The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3292 give you some advice

Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun looked at Xue E angrily, but there was nothing they could do. They were so weak that they couldn't move, they couldn't even speak, they had no choice but to wait here to die.

"I said, Brother Bachelor, why are you in such a hurry, it's not such a way to find death, is it~"

At this moment, a joking voice sounded, Xue E stopped, and the smile on his face froze.

But Huo Jun and Jiang Wuyou suddenly showed hope at this moment on their originally desperate faces.

In the eyes of several people, a figure with a long black sword on his shoulders slowly walked out of the condensed black smoke, looking at Xue E with a smile on his face.

It really was him! he's fine!

Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun were overjoyed, they thought it was hopeless, but they turned around again!

"You, how can you be okay? Even if my body refining master inhales my rot muscle powder, it will not be immune at all. How can you, a young child, be okay?"

Xue E looked shocked, and looked Ye Chen up and down. He has been obsessed with poison for decades, and he dare not say that he is the best in the world, but he is also at the top level. Rotten flesh is his proud work, as long as the practitioner It is absolutely impossible to bear it until the internal organs are as hard as iron.

Moreover, this poison can also travel through the whole body faster with the help of true energy, and it cannot be resisted with true energy at all.

"Tch, I have been tasting Hedinghong since I was three years old. When I was eleven years old, I squeezed a hundred kinds of poisonous substances and drank it. Now I am invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. I can cure all kinds of poisons by rubbing a piece of mud from my body. You This bullshit powder is not enough to appetize me."

Ye Chen glanced at Xue E with great disdain.


Xue E cursed secretly in his heart, tasting Hedinghong at the age of three, why didn't you say that you were nourished by poison when you were in your mother's womb!

"Mr. Shen, it was all my fault just now, please be sure to kill this beast, Jiang Wuyou is here to thank you!"

"Please Mr. Shen, the Ge family will never forget Mr. Shen's kindness!"

Huo Jun and Jiang Wuyou had no intention of complaining about Ye Chen at this moment, and begged Ye Chen.

"Don't worry, I'm here to save Mr. Ge, but you two are about to die, so let's say a few words less."

Ye Chen looked back at Jiang Wuyou and the two, stretched his hand into his arms and moved it back and forth a few times, took out two soybean-sized, black things and threw them to Jiang Wuyou and the two, they barely accepted it. After taking a look, he couldn't help but frown.

Why does this thing look so much like dirt?

Thinking about what Ye Chen said before, the faces of the two of them suddenly became a little weird. Could it be that this kid really rubbed two balls of mud from his body?

"Why, you two dislike what I gave you?"

Seeing this, Ye Chen said in a somewhat unhappy tone.

"No, no, where can I..."

"Then what are you looking at? Eat it quickly, it works best while it's hot."

Seeing that the two were hesitating, Ye Chen hurriedly urged.

Huo Jun and Jiang Wuyou looked at each other, anyway, he was going to die sooner or later, so why should he care what this thing is.

Thinking of this, the two of them gritted their teeth and swallowed the black ball.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun's ugly faces suddenly changed, their eyes widened, and then they showed a look of disbelief.

"Here, I feel that my body is gradually recovering, and my meridians are starting to return to normal!"

"My true qi can also function!"

Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun looked at each other with joy at the same time, and then stood up slowly under Xue E's shocked gaze.

"Impossible, how could such a thing happen, impossible!"

Xue E muttered to himself, he didn't believe that the kid in front of him could really detoxify with dirt, this is not acting as Jigong, how could anyone be able to do it.

But even if he didn't believe it anymore, the scene in front of him actually happened, and even the two people who had already been recruited stood up.

"I'm sorry, the word "impossible" never exists in Shen Wansan's dictionary. Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Ye Chen looked at Xue E with a smile.

"Dead? Hmph, don't think that you can kill me by cracking my rot muscle powder. Although I don't know how you did it today, my methods are more than that. Take it!"

Xue E yelled, then took out three bottles from his pocket and threw them over. Seeing this, Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun quickly dodged to dodge, while Xue E took the opportunity to rush towards Su Qixing and the others standing at the stairs.

These few people seem to have been following that kid all the time, and they are probably his friends. As long as they catch them, I don't believe this kid will dare to make a move!

When the time comes to restrain this kid and let him and Jiang Wuyou fight desperately, he can reap the benefits of being a fisherman hahahahaha!

Ye Chen also dodged this time to avoid the smoke from the three porcelain vases, and when he saw the place Xue E was rushing towards, the corner of his mouth twitched:

"You stop!"

Jiang Wuyou and Huo Jun were shocked when they heard Ye Chen's roar and looked in Xue E's direction. The few people there were powerless, and there were two children. Xue E will definitely be taken as a hostage if he gets close, and then they will be passive.

Jiang Wuyou wanted to urge the flying sword to intercept him, but he was in the recovery stage, and the true energy in his body was not enough to urge the flying sword, so he could only watch Xue E come to Su Qixing, not knowing where to pull it out. Putting a silver scimitar on the neck of Zhuying in front of Su Qixing, he turned his head to look at Ye Chen and the others with grim smiles:

"I don't want them to be caught without a fight, or don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Asshole, she's just a child, don't you even let her go!"

Huo Jun was really angry this time, and the smile that had been hanging on his face was completely covered by anger this time.

"I'm sorry, I only look at the results, not the process. As long as I can complete the task, I will do whatever it takes. Moreover, the child's life and death at this time is not up to me, but to you. As long as you are honest, I promise not would hurt them."

When Xue E said this, he glanced at Ye Chen next to him, but found that this guy actually looked at his sympathetic face, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Shen Wansan, what do you think I am doing, quickly throw away your sword, and hand over all the pills you just gave to Jiang Wuyou and the others! Otherwise, I will kill this little girl first!"

"I said Brother Bachelor, don't be angry, I will give you a piece of advice, let her go quickly, and you will be left dead."

Facing Xue E's threat, Ye Chen didn't care. He threw the Ksitigarbha sword on the ground, sat down on the sofa, and even raised his legs and looked at him leisurely.

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