The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3635 Shaolin Monk

Being stared at by so many people with unkind looks, even the thick-skinned man felt a little uncomfortable.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I steal your things? Why don't you spit on me with your blood? Look at the things on me, which ones are yours!"

The strong man said, enduring the pain, taking out the mobile phone wallet from his pocket, and turning the pocket outside. He did this not only for Ye Chen to see, but also for the onlookers present. Let everyone dispel their doubts about him.

He and his accomplices have always had a clear division of labor. He harasses the target, his accomplices take action, and finally divide the stolen goods. Therefore, he will not have any stolen goods on him at all. Even if he is caught, the other party will not be able to do anything to him.

I have nothing on me, what can you do to me?

The strong man looked at Ye Chen with an innocent face, but his heart was filled with joy, because he had noticed that the eyes of the people eating melons around him had shifted from him to Ye Chen.

Hum hum, boy, no matter how clever you are, what can you do to me? I don't believe you can conjure a flower out of me?

Faced with this situation, Ye Chen was not surprised at all, and still had a faint smile on his face. This smile gave the burly man a vague feeling of something bad.

"I think you missed one place to search."

As he spoke, Ye Chen stretched out his free left hand and reached into the burly man's clothes. Then, with the burly man's shocked expression, he took out a long black wallet!

"This is my friend's wallet. His name is Hao Mingbai. He is eating at the fried chicken stall not far behind you. There are thirty-three hundred-dollar bills, two ten-dollar bills, a total of three thousand three hundred and twenty yuan, and a safe symbol."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he opened the wallet and showed the contents in front of the man and the crowd. It was exactly what he said.

At this time, the eyes of the crowd fell on the strong man.

They saw with their own eyes that when Ye Chen put his hand into the other person's clothes, there was nothing there. The wallet must have been taken out from this strong man's body.

This, how is this possible?

The burly man looked in disbelief. He didn't understand how Ye Chen took out such a big wallet from his inner pocket.

Looking at the burly man's stupid expression, Ye Chen's face was calm. He was joking. With the token, he could take out things from anywhere he could reach. As long as he was willing, he could take out things from the other party's arms. It's no problem to take out Hao Mingbai's suitcase.

As for what the thin man stole from his pocket just now, they were just some snacks he bought before.

"Call the police. People like this usually have accomplices."

"Yes, young man, call the police."

Among the melon-eating crowds around, there were a few who were warm-hearted. They reminded Ye Chen in a low voice, for fear that Ye Chen would act on his own initiative and be hurt by the other party's people.

To these people, Ye Chen also responded with a kind smile. They kindly reminded him that even if Ye Chen didn't care about the threat of these thieves, he couldn't chill the hearts of good people.

When the burly man heard the word "call the police", he also woke up from the shock. He was a habitual offender, and the money in his wallet exceeded three thousand. Once he was caught, he would probably not be there for two years. I can't get out.

"Boy, I don't care what method you used to put this wallet on me, but I'm warning you, it's best not to cause trouble for me. Let me go. It will be good for both you and me."

The strong man stared at Ye Chen, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

Although Ye Chen squeezed his shoulder with a lot of force, and he must be a practitioner, the strong man was not worried at all.

It is said that no matter how skilled they are, they are still afraid of kitchen knives. They have always committed crimes in a gang, and they all have controlled knives hidden on their bodies. When they encounter trouble, they will quickly notify other accomplices and wait for their own people to come over to prevent this kid from being fatal. A few knives would be used to ensure that this kid would never bother him again.

But the burly man still didn't want it to get to that point. Once there was blood, they wouldn't be able to stay in this place. There was a lot of money in the conference here. If they left like this, he would really be unwilling to do so.

So he planned to threaten the kid in front of him, and if he knew his identity, he would let him go.

But what displeased the burly man was that the boy in front of him didn't seem to care about his threat at all, and the force he squeezed on his shoulders became a little stronger.

"You stole my wallet and dared to threaten me. Do you really think you are the king of heaven?"

"Boy, if you are looking for death, then you can't blame me!"

The strong man's eyes were fierce, and he winked at the person next to him. The person nodded silently, and then a dozen men who covered their faces with collars walked quickly towards Ye Chen with knives of different lengths. .

When the onlookers saw this scene, they were all frightened and backed away.

They like to watch the excitement, but they don't want to be the one being watched. The sword has no eyes, and this place is crowded. If those guys don't have the eyes to stab them, where can they reason with them?

As a result, in just a few seconds, a lot of space was cleared around Ye Chen. When people in the distance saw this, they thought it was some kind of performance and kept squeezing in.

The men holding knives were also a little worried, fearing that the delay would lead to JC. One of them immediately rushed to Ye Chen and stabbed him in the thigh!

The knife was not fatal, they were doing it for money, but if a lawsuit involving human life was involved, the nature would be different.

"Made, you don't know what is good and what is evil!"

While the man stabbed him, he muttered bitterly, as if everything was Ye Chen's fault.

The strong man held by Ye Chen was looking at Ye Chen with a sneer.

Boy, I asked you to pretend to be B, but now it’s too late to make you cry!

But soon, the burly man stopped laughing.

The bald young man who was holding him kicked him sideways, and his accomplice who rushed over immediately was hit. He flew backwards, knocking down several of his companions, and then rolled his eyes and passed out. .

Kicking a big living person away with one kick, are you kidding me? Is this filming?

The crowd around them exclaimed. After all, the person who was kicked away was a big living person. He weighed nearly a hundred or dozens of people. It would be considered good if a normal person could kick him away. Kicking him away was simply impossible. Except for TV series and movies. Who else can do that among the martial arts masters in the movie?

Compared to the crowd of onlookers, the burly man was less optimistic. He knew that his group might have encountered Lian Jiazi this time.

Mud, are you so unlucky that any bald guy you steal can become a practicing master?

"Shaolin monk!"

A young man onlookers looked at Ye Chen with surprise in his eyes.

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