The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3366 generous and decent

Therefore, Ge Wenyu also plans to start over and become a person who is useful to his family and family.

Today is the first step for him to start a new life, so Ge ​​Wenyu will never allow snobbery!

Facing the indifference of the nine people, Ge Wenyu understood the reason. The Ge family's prestige was not only in Donghang, but also in the whole of China, especially his father, Ge Changfei, the old head of the Ge family. As long as he appeared, no matter in China There are few people in the martial arts world or the business world who dare not give him a little favor.

But Mr. Ge has been in a coma for nearly a year. Although the Ge family has a great business, it cannot withstand the intrigues of Ge Wenming and others. Many businesses were secretly cut off by some people because of this.

Although the current civil strife in the Ge family cannot be said to be known to everyone, it is no longer a secret among many big families and martial arts circles. The Ge family without Ge Changfei is simply insignificant to these people.

In the past, Ge Wenyu would have been furious because of the other party's contempt, but now he did not do so. Instead, he turned his head and motioned for his daughter to sit next to him, and then also picked up the tea on the table. He drank the tea slowly.

He was sitting at home, and trouble came to his door. Anyway, his father was already awake, and he had the backbone of the family, so he had nothing to fear.

Besides, it’s not like I’m begging them. These guys always go to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason. Since they’re here today, something must have happened. If they don’t tell me, there’s nothing to worry about. This is my home, sit here for a while. Go and eat when you're hungry, it doesn't matter whether these guys live or die.

The nine people sitting in a circle also exchanged glances unnoticeably. The nine of them are the most powerful members of the younger generation in the family. They came here to investigate the abnormality in Donghang a few days ago. They are also considered as the family's opponent. A trial for them.

The nine people had already discussed before coming and planned to give the Ge family a slap in the face. It was not that they had any personal grudges, they just wanted to seek some benefits.

In their eyes, the Ge family is no longer the awe-inspiring top wealthy family it once was under the leadership of Ge Changfei, but a fat and oily big cake. Although it is not completely finished, it is on the verge of collapse.

It's just that the centipede insects are dead but not stiff. They are afraid that the Ge family will fight them in anger, so the people from the nine major martial arts families specially discussed it before coming and decided to deal with the Ge family coldly together.

In their view, without Ge Changfei, the Ge family has no ability other than internal strife. Their nine major families have joined forces to exert pressure. With the currently rumored style of Ge Wenming, the head of the Ge family, who only knows how to give in, I am afraid that The nine of them are going to make a lot of money on this trip.

As for the matters that the family elders told them to investigate, these young people have also forgotten about it. In their view, what happened in Donghang is just the martial arts family here to build momentum for the martial arts competition in the near future. , just to put fear in the hearts of other families.

It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before. It's all a small move that everyone knows very well. It's precisely because of this that the people of the nine major families can feel free to let the younger generation of their own clan come.

But when they arrived here, they found that the good-for-nothing eldest brother Ge Wenming who was originally in charge of the Ge family was missing, and was replaced by Ge Wenyu, who they didn't know well. This made the nine people a little surprised, but they didn't take it to heart.

After all, in their view, people like Ge Wenyu who don't even bother to investigate cannot be caught in their eyes at all. The script can be carried out as it should be, and it doesn't matter.

According to the plan, when Ge Wenyu talked to them, the nine people should first pretend not to hear, each doing his own thing, and giving the other party a blow first, but they did not expect that the other party also had an indifferent expression, which made the nine people His face was a little confused.

After a stalemate for another half an hour, the members of the nine major families finally couldn't sit still. One of them, a young man in a blue windbreaker with a braid on his hair, looked up at Ge Wenyu.

The man kept playing with a cylindrical bone carving in his hand. Carved on the bone carving was a lifelike fire phoenix with its wings spread out in the shape of flying into the sky. However, because it was carved on the bone carving, it looked a little evil, and the whole bone carving was played with by him. It is round and smooth, and the surface is very neat. It seems to be an old object.

Seeing the other party looking at him, Ge Wenyu also cast his eyes on the other party. He didn't know this man, but he had heard about the bone carving of Feng Wu Jiu Tian. Only the successors are qualified to take charge.

Martial arts families and ordinary merchant families have different ways of choosing heirs. They prefer both civil and military skills. Of course, if you can beat everyone in martial arts, you can also consider it.

And I heard that the Lu family has produced a young generation named Lu Aofeng in the past few years, who is quite powerful, and even the older generation in the family rarely has his opponent, so it must be this person.

Seeing that Ge Wenyu and himself looked at each other without the slightest fear, Lu Aofeng's gloomy eyes showed a look of great interest.

The Lu family's status in Pingdong is not bad, so there is no shortage of things like money. Lu Aofeng came here this time only because the elders of the clan asked him to come out to see the world, but Lu Aofeng is not interested in Donghang at all. No, as for the alliance of the nine major families this time, he was just perfunctory.

In his opinion, this joint investigation is purely a boring entertainment arranged by the family adults for the disciples of the clan. If the elders didn't let him come, he wouldn't even bother to participate.

After all, it is indeed not difficult for the nine major martial arts families to come to scare a family that has nothing but a bunch of wine and rice bags, but it is really not in line with their status.

But what Lu Aofeng didn't expect was that there were still people in the Ge family, who originally thought they were on the decline, who could face the joint pressure of the nine of them and remain calm, which aroused Lu Aofeng's interest.

Being able to maintain your grace under such circumstances means you are either pretending or you are really confident.

But no matter which one it was, Lu Aofeng was intrigued.

As far as he knows, the Ge family has been in Donghang for hundreds of years, and has slowly grown from an ordinary small family to the number one family in Donghang today. No one can challenge its status. They must have their own trump card. If they can It seems quite interesting to let the Ge family reveal their final trump card.

Of course, what he is most interested in is Ge Yunbing next to Ge Wenyu.

Today, Ge Yunbing originally planned to go to the company to handle some matters, so she wore a professional suit and looked extremely generous and decent.

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