The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3684 don't take each other seriously

Thinking about it, the new generation members of the Qimen group seem to be around 20 or 30 years old. The old Xing in front of him looks to be nearly 50 years old, and it is very likely that he is a member of the previous generation of Qimen group.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but respect Lao Xing even more.

"It turns out to be a senior. Don't take offense at how offensive you were just now."

Seeing Ye Chen's attitude suddenly become so respectful, Lao Xing thought he guessed it right, so he also laughed:

"Why are seniors not seniors? I'm just an old man who runs a shop."

Hearing this, Ye Chen thought it was Lao Xing who didn't want to reveal his identity, and nodded repeatedly:

"What the senior said is that the junior is being rude."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen looked around and saw no one around, so he continued:

"Senior, I don't know my friends, how are they doing now?"

"I'm not too sure about this. When I got the news, it was already the next day, and the shop had already run away."

Lao Xing drank the beer in his hand, and smiled again on his face. Obviously, Ye Chen's respectful attitude was very useful to him:

"But don't worry, we are all a family. I will definitely help you with this matter to the end. You will stay with me tonight. I will contact you later to help find them."

Hearing Lao Xing's words, Ye Chen thought that the family referred to by the other party was talking about his relationship with Li, and then he heard Lao Xing's contact person help, and his heart suddenly settled down.

It seems that this Qimen team still has a lot of backers in country R, ​​so I feel relieved, letting them find it is much better than me and Hao Mingbai aimlessly bumping into each other in Hengdao.

At that moment, Ye Chen grabbed Lao Xing's hand:

"Finally found an organization!"

Lao Xing swallowed his saliva, feeling goosebumps on his body, this young man had a steady look just now, how could he become this kind of virtue in a blink of an eye.

He has never been held by a big man like this in his life, and this feeling is really scary.

"Hehe, you're being polite, okay, eat first, I'll find someone to help."

Lao Xing withdrew his hand without a trace, smiled awkwardly, and then ran away without a trace.

"Ye Chen, do you really believe that what Lao Xing said is true?"

Hao Mingbai was a little worried:

"Looking at this posture, it's no small matter for your friends to cause trouble. If this old Xing is their companion, it's impossible for them not to inform him. I always feel that it's unreliable."

Ye Chen lit a cigarette and took a puff, then heaved a sigh of relief:

"I also understand what you said, but we can't contact my friend now, the huge Hengdao, it's tantamount to nonsense for the two of us to find them, and if we don't know the place well, it's easy to make trouble. Anyway, this old Xing can be regarded as a local snake, with his help, maybe there will be a turning point."

Hearing this, Hao Mingbai scratched his hair in distress, thought carefully, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up.

"By the way, the Thousand Miles Escaping Light Technique!"

"Then you are at the front this time..."

"forget it."

Hao Mingbai crossed his hands and made an "X" in front of him. He still remembered the tragic image of Ye Chen in the forest that day. With his physique, even a tree couldn't bear it, let alone this one made of reinforced concrete. tall buildings.

Ye Chen and the two of them ate and drank enough, greeted Lao Xing, and came to the bustling street again. Not long after, they took a taxi again and came to Kichocho Street.

The taxi gradually drifted away, and Ye Chen and the two also stepped into this street full of lights and feasting.

The arrival of the two did not attract the attention of other people. There was already a huge passenger flow here every night. The two of Ye Chen mixed in and had no sense of existence at all. Therefore, the two came to the depths of First Street smoothly. .

When they came here, there were almost no other people, and now Ye Chen and the two became much more conspicuous.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

An unfriendly voice came, and then in a dark alley, a dozen strangely dressed young men filed out of it with cigarettes in their mouths. The first was a man with long dyed blond hair and a white windbreaker. The man kept looking at Ye Chen and the two of them, obviously harboring malicious intentions.

"Come to this kind of place, of course, to play, otherwise, what do you think, come to blow the cold wind?"

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, showing no sign of fear, but his words aroused the anger of those gangsters.

They were ordered by the boss to come here to monitor the situation. Because this time the incident was not trivial, none of them dared to take it lightly. They stayed in this dilapidated alley for a full day and night, and were terribly frozen. Now The kid in front of him actually dared to mock them. How could they hold back their anger?

In their line of work, the most important thing is to be fearless and have no worries at all. Even if you are facing a member of parliament, as long as there is no one around you, I will dare to hack you to death.

This kind of guy is collectively called cannon fodder in the community. After finishing the work, he can give these stunned youths to the foolish people to take the initiative to fight crimes with a few casual promises. There is a place for you at the top of the society" and other nonsense, those high-level people probably don't know how many cannon fodder they have told.

The smarter ones will figure out the whole thing while they are in jail. After being released from prison, they will no longer have any contact with the society and live their lives as expected. Those who still hope that the society can fulfill their promises after being released from prison will Most of them have disappeared, and the reason for the disappearance is naturally understood by the senior leaders of the society.

Of course, these things are completely nonsense to the so-called elite young people in the society. Even if you tell them now, they will probably sneer at it.

Therefore, after hearing Ye Chen's taunt, the blood of these passionate young people immediately surged, and they held the steel knives in their hands and approached the two of them.

"You two brats are so arrogant. You dare to talk to us like this. Don't you want to live?"

Facing the other party's clamor, Hao Mingbai couldn't help but smile helplessly:

"Ye Chen, your ability to cause trouble is really top-notch."

"I can't help it. This is a passive skill, and I don't want it either."

Ye Chen yawned lazily.

"Come on, your skill is obviously an active skill. It's a passive skill that can make people hate you just by standing there without saying anything. Although I can't understand what you just said, you are definitely in taunting mode."

Hao Mingbai and Ye Chen sang together, seemingly not paying attention to the other guys at all.

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