The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3586 This can be found

"That's why everyone suspects that there is something in this mountain. Some people even say that there are mountain ghosts on Mount Sui, who will catch people nearby to the mountain to suck their blood dry."

"Drain the blood?"

Hao Mingbai frowned:

"Master, did you see it with your own eyes?"

If, as the driver said, all the dead tourists were sucked out of their blood, then there must be evil spirits on this mountain.

"Well, I didn't see it with my own eyes, but someone saw it. It was an old farmer who cut firewood in a nearby village. He was working in the fields that day and saw the police carrying several bodies down the mountain, so he went over to join in the fun. As a result, a policeman accidentally stepped on the ridge of the field and fell, exposing the body inside, which happened to be seen by the old farmer."

The driver smiled awkwardly and said:

"I heard that after the old farmer saw the corpse, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground. He didn't stand up for a long time. He kept muttering "There is a mountain ghost" and said that the corpse was mummified. It was obviously a ghost. After sucking blood, there were ghosts on the mountain, and then the news spread, and most of Yuhang knew about it."

"Then didn't the police investigate further? Such a weird case, they dare to be so perfunctory?"

Hao Mingbai said a little puzzled.

"Hey, that's what I said, but think about it, young man, those two mountains are so big, and they are continuous mountains, and there will be heavy fog from time to time. Once you get lost in the fog, you will be in trouble. Maybe you will fall into the nearby cliff, and in this environment, you have to face an unknown murderer, who is not afraid."

The driver sighed.

"And it's not like the police haven't investigated. They even sent people pretending to be tourists and searched for a long time on the mountain, but found nothing. There are rumors that they even invited some Taoist priests to do it, but no one knows whether it is true or not."

"Master driver, which village does the old man you mentioned who saw the corpse live in?"

Ye Chen, who had been silent in the back seat, suddenly asked.

"Young man, you are not a reporter, are you?"

The driver asked without looking back.

Ye Chen: "."

"Master driver, why do you think we are reporters?"

Hao Mingbai couldn't help but want to laugh, but he still held back.

"So you are really reporters, right?"

The driver laughed:

"When I look at you two, you are the kind of young people who have just graduated and are doing internships. With that impetus, you always want to make big news. In fact, although many people have died on the mountain in the past few years, there are always some Those who are brave enough to flock here, including young reporters like you."

"I have picked up so many people like this. The big and small bags behind you are all photographic equipment. If you believe me, just listen to me and go to the old farmer to interview him. That mountain is Don't do it, you are still young, if you want to get ahead, you have a chance, it's not worth it to risk your life for this kind of thing."

The driver persuaded him earnestly.

"Master, what you said is true. We have all remembered it. How about this, Master? You can take us to the uncle who saw the corpse. We can get some materials from him and interview the surrounding villagers and then go back. Do you think that's okay? ?”

Ye Chen laughed.

Through the rearview mirror, Ye Chen saw that the driver's eyes were full of relief.

"Okay, it's a good thing that you can listen to the persuasion, then I will drive you to that village now."

The master driver nodded in satisfaction. He suddenly felt that his job as a taxi driver had a new goal.

Seeing that Ye Chen was really going to the old farmer, Hao Mingbo couldn't help feeling a little anxious. Did Ye Chen really change his mind?

But before he could ask, Ye Chen shook his head at him, motioning him not to speak.

Seeing that Ye Chen seemed to have some plans, Hao Mingbai also resisted the desire to ask, and chatted with the driver master.

Ye Chen and the others did not expect that the village was so far away from the airport, and when they arrived at the village, it was already dark.

"You two, this is your destination. There is a hotel in the village. Although it is a little shabby, it is more affordable. You can stay here for one night and then go find the old farmer tomorrow."

The driver master said, and handed Ye Chen and the two a business card.

"This is my business card. It's not easy to get a taxi here. After you finish the interview, you can call me and I'll pick you up."

"Thank you, master."

Ye Chen took the business card and nodded to the driver.

After the driver left, Ye Chen took the big bag and small bag, and Hao Mingbai looked at the scattered lights in the distance.

They were still nearly two miles away from the village, but if they went further, there was only a narrow path, which was difficult for vehicles to pass, so the driver had no choice but to leave the two of them here.

It is said that the police car did not drive in at that time, and it was parked here so that the old farmer had a chance to see the body.

There are still snowflakes in the sky, looking around, it is pure white, which is quite desolate against the background of darkness.

"Brother Ye, aren't we going up the mountain? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

The two were walking on the narrow path, Hao Mingbo finally couldn't help asking.

"I haven't changed my mind. We still have to go up the mountain, but we can't rush up blindly. Now it seems that there is indeed something wrong with the seal. If we rush up the mountain, no one is sure what we will face. , it’s always good to investigate first.”

Ye Chen cleared his throat:

"And the driver master also said that the police carried the corpse down the mountain and was seen by the old farmer. This shows that our destination is not far from this village, and it is likely to be the only way, otherwise the police would not It will be so troublesome, and it will take two miles to carry it."

Hao Mingbai suddenly realized, and couldn't help but patted Ye Chen on the shoulder.

"Sure enough, you are indeed a Daoist brother. You have discovered something that a thoughtful person like me has never thought of. I admire you."

You are so thoughtful.

Ye Chen rolled his eyes helplessly and continued on his way.

In fact, there was another reason for Ye Chen to do this, and it was because of the extremely dangerous divination that Hao Mingbai made for him, which made him a little worried.

If it was before, Ye Chen might not care about it at all, and would even think that Hao Mingbai is a magic stick, but after experiencing a series of weird things, Ye Chen has a new understanding of today's world, and Hao Mingbai's divination Like, he hesitated a little.

He wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want to die so cheaply. Now that he is dead, what should we do about the disaster three years later?

Guan Gongming also said that although he is the Chosen One, he will die, just like playing a stand-alone game, the character you control is also the protagonist.

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