The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3735 Interesting

At the beginning, the ZF in country R wiped out the Onmyoji because they needed it. It has been more than two hundred years, and what they need has already been held in their hands, and the Onmyoji organization is no longer an enemy. not a problem.

But obviously their cooperation this time should teach Shinto to the pit.

Sure enough, Haneda Akemi's next words verified Hao Mingbai's guess.

"This group of ungrateful bastards is simply a group of wolves who can never get enough to eat. After they joined the military, they actually joined forces to attack Shintoism. The reason is that Shintoism is a power under the Emperor. If we don’t have the strength, we attack our Shintoism, this scene is just like the Yin-Yang Dao that was suppressed back then.”

"The onmyoji who fought back in order to survive have now become lackeys of the military. It is ironic to impose that scene on those who helped them."

"Did the dragon-slaying boy finally become a dragon..."

Hao Mingbai murmured.

"I think those fellows of Onmyoji are not dragon slayers at all, they are just another evil dragon."

Haneda Akemi said coldly.

Hao Mingbai was noncommittal, but continued to ask:

"Then, even if the Onmyoji turned to the military, their strength should not have fully recovered. After all, they have been developing in secret for so many years, and they are not much stronger than you think. Besides, there is R. Where is the Emperor?"

"That's exactly what happened normally."

Haneda Akemi showed frustration on her face:

"At that time, those guys from Onmyoji and the military fought against the priests led by the strongest Amaterasu in Shintoism, that is, the Haneda family. The result is obvious, even with the support of the military, those onmyoji The guy is still no match for the Haneda family, and it was a disastrous defeat."

"But it's a pity that the patriarch who was the great priest at that time, that is, my grandfather, led the crowd to leave because of his kindness and did not kill the remaining forces of Onmyoji who were defeated at that time. This also made the Onmyoji organization revive."

"And the emperor was very angry because grandpa disobeyed their wishes. He took advantage of this to transfer all the priests from the Amaterasu lineage under grandpa, leaving only the lineage of our Haneda family and some friends of grandpa. Perhaps it is because they feel that the line of Onmyoji is no longer a good thing, so the emperor's people decided to abandon the Haneda family."

"All the birds hide their bows? Unload the mill and kill the donkey?"

Hao Mingbo said.

Haneda Akira rolled his eyes at him:

"You are the donkey, but the meaning is the same. In short, they told grandpa to let them escort a very important thing to Hamayoko. As long as they can return safely, they will consider not punishing the Haneda clan. Grandpa also I believed it without thinking too much, and rushed to Hamayoko with everyone."

"Let me guess, did something happen to you on this road? Was it attacked and killed by someone arranged by the Emperor?"

Hao Mingbo said.

"No, they won't use their own people to kill us. These guys are as despicable as those bastards in the military. They won't do this kind of trouble by themselves."

Haneda Akemi said coldly:

"Grandpa and the others were attacked by Onmyouji and the military on the way to Hamyoko. The opponent's manpower was more than ten times that of Grandpa's. Coupled with the suppression of various modern weapons, Grandpa and his party suffered heavy casualties. There were more than a dozen people and only five escaped in the end."

Hearing this, Hao Mingbai understood in his heart that this sneak attack was definitely not a coincidence. If there was no one from the Emperor who leaked the news, he would not believe it even if he was killed.

"Afterwards, Grandpa fled back to Hengdao with the only five people, all of whom were seriously injured, but even so, Grandpa was still loyal to the Emperor, regardless of the obstruction of the other five people, and planned to report the leak of this operation , worrying that the things to be escorted will be taken away by the military.”

When Haneda Akemi said this, she laughed at herself:

"In the end, what the six people waited for at the agreed shrine was not the guard sent by the emperor, but the Iga ninja under his command. A fire engulfed the shrine. I can't bear to take them away from the secret path, I'm afraid Grandpa and the others have already been buried in the sea of ​​fire."

Hao Mingbai didn't speak, he had already guessed that it would end like this, now it seems that Haneda Koichi and Haneda Akemi are so-called black households, they sacrificed their loyalty in exchange for ruthless cleaning, although here It was country R, ​​but it also made Hao Mingbai feel a little embarrassed.

"So your enemies are not only onmyojis, but also people from the emperor's lineage, right?"

Ye Chen's voice came over, waking up the two who were in deep thought. They both looked back, but saw Ye Chen leaning against the open door frame with his hands folded on his chest, as if he had been standing there for a long time. .

"Ye Chen, didn't you retreat, why did you come out so soon?"

Hao Mingbai asked in astonishment.

"It's true that I went to retreat, but the sound insulation in your room is not very good. I can hear the story clearly, so I might as well listen to you after you tell the story."

Ye Chen scratched his nose, smiled at Hao Mingbai, and then looked at Haneda Mingmei:

"You haven't told me yet, have you?"

"That's right, theoretically speaking, since the fire, our Haneda family and the emperor's line have been completely severed. But with the strength we have accumulated now, we have no chance of winning against one of them, let alone the two together. We've dealt with it, so on balance, Grandpa thinks it's better to deal with the more threatening Onmyoji first."

Haneda Akemi said.

"Let me think about the reason. It's because the Onmyoji organization is now dominant. Even if you pretend to be Onmyoji to deal with other forces, those forces are likely to be afraid to take action, so you chose to deal with Onmyoji. The master takes action and uses the lead to lead other forces to take action, right?"

Ye Chen looked at Akemi Haneda and said.

"That's right. At present, the Onmyoji Association is the biggest threat. At the beginning, I think you two should have guessed the real reason. Although my grandfather hated the emperor's lineage, he still didn't want to be with him in his heart." As our enemy, we chose the Onmyouji Association, which is the stronger and least sure of us."

Haneda Akemi sighed, with a look of helplessness on her face.

She obviously guessed Haneda Koichi's thoughts. Although she did not agree with her grandfather's actions, she did not object.

But Ye Chen didn't have that much estimate. He just leaned against the door frame and touched his chin as if thinking about something.

"Is that so? That would be interesting..."

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