out his hand to touch his stomach, his eyes were a little staring because he was already hungry, and he didn't want to talk when he was hungry.

"No problem, as long as that guy is on me, I can definitely convince him."

Hidesuke Yamada assured, patted his chest.

"Well...well, it's up to you."

Ye Chen nodded feebly:

"By the way, I'll teach you two more tricks, you might be able to use them later."

As Ye Chen said a few words in Yamada Hidesuke's ear, after hearing Ye Chen's words, Yamada Hidesuke couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

"It's just, it's just..."

"It hurts, right?"

Ye Chen said a word.

"That's right, it's just piercing my heart, it's so appropriate hahaha~"

Hidesuke Yamada nodded, patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

Akemi Haneda on the opposite side looked a little puzzled, but she knew that Ye Chen definitely didn't say anything nice to Hidesuke Yamada just now.

"You've talked a lot here, what are you talking about?"

Hao Mingbo sat next to him and watched Ye Chen and the three of them chattering a lot, but he didn't understand a single word. Seeing Yamada Hidesuke and Ye Chen laughing at this moment, he couldn't help but wondered.

"It's okay, I just made some follow-up plans and said a few movie lines to Mr. Yamada in front of me by the way."

Ye Chen smiled lightly, but Hao Mingbai felt that the matter was not that simple, but he didn't ask carefully, he knew that Ye Chen would never do anything unprepared, and judging from Yamada Hidesuke's expression, Ye Chen's plan should be It has been recognized by the other party.

That being the case, he has nothing to worry about.

At this time, Yamada Hidesuke seemed to be in a good mood, and the cheek covered with scars looked a little funny because of the smile, not ferocious at all.

In fact, at this moment, Yamada Hidesuke couldn't wait to see Haneda Koichi, so that he could slam the words Ye Chen taught him in the other's face.

Thinking of Haneda Hikaru's expression after hearing those words, Yamada Hidesuke became even more excited.

. . . . . .

On the streets of Hengdao City, Li and Xiaoqing walked down the street wearing a set of men's down jackets. People have long hair and shawls, but it is not too surprising for men to have long hair in country R, ​​so the two did not attract much attention.

"I didn't expect that something that looks like dough can actually make such a realistic mask, which is comparable to my illusion technique. It's really amazing."

Xiao Qing looked at Li's fake face and smiled.

"This thing is the treasure of the second elder, and it was found from a cave left by an ancestor."

Li explained softly while looking around.

"Well, if you have a chance, let me take a look, maybe you can know the origin of this thing."

"Okay, when this matter is over, I'll ask the elder to lend you a look."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the previous Fengsu Street and stood at the intersection, but they did not go in.

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