The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3357 It's been decades

"The spirit energy in the demon world is lacking, but because the demon world has existed for a long time, and the monster clan may not be able to withstand its primitive and violent medicinal power and cause self-explosion when using these natural treasures directly, so all kinds of natural treasures are not there. There are a few, but the aura of the human world is full of energy, which is very suitable for the cultivation of the monster race."

"And the monks in the human world are also coveting the treasures of heaven and earth that have existed for thousands of years or even longer in the demon world, so the two sides took what they needed and made an agreement that the human world and the demon world can communicate with each other, but the scope is set within Five hundred miles to the south of Yuzhou, within this range, the monster race can move freely, and it is also the limit for Shushan and some fairy sects to respond to emergencies in a timely manner."

"Moreover, the monster race can even exchange the treasures of heaven, materials and earth they obtained by chance for various pills from the monks of the human world. Although the pills obtained after tempering are somewhat weak, they are also a little less violent, which can make the monsters Absorbed by the human race and there is no danger to their lives, and the human monks are even more fond of the natural treasures of the demon world, and the two sides can be said to be in harmony for a while."

"Isn't this great? Both sides get what they need and support each other. How could such a thing happen later?"

What Ye Chen heard from Chen Qingzhi seemed to be very good, so he couldn't help asking.

"The ancestors of my faction also thought so. The two sides have indeed experienced peace for thousands of years, but behind this peace, there is a bigger conspiracy hidden!"

Chen Qingzhi's face became very serious:

"Humans are different from monsters. Even those who cultivate immortals like me will eventually live for only a hundred years. After that, they will either ascend into the sky or die, but the monster race is different. The slow speed of cultivation allows them to obtain another kind of immortality. A talent that is difficult for humans to match is a long life."

"After the exchange between the human world and the demon world, the demon clan entered the human world. Due to the abundant aura in the human world, the demon clan found that their cultivation speed was hundreds of times faster than in the demon world. The practice of the monster clan is like a tiger with wings added, and the strength of the remaining eleven monster kings of the monster clan has greatly increased, but because there is no one who can make them bow their heads, the originally united monster clan has also been divided into eleven forces. .”

"Then Yan Jiao King is one of them, right?"

Ye Chen asked.

"That's right, more than that, he is also the strongest among the eleven demon kings, but even so, he does not have the ability to agree with the demon world, so he set his target on the human world!"

Chen Qingzhi sighed:

"King Yanjiao and the other ten demon kings have already made a plan to use the millennium to recuperate. Since there are no more than 20 immortal sects from the human world stationed in Yuzhou within a radius of 500 miles, they use the long thousand years to recuperate. , and sent people to set up the Ten Thousand Demon Blood Fiend formation, intending to cover the entire Yuzhou in the formation!"

"The Great Formation of Ten Thousand Monsters and Blood Fiend? Could it be the one that King Yanjiao said before?"

At this time, Ye Chen also remembered the scene when King Yanjiao was fighting Shushan.

"That's right, that's the one. As long as the formation is completed, once activated, all the monks' true energy in the formation will be emptied by the formation, and at most they can only maintain one-tenth of their original strength. Those teachers of the Xianmen will not be the opponents of the eleven demon kings, the entire Xianmen guarding Yuzhou will be slaughtered, and once Yuzhou falls, the human world will face devastation!"

"However, fortunately, before the formation of the Ten Thousand Monster Blood Fiends was completed, I, Shushan, noticed it. In desperation, King Yanjiao launched the unfinished formation, trapping the disciples of Shushan who came to destroy the formation in the border between humans and monsters. Passage—on the Suishan Mountain, you also know the following content, the old man and Shushan disciples re-sealed the passage in this battle, and there is no Shushan faction in the world."

When Chen Qingzhi said this, he showed a slight smile.

Ye Chen could see that although Chen Qingzhi was smiling at this time, his eyes were full of loneliness and melancholy. Thinking about it, even though he sacrificed his life for righteousness, he was the one who cut off the lineage of Shushan and passed down the millennium tradition. It would be a lie to say that Chen Qingzhi was not sad that the sect was ruined by himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen decided to comfort the old man.

"Senior Chen, you don't need to be sad. Shushan still exists in the world. There is a person named Jiang Wuyou who has obtained the inheritance of Shushan. He is currently recruiting soldiers and is preparing to develop Shushan again."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Qingzhi's originally lonely face suddenly recovered a little, and turned to look at the boy floating in the air:

"Oh? You mean this kid has really started rebuilding Shushan?"

"Who, so and so? This kid?!"

Ye Chen followed Chen Qingzhi's gaze, and instantly widened his eyes:

"You said that child, he is Jiang Wuyou?"

"That's right, he is Jiang Wuyou, aren't you an old acquaintance with him, why don't you know him?"

Chen Qingzhi was a little puzzled.

I really know Jiang Wuyou, but what I know is the head of Shushan, who is 1.8 meters tall, with star eyebrows and bright eyes, and is only slightly less handsome than me. It's not that his face is so dirty that he can't even tell his appearance Little brat!

Ye Chen complained in his heart, he never thought that this scheming little boy would be the taciturn Jiang Wuyou he saw.

This Nima gap is too big!

But think about it, Jiang Wuyou also told himself that he got the inheritance of Shu Mountain by chance, but what happened to this so-called coincidence, Ye Chen didn't hear Jiang Wuyou mention it, even Even Jiang Wuyou himself didn't know anything about Jiang Wuyou's past.

Now it seems that the matter of getting the inheritance of Shushan was not as easy as he said.

"Hehe, senior Chen, when this junior met Sect Leader Jiang, he was already in his thirties, and there was a big gap between him and the teenager in front of him."

Ye Chen touched his nose and explained to Chen Qingzhi.

"So that's the case, has it been more than twenty years? I really didn't expect it."

There was a hint of confusion in Chen Qingzhi's eyes. Back then, he used a forbidden technique to wipe out the Yanjiao King and tens of thousands of monster army in one blow. There should be no clear concept, so there is such an exclamation.

"Since Senior Chen is the head of Mount Shu, and has existed in the state of a soul for hundreds of years, has he not been in contact with the current head of Jiang?"

Ye Chen asked curiously.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Qingzhi, as the last master of Mount Shu in the true sense, must be more knowledgeable than Jiang Wuyou, a half-master who only practiced with a sword manual, just like the record of exorcising evil spirits and swaying demons , I'm afraid Jiang Wuyou has never even heard of it.

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