The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3676 Look for it

Hao Mingbai shook his head subconsciously, saying that he didn't understand anything. In addition, he seemed to understand why Ye Chen didn't want to look at Jin Lynx's face. Now he felt that it was really unfair to make the expression like Xiaoyu just now. A feeling that made his heart palpitate.

If a man has such a face, then after going out, who do you want to sleep with?

Keke. . . . . . What are you thinking, I am a monk, how can I have such an idea.

"Then what, can't you show your true colors?"

Ye Chen tilted his head and asked.

"Currently, I don't have the ability."

There seemed to be some regret in Jin Lynx's tone, which also showed that this state was beyond her control.

"Then there's nothing we can do. Let's take this with us first."

In desperation, Ye Chen reached out and grabbed the bamboo hat beside him and handed it to Jin Lynx. Seeing this, Jin Lynx also smiled helplessly, took the bamboo hat, put it back on his head, and then gently placed his hand on Ye Chen's head. Chen's back.

"Your injury is serious, let me treat it for you."

As he spoke, the hand pressed by the golden lynx on Ye Chen's back began to emit a faint golden light. The light was soft and warm. Ye Chen felt as if he was on the beach, bathed in the sun, and the pain on his back gradually disappeared. Dissipates and is replaced by a pleasant refreshment.

Ye Chen felt comfortable here, but the golden lynx's face was a bit dignified. The severity of Ye Chen's injury was beyond her expectation.

The wound caused by the explosion of the demon pill was accompanied by a fierceness, which prevented him from repairing the wound for Ye Chen. His own healing technique could not work at all. As soon as he stopped, Ye Chen's pain would come back again.

"Ye Chen, the injury on your back is a little weird."

As Jin Lynx spoke, she told Ye Chen what she had discovered. Before Ye Chen could speak, Old Chen's voice sounded in his mind.

"This is the sword intention of Shushan. I think it should be in the self-destructing demon pill. You have condensed the original sword energy. Don't worry. Now you listen to me, circulate the original sword energy in your body for a while, and then control it. Touching the sword intent from the wound on your back, it can be assimilated and absorbed."

Listening to Chen Lao's words, Ye Chen grinned at the golden lynx.

"Don't worry, it's a trivial matter, it's up to me."

As he spoke, Ye Chen followed Mr. Chen's words and activated a little bit of the original sword energy. Ye Chen had used this thing once before and it was almost useless. As a result, he still had some psychological shadow about the original sword energy, so he was extra careful when operating it.

But fortunately, what Ye Chen was worried about did not happen. It may be because the original sword energy he activated was relatively small. This time he was able to control a trace of sword energy, which made Ye Chen feel at ease.

Manipulating this trace of original sword energy to his back, it was just as Mr. Chen said. After feeling the existence of the original sword energy, the sword intention entrenched on Ye Chen's back immediately rushed over, like a baby swallow returning to its nest. He jumped into his original sword energy and merged with it.

With the integration of that sword intent, Ye Chen could feel the original sword energy in his body seemed to grow a bit stronger.


Jin Linxing let out a light sigh. She found that Ye Chen's wound had begun to heal slowly, and the sword intent from before had disappeared. She couldn't help but glance at Ye Chen, who was able to deal with the sword intent so quickly. It seems that this guy is not as simple as he thought.

"Something's wrong."

Hao Mingbai didn't suffer any injuries. After getting up, he looked around and couldn't help saying:

"The poisonous lady hasn't moved at all until now, she seems a little abnormal, no matter how you look at her, she is the kind of guy who likes to take advantage of others' danger."

Hearing the words, Jin Lynx also thought of the problem of the poisonous lady, which is indeed not like the style of the poisonous lady.

"Whatever, anyway, the Valley of Ten Thousand Medicines is so big, and she can't escape, so sooner or later she will be found."

Although Ye Chen said he didn't care, the gnashing expression on his face betrayed him. It was obvious that he was in pain and was very worried about the poisonous lady's demon pill that exploded just now.

Seeing what Ye Chen said, Hao Mingbai also lay back on the ground again. Since Ye Chen wasn't nervous, it was useless for him to be anxious, so he simply took the opportunity to rest for a while.

At this moment, the golden lynx hand that was healing Ye Chen suddenly shook, and the golden light emitted suddenly disappeared. Because it was too sudden, a wound on Ye Chen's back suddenly tore, making Ye Chen frown. But he didn't blame the golden lynx.

"What happened?"

Ye Chen asked.

"Just now there was a wave from the gate of the demon world. A monster passed through the gate and destroyed the gate."

Speaking of this, Jin Lynx stopped, because she knew that even if she didn't say anything, Ye Chen must have guessed what was going on.

"The poisonous lady escaped?"

Sure enough, it was as expected by the golden lynx, except that it was not Ye Chen who spoke, but Hao Mingbai.

And Ye Chen's face showed a relieved expression.

Sure enough, leaving the Demon Realm Gate is the right choice.

This result is not a bad thing for Ye Chen. Otherwise, with the strength of the three of them, it would be almost impossible to deal with the poisonous lady in her prime state, unless Ye Chen risked his life again and used the secret method to improve the strength in the Exorcism and Demon Record. .

But the last time Ye Chen was able to survive, it was thanks to the sacrifice of Zen Master Fa Hai, this time, he may not have such luck.

But now the poisonous lady herself was so frightened that she passed through the gate of the demon world and left the human world, saving Ye Chen from going all out.

If the poisonous lady knew that Ye Chen was only a strong outsider from the beginning to the end, she wondered if she would crawl back desperately to settle accounts with herself.

Like Ye Chen, Jin Lynx also breathed a sigh of relief. She and Ye Chen thought the same thing. Being able to drive away the poisonous lady without any blood was the best way she could think of. Although this was somewhat different from what she had originally thought. But it's still acceptable.

Among the three people present, Hao Mingbai was probably the only one who was still a little depressed. In his eyes, Ye Chen's strength was extraordinary. It was easy to catch the poisonous lady, but he was teased by the other party and finally let her escape. It's really abominable.

Um. . . . . . As an orthodox Taoist, Hao Mingbai still has full hostility towards monsters, which is also inseparable from the education he received since childhood.

"Let's go and see, if the poisonous lady really escaped back to the demon world, then it's time for us to leave here."

After recovering from their injuries, the three of them got up and walked towards the deserted beach. As they expected, the gate to the demon world in mid-air had long since disappeared. It itself was made of demon power, leaving nothing behind. Wreckage, but the evil spirit around it is unusually strong.

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