The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3450 Just a guess

Lao Xu frowned and continued to read the content on the note:

"As mentioned above, the law enforcer is suspected of practicing evil arts. This is the most intolerable crime in the martial arts world. If it is true, then I am afraid that the Ge family's capture of this person is not only without fault, but also meritorious. But this is all That’s not the point, the point is what’s going on with this supervisor, the organization responsible for supervising law enforcement, how come I’ve never heard of it?”

Speaking of this, Lao Xu looked at Mei Zhongxian:

"The Charming Immortal, do you know what's going on here?"

"This is the main task of our trip, to investigate whether the monitor is true, and what kind of evil skills the captured law enforcement officers practiced."

The charming voice sounded indifferent.

When Lao Xu heard this, he nodded and thought deeply:

"Well, if we don't understand the supervisor, it will indeed be a big trouble. If it is true, then his appearance will probably be a major change for the martial arts world, and it will not be a good thing for us. By the way, you need to investigate Does that law enforcer want to "

"The sect master told me to see if he can use it for his own use."


Lao Xu nodded. People who practice evil skills are indeed too rare nowadays. There are a few of them, and they are all wiped out by the martial arts world as soon as there is any movement.

Now there is another person, and he is also a law enforcer in the martial arts world. Anyone who can serve as a law enforcer is a person with outstanding strength. If this matter is true and the other party's practice of evil skills is discovered, then he will definitely not be a law enforcer in the martial arts world. tolerated.

As long as he can be rescued at that time, it will not be difficult for him to join his forces.

Compared with this matter, the matter of the Ge family seems insignificant.

"Patriarch He, don't worry, since we have said we will help you, we will never break our promise."

Mr. Xu looked at He Xiangdong who was a little anxious beside him:

"It's just that you also know that the Ge family has been exposed to the eyes of the entire martial arts world. If we attack them now, we will probably be exposed to the eyes of the entire martial arts world. We are simply seeking death, so for a moment we will be exposed to the eyes of the entire martial arts world. Don't be impatient, it won't be too late to attack the Ge family after this matter subsides."

He Xiangdong knew that what Old Xu said was right, and he could also see that the forces that Old Xu belonged to might not be good, and presumably they were also so-called evil factions.

But this doesn't matter to He Xiangdong, as long as he can help himself, what does it matter if it is evil?

"The old man understands that if this is the case, then the old man will leave the matter to Mr. Xu and you all, please trouble Mr. Xu."

He Xiangdong held his fists and smiled.

"Thank you Patriarch He for understanding, don't worry, this matter is on me."

Seeing that He Xiangdong gave himself face in this way, Mr. Xu felt very comfortable, and immediately patted his chest to assure him.

"And one more thing."

Just as Mr. Xu was making a promise to He Xiangdong, Mei Zhongxian spoke again, and then handed Mr. Xu a bronzing invitation.

"What is this?"

Elder Xu opened the invitation in doubt, and then his face changed completely:

"Who told you to do this?"

"This is the order from the Second Sect Master."

"Second Sect Master?"

Xu Lao was startled, and then his face suddenly became fierce.

"Are you idiots? That guy has had a grudge with you for a long time. Don't you know? What happened this time is clearly to trick you. If you really do this, you will definitely die!"

"This is an order, we just need to obey, without thinking about life or death."

Mei Zhongxian's words revealed a sense of indifference towards life, not only towards other people, but also towards his own life.

Mr. Xu looked at the other party speechless, and they didn't even care about themselves. He, an old guy, was still worried.

"Well, since you are determined to do this, I won't advise you anymore. I will let the head of the He family arrange a place for you later. When the time comes for you to take action, don't notify me. I don't want to die."

Mei Zhongxian didn't care about Lao Xu's straightforward words, just nodded and went to rest led by Feng Xiao.

"Old Xu, what's going on?"

As soon as Mei Zhongxian and others left, He Xiangdong couldn't help asking:

"What do they want to do?"

It's not He Xiangdong's gossip, but the dialogue between the two sides is really weird, no matter how it sounds, it sounds like they are going to make a big move.

But listening to these words, it seems that Mr. Xu's power is not monolithic. Even the second-in-command in the door is stumbling upon his subordinates. This action of those people sounds like a death plan. This is not a good thing. Omen.

"Oh, don't mention it. It was the second sect leader who caused the trouble. This guy was just an ordinary deacon in the sect. During an operation, due to the negligence of the monsters, his entire team was wiped out, and only one of him escaped. "

"From then on, I don't know whether he was stimulated or got some adventure. In just a few years, he rose to prominence and jumped from an ordinary deacon to the second-in-command in the door. But despite this, he seemed unable to understand what happened back then. Forget, I have been looking for troubles for the monsters and monsters, the old man originally thought that he would take care of the overall situation, but now it seems that the old man is thinking too much."

Old Xu sighed helplessly.

He Xiangdong nodded when he heard this. Since it seemed that his guess was right, this demon was indeed going to be used as a weapon. But what he didn't expect was that these people knew that they were being plotted, but they didn't seem to care. , still want to jump into this fire pit, which is a bit puzzling.

"Patriarch He, you don't need to be confused. This demon is a force inherited from ancient times in our sect. All members obey the order of the sect master. As long as it is the order of the sect master, they will never hesitate or question, even Let them die."

Seemingly seeing He Xiangdong's question, Lao Xu explained:

"It's just that what I don't understand is how the sect master agreed to such an obvious frame-up plan. No, I need to find an opportunity to ask the sect master. This monster is the elite of the sect. Now the martial arts world is dominant. Go down, the gain outweighs the loss!"

Speaking of this, Lao Xu was about to leave to contact the sect master, but was stopped by He Xiangdong.

"Patriarch He, this is..."

"Old Xu, please be safe and don't be impatient. According to the old man, this matter may not be that simple. It is best for you not to contact the sect master right now."


Old Xu was puzzled.

"Old Xu, regardless of whether this matter is framed or not, at least your sect master should know about it, otherwise the current situation would not have happened. It may not be a good thing for you to ask your sect master about this now. "

"You mean, our sect master was..."

Old Xu Wenyan frowned involuntarily.

"The old man is just guessing. You haven't been back for more than a year. You don't know what happened to your sect master during this time."

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