The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3417 Do you still remember me?

Hua Chuyao sneered. Ge Changfei sighed, with water dripping from his face gloomily.

Ge Changfei was able to develop the Ge family to this day because of his extraordinary mind, and he naturally thought of the problems that Ye Chen could think of.

The Ge family's shipping can bring a lot of income to the Ge family every year, which is why after he passed out, the shipping run by his youngest son was the first to be occupied by the He family.

Ge Changfei always felt that this matter was closely related to profit. If Hua Pingchuan's death was just an accident, then it would be unreasonable for his family to suffer misfortunes one after another.

Originally Ge Changfei thought this incident was just an accident, but now it seems that there must be an unknown conspiracy involved!

A few minutes later, the door was opened again, and Ge Wenhui walked in with a haggard Ge Wenming.

Ye Chen was a little stunned when he saw Ge Wenming's appearance. His hair was messy, and his two dark bags under his eyes felt like they were about to fall to his chin. His eyes were also full of bloodshot eyes, like a patient suffering from insomnia.

Is this still the energetic Ge Wenming in suit and leather shoes that I saw a few days ago?

What the hell happened these days?

Ye Chen was full of doubts. When dealing with Ge Wenming that night, Ye Chen had already taken people back to rest, so he didn't know about Ge Wenming being locked up.

"Dad, are you looking for me?"

Ge Wenming walked up to his father and asked softly.

Ge Changfei didn't say anything. He suddenly stood up and kicked Ge Wenming on the lower abdomen. Fortunately, Ge Changfei had just woken up not long ago and his strength had not been restored. Otherwise, this kick would have directly kicked Ge Wenming to death.

But even so, Ge Wenming was also staggered by this kick, knocked his head on the stool, and immediately made a gash, from which blood gushed out.

"Dad, don't worry, give big brother a chance to explain!"

Ge Wenhui was taken aback when he saw this, and hastily stepped forward to hug Ge Changfei who was about to continue to fight.

The reason why Ge Changfei was so angry was because of the conspiracy behind this incident. For the sake of profit, thirty-one lives were lost. Regardless of whether Ge Wenming was not involved, he was definitely responsible for his negligence.

As the captain of the "Ping An", Hua Pingchuan not only received no compensation from the Ge family after his death, but was even almost wiped out. The Ge family did not notice it at all. How could this make Ge Changfei not angry?

"Explain, what is he explaining! Do you think this Nizi may not know such a big thing!"

Ge Changfei's voice was hoarse because of his anger. Ge Wenhui had never practiced martial arts and felt that he could no longer stop his father. In desperation, he winked at Ye Chen and Jiang Wuyou.

Seeing this, Ye Chen hurried forward:

"Mr. Ge, please calm down first. Even if you don't want to hear his explanation, you still have to let Miss Hua, the victim, listen. If the murderer is someone else, then we can get some clues."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Ge Changfei stopped the urge to kick Ge Wenming again, but his chest was still rising and falling, and it could be seen that he still did not calm down his anger.

Ge Wenming didn't complain when he was kicked, but simply knelt on the spot, and didn't even try to wipe off the blood that kept flowing from his forehead.

"Okay, for Mr. Shen's sake, this old man will give this naughty son a chance."

Panting, Ge Changfei pointed at Ge Wenming and said angrily.

Ge Wenhui probably told Ge Wenming what happened before he came, so Ge ​​Wenming did not show any surprised expression, but looked at Hua Chuyao:

"You said you were a family member of the victims on the "Safety" that year. May I ask who were you who died that year?"

"Oh, they are indeed father and son. They even asked the same question. Why, among those thirty-one victims back then, you didn't know who you compensated and who you didn't?"

Hua Chuyao stared at Ge Wenming, who was most likely the culprit who ruined her family back then:

"My father is Hua Hirakawa, the captain of the "Ping An"!"

"Hua Pingchuan, are you Hua Pingchuan's daughter?"

Hearing this name, Ge Wenming's dazed face finally showed a wave of fluctuation.

"Do you still remember?"

"Of course I remember Mr. Hua. He is the best naval engineer in Donghang. He was before and no one can surpass him now. If it hadn't been for that disaster, maybe he would have been the best naval engineer in the Ge family."

"The best naval engineer is no match for you businessmen who are blinded by money. Now you still want to tell me that what happened back then was an accident?"

"I know you lost your father, but that incident was really an accident. Pirates in Southeast Asia have always been rampant. Afterwards, I tried my best to compensate the families of the sailors who died. If you can compensate me, If you are dissatisfied, you can bring it up.”

Ge Wenming looked at Hua Chuyao and said.

"Have you compensated us? Your compensation is that after I lost my father, I lost my mother and brother one after another, right?"

When Hua Chuyao heard this, her expression became even more ugly, and she clenched her fists.

"What did you say?"

Unexpectedly, Ge Wenming showed a puzzled expression when he heard this.

Ye Chen on the side really didn't want to listen to this question-and-answer game anymore, so he simply told what Hua Chuyao had said before.

"What, I went to each of the thirty-one families in person to compensate them, no one was missing. I also went to Hua's family. Because Boss Hua was very kind to me at the time, I gave him an extra million. , a total of two million, I personally handed it over to your mother!"

Ge Wenming spoke loudly with an expression of impossibility after listening.

"Ge Wenming, you are still lying at this time. After my father's accident, my brother and I have been staying at home to take care of my mother. If you have been to my house, how could I not know!"

Hua Chuyao said angrily.

Ge Wenming looked stunned, and then he got up quickly and took a step towards the door, but stopped immediately, and turned to look at his father:

"Dad, can I get something if I want to?"

"Wen Hui, you take two worshippers and follow him!"

Ge Changfei said angrily.

Ge Wenhui nodded and helped Ge Wenming out of the room.

Ten minutes later, Ge Wenhui came back with Ge Wenming, holding a photo album in his hand. Ge Wenming put the photo album on the table and flipped through it, and finally stopped on a certain page, then picked up the photo album and faced everyone.

Everyone looked at them, they were photos one after another, in which a man who looked very similar to Ge Wenming, but was very young and energetic was bowing and apologizing to others. There was this young man in every photo, but the person he was bowing to was But it's different. Some are elderly people, and some are women with children.

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