The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3327 unforgivable behavior

After seeing this person's face clearly, Ge Wenming's arms supporting his body softened and he almost fell to the ground.

What he was most worried about happened. Chen Zhi didn't leave, but was caught!

Chen Zhi's arrest meant that the ulterior secret between himself and him was completely made public.

"You should know this person, do you still need me to let him dictate the matter between you and him on the spot?"

Ge Changfei's eyes were cold, scraping back and forth on Ge Wenming's body like a bone-picking steel knife.

"I, I, he, he..."

Ge Wenming came out of his trance and wanted to find a reason to explain, but after mumbling for a long time, he couldn't come up with a complete explanation.

"What, do you mean to say that he framed you on purpose?"

Ge Changfei looked at Ge Wenming coldly and sneered.

"Yes, yes, he framed me. He wanted to blackmail me. I didn't agree, so he wanted to kill me. Dad, you must believe me..."

Before Ge Wenming finished speaking, he saw Ge Changfei take out a recording pen out of nowhere, and then pressed the play button under Ge Wenming's astonished gaze, and then Ge Wenming's voice came from inside:

"I've already given you the money, you must promise not to let those old guys get close to my father, especially that Sun Baicao, he is one of the four great masters of medicine in China, maybe it is really possible to save my father , when I die, you won’t even think about it easy! Do you hear me?”

Then came Chen Zhi's perfunctory response:

"I know, what happened this time was an accident, just don't worry, there will never be a next time, but I said, Boss Ge, what do you think, just let your father die? I have many ways to make him die very cleanly, and no one will find any flaws..."


Before Chen Zhi could finish his words, he was directly rejected by Ge Wenming:

"He can't die yet. I need his existence to check and balance my second brother and the others. As long as the old man is around for a day, they will not dare to let go and fight with me. When I close up the family business, I will have one more of these people." Let’s take care of them slowly.”

During the recording, Ge Wenming was full of vigor and indescribably unrestrained, and he was completely different from the guy who was slumped on the ground with an idiotic expression.

Ge Wenming, why didn't I expect that Chen Zhi would record secretly? Now I can't explain it even if I have ten mouths.

"I recorded this secretly just in case. I recruited everything I knew, Mr. Ge, please let me go as a fart if you have a lot of adults."

Chen Zhi knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged, he was really scared, if Ge Changfei couldn't wake up, everything would be fine, but now that he woke up, he would be in big trouble.

Ge Changfei was able to develop the Ge family into the No. 1 family in Donghang within a few decades. On the one hand, it was because of the Ge family's hard work in Donghang for hundreds of years, and on the other hand, it was also because of Mr. Ge Changfei's own means.

Donghang is home to outstanding people, and countless forces of all sizes are entrenched here.

Over the years, there were not a few forces coveting the name of the Ge family's Donghang No. 1 family, but all of them failed under Ge Changfei's hands, which also allowed them to see Ge Changfei's ruthless methods.

Some of them were even annexed by the Ge family in turn, and because of this, no power in Donghang dared to easily stroke their beards, and the title of the No. 1 family in Donghang also completely belonged to the Ge family and could not be shaken.

Being able to sit firmly on the throne of the No. 1 family under the prying eyes of so many forces, it can be said that Ge Changfei's iron and blood methods against the enemy have spread throughout Donghang.

Now that he is uniting with his son to want his life, Chen Zhi himself can't even imagine how miserable the consequences will be, so he simply admits everything and strives for leniency.

Ge Changfei didn't even look at Chen Zhi who was knelt on the ground and kowtowed, he just waved his hand, Wang Yongkun grabbed Chen Zhi's collar and dragged him out.

Looking at Chen Zhi with a terrified face, Jiang Wuyou and the others did not have the slightest mood swings. Although they are good people, they are not abusive. The other party is not a child and has the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Since he made his own choice, You should bear the consequences of this incident by yourself, and it depends on the situation.

As Chen Zhi's horrified cries became smaller and smaller, the despair on Ge Wenming's face became more and more serious. After Chen Zhi's cries completely disappeared, Ge Wenming's whole body began to tremble.

"Come on, tell me, when you take over all the family business, who are you going to deal with, huh?"

Ge Changfei looked at his eldest son with a smile on his face, but everyone present could hear the suppressed anger in Ge Changfei's tone.

Ge Wenming suddenly came to Ge Changfei on all fours, rolling and crawling, knelt on the ground and hugged his father's calf with his hands:

"Dad, Dad, I was wrong. I was an asshole in this matter. I did this kind of thing because of my obsession. Dad, please forgive me this time. I will never dare again!"

While talking, Ge Wenming kowtowed his head on the ground with such force that blood flowed out of his head twice. Even so, he didn't dare to stop, and kowtowed desperately.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wuyou and the others secretly sighed.

No matter when, patricide is a very unethical thing. If it were committed in ancient times, one would be tortured to death. Even in modern times with humane nature, it would not be tolerated. Like Ge This kind of thing is even more unbearable for a wealthy family in a place like my family.

Ge Yunbing also couldn't bear it, although his uncle had a lot of hostility towards her, but no matter what, he was always his own uncle.

He wanted to intercede for him, but what his uncle did was patricide.

"I once said that as a descendant of the Ge family, you can do wrong things, but you have to admit it. Since you dare to attack me, but you dare not admit it, even if I really die and let you become Head of the family, I’m afraid the Ge family won’t be able to survive for more than a year. You don’t have the ability to support the Ge family. All you have is ambition that your own abilities cannot bear.”

Ge Changfei couldn't help but sigh. He never thought that one day he would be plotted by his biological son, and he was also the eldest son whom he had always been optimistic about.

Perhaps because Ge Wenming was his eldest son and had always been very sensible and obedient, Ge Changfei handed over all the management of several companies to him, hoping that after his death, the Ge family would have someone who could take charge of his own affairs.

But the facts proved that he was really wrong. Ge Changfei also understood the reason why there was no filial son in front of the long-term sick bed.

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