The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3332 buried in flames

Su Qixing smiled disdainfully:

"If I'm right, what you're practicing should be a water-attribute technique. In addition, you are approaching a breakthrough, and it coincides with the heavy rain tonight, so you were able to make a breakthrough. What you call controlling the rain is only because of your Cultivation techniques are too mysterious, so when you break through, you can temporarily have strength that doesn't belong to you, and after your breakthrough is made, it will slowly disappear."

"What, you mean, the ability to control the rain is my future display of skills?"

Ye Chen was dumbfounded.

"I don't know what you mean by skill display, but if you don't believe me, try again and you'll know."

Hearing this, Ye Chen walked out of the hall and went outside, recalling the feeling of controlling the rain before, Ye Chen slowly closed his eyes, then stretched out his right hand, palm upward, and slowly clenched his fist.

The rain poured down like a waterfall without any pause, and Ye Chen became a drowned chicken in less than ten seconds.

This blow is too big.

Ye Chen stared blankly at his right hand, which was like a second-year-old child, feeling hot on his face.

"You don't need to be discouraged. The exercise that Guan Gongming gave you should not be ordinary. Otherwise, even if you cultivate to the highest level, you will not be able to control the world."

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words, Su Qixing was right, he was just getting started now, he was just joking if he wanted to reach the sky in one step, and being down-to-earth is the most reliable.

And this technique is indeed very interesting, and I can experience it in advance, but I don't know when I will be able to reach the point of controlling the world.

Ye Chen looked at the new clothes he just changed, and thought with some pain.

In the consulting room on the third floor of Donghang Hospital, Hao Mingbai and Hua Chuyao sat opposite each other, and on the chair beside them, the fat female doctor looked at Hao Mingbai warily.

The two sides have been sitting here for almost half an hour, staring at each other without speaking, the female doctor really can't figure out what the two of them are going to do.

After another ten minutes, Hua Chuyao smiled slightly, and finally spoke first:

"Little Taoist, didn't you say you wanted to tell my fortune? It's been almost an hour. You've been staring at me, have you seen anything?"

Hao Mingbai shook his head and showed a smile.

"The appearance is almost the same, but there are still some things."

"Almost what?"

Hua Chuyao said with a little curiosity.

"It's bad!"

Hao Mingbai rummaged through his satchel and took out a gossip plate, which looked very old, with the four directions of east, west, north, west and eight trigrams engraved on it.

"It does look pretty bluffing."

Looking at the gossip plate, Hua Chuyao smiled faintly.

"Girl, don't underestimate this. It is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by my school. It can be used to spy on the secrets of the heavens, to find acupoints in the mountains, and to judge people's bad luck. It is a treasure that is hard to find in this world."

"So you take this treasure and go out to tell people's fortunes?"

Hua Chuyao's teasing words made Hao Mingbai pause, and his face was a little embarrassed. Not only did he tell fortunes, but he almost couldn't even pay the rent.

"Hahaha, what my faction is about is unrestrained and unrestrained, so I'm not that or that, you're right hahahahaha..."

Hao Mingbai was a little embarrassed, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

It is true that he has fallen to this point because of some things, and now he doesn't want to recall what happened back then.

Hua Chuyao also saw that Hao Mingbai had something to hide, so she didn't continue to ask.

"How are you going to use this thing to tell my fortune?"

"It's very simple, as long as you stretch out a finger and press the center of the Bagua plate, and then silently recite the question you think about."

Hua Chuyao couldn't help frowning when she heard the words, why does this method sound so unreliable, it feels like playing a dish fairy?

At this moment, Hua Chuyao had deep doubts about the identity of Taoist Hao Mingbai.

But since she asked others to calculate, Hua Chuyao could only acquiesce, stretched out her index finger and pressed it on the gossip plate, and began to meditate on her own problems.

There is only one problem in her mind, and that is the Ge family!

The moment Hua Chuyao pressed her finger on the gossip plate, the thing that Hua Chuyao didn't want to mention in the depths of her heart flooded her mind unconsciously like a tide.

Hua Chuyao was born in a wealthy family in Donghang. Her father is a famous helmsman in Donghang, her mother is the vice president of Donghang Hospital, and she has an elder brother who loves her very much.

As long as she can remember, every autumn is her happiest day. Every time at that time, her father, who has been sailing for half a year, will take the boat back to Donghang and bring her back various novelty gifts. His thick beard pierced his face.

But this beautiful scene completely dissipated when Hua Chuyao was eleven years old. In the autumn of that year, Hua Chuyao, who was waiting for her father's fleet to return to Hong Kong as usual, did not wait for her father, but received a One piece of news that the fleet led by my father was attacked by pirates while sailing to the waters of Southeast Asia. Not only was everything looted, but the ship was also sunk by the pirates. The whereabouts of my father and his party were unknown.

Hua Chuyao was struck by lightning when she heard the news. She didn't know how she got home. She only knew that her mother's black hair turned silver overnight after hearing the bad news, and her whole body became confused. The operation almost caused a medical accident and was asked to rest at home for a period of time.

More than a month later, news came from the police that some relics were salvaged in the sea area where the accident occurred. Among them was the pendant that his father had been wearing all the time, which also allowed the police to confirm that everyone on board had died.

Originally, the matter should have ended at this point. After all, pirates in the waters near Southeast Asia have always been rampant. This kind of thing can only be said to be due to bad luck for his father. The remaining family of three still have to live well.

But just when his mother was about to get back on her feet, a sudden and strange car accident took her away from Hua Chuyao's side.

The reason why it is said to be weird is that the mother left the hospital in a hurry after answering a phone call during working hours, but was hit by an unlicensed car just outside the hospital gate, and because the other party's car did not have a license plate , In addition, the camera near the hospital was broken at the same time for some reason, which also made it extremely difficult for the police to obtain evidence.

In the end, after a week of investigation, the case had to be dropped. The police explained to Hua Chuyao that there were too few clues to find the perpetrator.

This incident dealt a great blow to Hua Chuyao, but before the teenage Hua Chuyao was sad, a fire suddenly broke out in her home, and her brother who loved her the most was buried in the flames to save her.

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