The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3397 what will happen

However, these two people are not much different. When they meet here today, they are bound to have a fight.

Susie led people to walk up to him, without any intention of treating herself as an outsider. She even smiled and waved at a few familiar Patriarchs. The Patriarchs also smiled reluctantly when they saw this, but they felt sorry for Susie. They are all avoided.

Susie walked up to Lu Teng and hugged Lu Teng:

"Patriarch Lu, do you still remember me?"

Lu Teng held Lu Ying's body and glanced at Su Xi, then sighed:

"Susie, right? I have something to do today and I don't have time to waste time with you. I won't agree to your request, and I can't agree to it anymore."

"Master Lu, don't be so decisive. Nothing in this world is absolute. Su believes that as time goes by, Master Lu will definitely be moved by my sincerity."

Susie smiled slightly, looking like a cheerful big boy, but only those patriarchs who were put together by Susie would understand what was hidden behind this guy's seemingly cheerful smile.

"It doesn't matter whether I am touched or not. The Great Xia Longque has now fallen into his hands along with my other treasures."

As Lu Teng said, he looked at Ye Chen behind Su Xi.

The smile on Susie's face suddenly condensed when she heard this. She followed Lu Teng's gaze and turned to look at Ye Chen behind her. The smile at the corner of her mouth slowly turned into a fierce one.

"Boy, I've worked hard for so long, how dare you cut off your beard?"

Ye Chen was thinking about who to give this big summer sparrow to, and he didn't notice the existence of Su Xi and others at all. When Su Xi opened his mouth at this time, Ye Chen felt a sharp pain on his forehead. It was as if a needle had been stabbed into his brain.

"Bold mortals, dare to covet the things of the gods. Do you want to fall into the endless hell forever and suffer from the pain of cramping and skinning? Why don't you quickly offer the treasure to avoid this endless suffering!"

A deep male voice suddenly came out of Ye Chen's mind, the voice was like Hong Zhong, like a god, with a sense of sacredness and inviolability, making it impossible to refuse his words.

Ye Chen felt in a trance for a while, and subconsciously felt that what the other party said was right. At this moment, another voice came from the depths of Ye Chen's mind. Although the voice was not loud, it made Ye Chen feel as if he had been enlightened. Woke up.

What happened just now?

Ye Chen thought of what happened just now, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. If there was no later voice just now, he might really have to hand over the things in his hands.

"You just fell into that kid's illusion, but don't worry, I have broken it for you. Now his illusion has no effect on you."

When Ye Chen was scared, a smiling voice came over.

Listening to this somewhat familiar voice, Ye Chen couldn't help but be startled, and then tentatively called out in his mind:

"Senior Chen?"

"That's right, it's my seat~"

Chen Qingzhi's voice came, confirming Ye Chen's thoughts.

"As expected, it's you. Where are you, Senior Chen? What happened to that illusion just now?"

"This seat is now resting and recuperating in your spiritual consciousness. As for the illusion, it is a technique that belongs to the cultivator, and it belongs to the spiritual attack, but it is quite rare, mainly relying on its own powerful spiritual ideas. and some seemingly inadvertent but covert actions, sounds, drugs or objects that cause the other party to fall into a trance state and produce various hallucinations in consciousness."

"The young man just took advantage of your unpreparedness and cast an illusion on you. You have just entered the world of cultivation and your foundation is unstable, so you were instantly captured by the other party. Fortunately, I have been hiding in your mind before, so you can Just in time to help you."

Chen Qingzhi explained.

Ye Chen's heart suddenly turned cold when he heard the words, mmp, he has no grievances or enmity with that kid, and he has never even met face to face, yet he actually used illusions on himself to control himself. Want to ride on your own head to dominate?

Since you, the mother-in-law, attacked me first, don't blame me for being cruel and vicious!

But in the real world, it is another scene. Everyone found that after Susie scolded Ye Chen, Ye Chen seemed to be stupid, and his eyes were a little dull. The Patriarch showed a wry smile.

Originally, he was looking forward to a dog-eat-dog fight, but he didn't expect Shen Wansan to fall into Susie's way so quickly. The opponent's state is very similar to the state when his family and Susie were in the battle.

Zhong Liyu also sighed secretly. He was still hesitating whether to help Shen Wansan, but in the end, this guy fell into trouble.

At the beginning, it was because Susie's ability was too dangerous, so Tianwumen and Zhong Lijia were alarmed, and Susie was ordered not to use this ability to attack other people. Otherwise, with Susie's ability, I am afraid that Lu Teng's Great Xia The dragon bird has long been taken away by this guy.

But now the thing is in Shen Wansan's hands. This guy is very powerful, but he has no record in China. It is precisely because of this reason that Suzie dares to attack him unscrupulously!

It's just that Shen Wansan's strength is so strong, but he still can't stop Su Xi's ability. It's a pity that the treasure he obtained at the risk of offending so many families is about to be handed over to others now.

With a dazzing purple in Susie's eyes, she stared closely at Ye Chen's eyes. Originally, he was in the way of Tianwumen and Zhongli's family. Only mild means can be used.

After all, although his Su family has great strength in Chinatown, it is only a new emerging force in China. He is not qualified to challenge the established forces such as Tianwumen directly.

And Susie has suddenly disappeared in the past year because she has her eyes on the Lu family's big summer dragonfinch. From the first time she saw the big summer dragonfinch, Susie has been deeply fascinated by it and has always wanted to take it back. He already had it, but no matter how much he discussed with Lu Teng, and even offered more than a dozen high-level martial arts in exchange, Lu Teng did not agree.

Of course, Susie didn't intend to give up, but she didn't expect that what she wanted was cut off by another unknown person. How could the proud Susie swallow this breath.

Seeing the dazed Ye Chen in front of her, Susie snorted coldly in her heart, this guy dared to force what she wanted, and she wouldn't just give him so cheap.

After a while, he got the things in his hands, and he immediately beat him into a useless person, letting him know what the end of coveting his things is!

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