The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3414 pure coincidence

What, do you want to add color?

Before Ye Chen and the others had any other thoughts, they rushed out quickly, and after a while, they happily ran in with a tin bucket half as tall as him:

"I found the paint~"

When Ye Chen and the others heard the words, they quietly lifted the stickers covering their eyes with their hands. When they saw the bucket that Gaifeng was carrying, they were all shocked. What kind of paint is this? Damn it is a bucket of paint. ah!

If this thing is splashed on the body, then the three of them will have to wash their skins and bald.

In the end, in order to preserve the handsome looks of the three of them, Ye Chen had to resort to the last big move-the two of them each gave two boxes of snake grass water.

This condition obviously made Haifeng Zhuying very satisfied, and he agreed without thinking about it.

And Ye Chen and the three of them regained their freedom because of this, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come play again when you have time~"

Ye Chen, who was out of the door, heard the sweet and greasy voice of Zhuying behind him, and his body shivered involuntarily. He remembered the panicked appearance of the heads of the families who had left the Ge family when they heard his words. At this moment My own self is not much better than those few Patriarchs.

These two little guys are indeed extraordinary, and I don't know if it's because they have good skills or good skills, but they actually came with four aces. How can people live like this?

Ye Chen complained in his heart, and came to the house where Jiang Wuyou and others lived and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and Ye Chen found that the mysterious woman Hua Chuyao who opened the door was the one who appeared before.

"Why are you here?"

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that this woman just walked with Jiang Wuyou and the others, so it's not surprising that she appeared here.

"You said you were going to take me to see Ge Changfei."

Hua Chuyao held a bag of dried mangoes in her hand and looked at Ye Chen while eating:

"The guy surnamed Jiang said that you are responsible for this matter, he listened to you, and if he wants to see Ge Changfei, he needs you to take him with him."

Ye Chen couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and then he chuckled, it seemed that Jiang Wuyou still didn't quite believe Hua Chuyao.

But it's no wonder Jiang Wuyou, as the gold medalist of the Ge family, Mr. Ge was poisoned under his nose for more than a year, but he didn't know it at all, which already made him feel ashamed.

Now Hua Chuyao suddenly popped up again, who was also an accomplice of those who poisoned Mr. Ge before, which had to make Jiang Wuyou more vigilant.

Thinking about it, if he didn't have himself, Jiang Wuyou would never agree to let Hua Chuyao enter the range of Ge's family.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen nodded:

"Don't worry, what I said definitely counts. Let's find Head Jiang first, and then I'll take you to Mr. Ge."

Hua Chuyao was noncommittal, and let Ye Chen into the room, and Ye Chen also took the opportunity to take a piece of mango from Hua Chuyao's bag, and walked towards the living room under Hua Chuyao's white eyes while chewing.

Jiang Wuyou and the others in the living room had heard Ye Chen's movements, and when they saw Ye Chen coming in, they all looked at him with a smile.

"Good boy, you are really a ghost, you can think of letting Wuyou use the ability of imperial objects to confuse Lu Teng outside the field, if Wuyou told me just now, I really thought your friend who was as strong as a cow It's a warlock."

Huo Jun sat on the pear tree chair and looked at Ye Chen with a smile on his face.

"Hey, wasn't time tight at that time? It was not easy to barely discuss a countermeasure with the head of Jiang. I ask Huo Laomo to blame me."

Ye Chen cupped his hands and laughed.

"What's there to blame? You're also helping the Ge family, and your idea is quite good. First let that little girl act to frighten the other party, and then let that little fat doll bewitch the other party, making Lu Teng afraid. Make a move, and then send your friend and Sect Leader Jiang together to make a false impression, one link after another, it really is a good plan."

Huo Jun praised.

Ye Chen lowered his head and smiled. In fact, Ye Chen called Hu Zi and Liu Ming to play at the beginning just to make up the numbers. His original plan was to make a quick decision, let Haifeng Zhuying each win a game, and then win the last game by himself Just end the fight.

But the treasure that Haifeng mentioned gave Ye Chen a new idea.

That is to exploit him, to exploit Lu Teng completely!

As for the matter of Peng Yulu, I only found out after consulting Ge Wenyu myself. The Peng family's ability is average, but their lip language skills are excellent. The Peng family finally has a skill that can be used, so it is natural to show it off.

Therefore, the Peng family's ability and the Ge family are naturally very clear. After Ye Chen learned about it, he used this to relay what he wanted to let Lu Teng know through Peng Yulu's mouth.

As he expected, although Lu Teng still had doubts about Peng Yulu, he still tested it according to Ye Chen's idea. Under Ye Chen's deliberate arrangement, there was a scene of a tiger taking pictures from the air, and he voluntarily surrendered In addition, Ye Chen's acting out of embarrassment and anger gave Lu Teng some confidence.

And Liu Ming's last performance completely made Lu Teng lose his guard.

The success this time was due to a combination of many factors. If it happened again, Ye Chen would not be sure.

"Mr. Huo is too much. By the way, I have a few exercises here, which I got from Susie. Let's see if there is any need."

Ye Chen said and wiped the cross on the neck with his hand, and there were a few more exercises in his hand.

Seeing Ye Chen's hand, several people couldn't help being taken aback.

"Elder Shen, have you successfully concluded a contract with the disciple Token?"

Jiang Wuyou said in surprise.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he still had a piece of the holy order of wine. There must be a lot of space in it, but he was so busy that he didn't have time to check it, and he didn't even have time to learn Shushan's exercises.

"Well, a fluke."

Ye Chen chuckled:

"But these skills are not taken from the token, but from this necklace of Susie."

Ye Chen took out the cross necklace from his clothes and showed it to Jiang Wuyou and the others:

"This is a storage necklace, hehehe, I didn't expect it~"

"Storage necklace?"

Several people looked at the cross necklace and were all taken aback.

"Little friend Shen's vision is really vicious. The old man thought you gave up the body search and only took the necklace to disgust Su Xie. Now it seems that it is a strategy of making a fool of yourself."

Huo Jun looked at the necklace in Ye Chen's hand with some envy. He had lived for decades and had never owned such a strange thing.

In fact, not to mention Huo Jun, most sects and families do not have such a rare item, perhaps only Tianwumen and Zhongli's family have this kind of treasure.

"Coincidence, it's all a coincidence, hehehe~"

Although Ye Chen said so, the smile on his face betrayed him.

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