The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3308 Hua Chuyao

As Jiang Wuyou said, the scene of Shen Wansan leading Shushan disciples to rob everywhere appeared in the minds of the four of them at the same time, and they all shuddered involuntarily. The picture was so beautiful that it was unimaginable...

"Forget it, it's a blessing, not a curse. A disaster can't be avoided. Now that the decision has been made, there is no possibility of going back on it. Otherwise, that kid might do something."

Huo Jun at the side sighed and came out to smooth things over:

"And you old ghost, don't think I don't know, you old guy is not happy because Gui Fei's hand is broken, I tell you, if it wasn't for Shen Wansan's magic medicine, I will see you when you come back It’s just a complete corpse, you know, that guy Guifei went to take someone else’s child as a hostage, ask him if he’s blushing.”

Gui Kui was stunned by Huo Jun, and he didn't say anything for a long time. What Huo Jun said was indeed true, and he had heard Gui Fei say it, but he still couldn't get past this hurdle in his heart.

However, he only knew that Shen Wansan had something to do with Gui Fei's broken arm, but he didn't know that Gui Fei had actually held a child hostage. Thinking that Gui Fei actually attacked them.

"Gui Fei, you don't even let children go, you..."

Gui Kui was furious when he heard the words, and turned around to reprimand Gui Fei, but he saw Gui Fei pointing at his broken arm with a wry smile:

"Old Kui, listen to my advice, don't offend Shen Wansan and anyone around him, I'm afraid none of them are inferior to you."

Gui Kui blinked suspiciously, not understanding what Gui Fei meant.

He admitted that Shen Wansan's strength was terrifying, but except for the woman who kept wearing a mask, the rest of the people seemed to have nothing special about them.

"Trust me, my arm is the lesson of blood. That little doll tore my arm off with his hands. Can you imagine a scene where a child less than ten years old pulled my arm off like a chicken leg? ?"


Gui Kui swallowed, and was shocked by what Gui Fei said.

"Don't make trouble, this kind of joke is not funny."

"I hope it's a joke, but it's the truth. Listen to me, don't provoke this Shen Wansan, don't, otherwise the ghost king's faction may be wiped out."

Guifei shook his head.

Gui Kui didn't speak, and looked at Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun, hoping to get some negation from them, but both of them also had strange expressions, which made Gui Kui feel a little uneasy.

He still couldn't accept that such a cute little baby would have the strength to break a person's arm with his bare hands, but the attitude of Jiang Wuyou and the other three made him believe that they had known each other for a long time, there was no need Lie to yourself for someone you've only met a few times.

"The old man knows, so he won't trouble that kid in the future."

Gui Kui shook his head, Jiang Wuyou and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and practiced cross-legged again.

The sun was getting thinner and the night was gradually falling. When it was time to eat, there was also a light rain in the sky. It didn't take five minutes for the rain to change from the softness before it changed. The eyes and even the street lights seemed a little dim, as if even the light couldn't penetrate the rain curtain.

On the road, some office workers who had just got off work and were about to take the bus home were a little caught off guard by the heavy rain, and it was too late to wait for the bus. They began to wave on the side of the road to look for taxis, and those who couldn't get a taxi went to the nearby Supermarkets or restaurants sheltered from the rain, and the streets were completely empty in less than ten minutes, in stark contrast to the bustling scene in the past.

"Da da da da da..."

In such a torrential rain, a figure shuttled through the alley, his footsteps were somewhat flimsy, but his speed was very fast, he had already left the alley in a blink of an eye, crossed the road and came to Donghang Hospital.

The two nurses on duty were chatting away while looking at the heavy rain outside the door, when suddenly they saw a black figure rushing in from the door, one of the nurses was almost startled and screamed out, only to find out after a closer look that it was a The masked man in a black robe was drenched all over, as if a water pipe had been inserted into his body, rainwater was dripping non-stop, soaking the carpet at the door.

"Here, sir, do you need any help?"

The little nurse had the courage to ask softly, and at the same time touched the button of the alarm. This person came to the hospital in the rain at night, and his face was covered. No matter how you look at it, it seems that he has malicious intentions.

"I'm here to see a friend, may I ask which ward He Zixuan is in?"

The masked man spoke, and the little nurse breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the voice of the other party. It was a girl, and her voice was soft and charming, which made her heart beat faster even as a woman.

"Wait a moment, let me take a look for you."

The little nurse looked through the records:

"Mr. He is in private ward No. 3 on the seventh floor, you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his head, only to find that the woman in black at the door had disappeared at some point, leaving only the huge water stain on the carpet.

"When did she leave?"

The little nurse turned to ask her companion.

"I don't know, I just turned my head, she, she disappeared..."

The companion stammered back.

Turning his head and disappearing, how could a human being do that, even if he was running, there should be a sound, right? Could it be that...

A cool breeze blew, and the two remembered the horror legends about the hospital. After looking at each other, the two screamed and hugged each other like two frightened little white rabbits.

While the two little nurses were shivering, the woman in black had already appeared in the bathroom, shed off her black clothes, revealing the delicate and beautiful face covered by the clothes, and the deep ridge behind her attractive figure. The wound on the bone can be seen, and the blood is mixing with the rainwater and continuously slipping from the skin, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying.

"Oh, I originally thought that the Ge family only had some ordinary warriors, but I didn't expect there to be such a powerful cultivator hidden. It seems that the background of the Ge family is much stronger than imagined."

The woman wrung out the robe she had taken off, put it on again, then turned around and left the bathroom, went straight to the seventh floor, and appeared at the door of private ward No. 3 in a short while.

"This is a private ward, please stay!"

A bodyguard in a black suit at the door saw the man in black approaching, and immediately gave a warning, and the other bodyguards also became vigilant.

"Call me Patriarch He, and tell Hua Chuyao to look for him."

The woman stood where she was and said flatly to the bodyguards.

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