The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3475 I am right

"Tianwumen is really full of talents. With the strength of entering the fifth level of Taoism, it can resist the effect of medicine. Yes, Elder Xue, you can join my Tianji Pavilion with your ability. I guarantee that you will get better results than those in Tianwumen. How are you treated?"

Bai Xiaosheng really cherished his talents. As far as he knew, this Elder Xue had always been upright in his life, and he had never done anything harmful to nature. This kind of person is very rare in today's martial arts world. up.

Unexpectedly, Elder Xue smiled coldly:

"Bai Xiaosheng, you claim to be the master of the Tianji Pavilion, you know everything about the martial arts world, and you have seen all kinds of things in the world, so do you know what those guys around you did to me back then!"

Bai Xiaosheng frowned. As soon as Elder Xue said this, with his intelligence, he naturally knew that something must have happened. Combined with the information he had, he couldn't help but look back at one of the men in the windbreaker.

"Back then, you besieged Ying Wuqiu and others, and captured Xue Can's younger sister, Xue Jing?"

Xue Can is Elder Xue in front of me, and Xue Jing, of course, refers to Elder Xue's younger sister.

The fact that the Tianwu Sect master and his party were besieged back then caused an uproar in the martial arts world, but even the Tianji Pavilion at that time had no clue about this matter.

As we all know, although Ying Wuqiu and others repelled the opponent in that battle, Elder Xue Jing's whereabouts were unknown. This is also the deepest pain in Xue Can's heart. For the people they attacked, it was more likely that the windbreaker would attack them.

"Too many people died at our hands back then."

The man in the windbreaker had an indistinguishable voice, and it was the Charming Immortal who had talked with Lao Xu at He's house earlier.

Although it was just a short sentence, the blood in the hearts of the people present was a little cold. They could tell that what this person said was not a lie, and the extremely indifferent tone was that he truly regarded life as worthless, and was in harmony with him. The kind that has nothing to do with interests, just killing for the sake of killing.

"Evil cultivators, you are evil cultivators!"

I don't know who shouted a word, which aroused the fear in everyone's heart, evil cultivator, this is a name that everyone in the martial arts world has been reluctant to mention, every time it appears, it will cause a bloody storm in the martial arts world, just the previous struggle , the martial arts world will unite and wipe it out, but this time, I'm afraid it will be their turn to be wiped out.

Bai Xiaosheng frowned, but then stretched it out, and clasped his fist at Elder Xue:

"Elder Xue, I respect your character, but I really don't know what happened to your sister back then, but I can be sure that based on the traces of the scene at that time, Elder Xue Jing should not have died, as long as Elder Xue is willing If you join me in Tianji Pavilion, how about the disappearance of Elder Xue Jing on my shoulders?"

"Hehe, Bai Xiaosheng, good and evil have always been incompatible since ancient times. Now that you join the evil sect in Tianji Pavilion, you still think that this old man will join forces with you. It's just a daydream!"

Elder Xue laughed back in anger, and turned his gaze to Immortal Charm:

"You group of evil cultivators, for your own selfish desires, have harmed China for thousands of years, but it seems that you are resurgent, and you cannot be completely cut off. Now you are still trying to use this despicable method to control us, but the old man tells you, even if the old man dies today, it will not be destroyed. I will let you succeed!"

Mei Zhongxian didn't respond to Elder Xue's words, and still stood there quietly, as if Elder Xue wasn't talking to him.

Bai Xiaosheng sighed:

"Elder Xue, I am really optimistic about you, and I sincerely invite you to join my Tianji Pavilion. I have a lot to do, and it will have a profound impact on the martial arts world. I don't expect you to understand me now, and I don't expect to be there. All of you are willing to follow me wholeheartedly, I respect you, and I will give you a chance, you can choose to take this medicine, and watch how I can change this rotten martial world step by step."

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaosheng tightly clenched the hand holding the medicine:

"Or, you can choose not to eat, but die for the ridiculous Wujie in your heart!"

From Bai Xiaosheng's words, it can be seen that he really respects Elder Xue very much. Death is sometimes a kind of relief.

"Hehe, it seems that the old man has to thank you."

Elder Xue sneered, his body staggered a little, but he still stood there stubbornly:

"The old man also has a few words with you today. This Huaxia belongs to everyone, and the martial world is also the martial world of all martial arts practitioners. Your ambition to rule the martial world is just a mirror image. Without us, the martial world There is also the support of the younger generation, as long as they are there, the martial world is not something you bastards can touch!"

After finishing speaking, Elder Xue looked up to the sky and smiled:

"Everyone, is there anyone willing to go to the underworld with the old man?"

Elder Xue's generosity immediately aroused the blood of many people present. Many people wanted to get up like him, but they gave up after trying a lot.

Although he didn't get up, but in terms of momentum, he absolutely couldn't lose.

"Old man Meng Bo, I am willing to die with Elder Xue!"

"White Crane Gate Yunhua Mountain is willing to die!"

"Hao Qi Meng Hei Saburo is willing to die!"


The voices of more and more people sounded and began to infect more people. Of course, there were also people who did not speak, but this did not affect the enthusiasm of others.

They also understand that it is better to die than to be controlled by others to do something they don't want to do.

"kill him!"

Mei Zhongxian was wearing a mask, so she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but obviously the atmosphere created by Xue Can made her feel very uncomfortable.

Bai Xiaosheng didn't expect Xue Can to make other people die generously, which was obviously beyond his plan.

This time he finally used the Donghang Vision to deceive the leaders of the top forces in the martial arts world, just to rely on them to control his own forces. If these people die, then what he designed this time Plans have no meaning anymore.

We can't give him another chance to speak!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaosheng hooked his right hand and grabbed Elder Xue's throat!

"excuse me!"

Bai Xiaosheng used all his strength in this blow, just to make Xue Can die instantly without any pain.

Seeing Bai Xiaosheng's move, the sneer on Xue Can's face still did not disappear. He just kept looking at Bai Xiaosheng, which made Bai Xiaosheng feel a little panicked for no reason.

What are I so worried about? Everything I do is for the sake of the martial arts world. I never have any personal thoughts. Everything I do is for the martial arts world and the Dao!

That’s right, everything you did was right!

Bai Xiaosheng's thoughts changed sharply, and his hesitant movements suddenly became firm again.

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