The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3243 discovery

"It's okay to tell you. This thing is called a ghost-faced anaconda. The reason why it is called so is because of the pattern on the top of its head that resembles a human face..."

Hao Mingbai roughly told He Tianzhi the origin of the name of the ghost-faced anaconda and the reason for its appearance. When he heard that the ghost-faced anaconda grew up by devouring the flesh and blood of the dead, the member of the Dizi team who had to cut the flesh before could not help but turn pale.

I grew up eating dead human flesh, so if I ate its flesh, wouldn't I also...

Thinking of how he had fantasized about the quality of his flesh just now, the man only felt a sour feeling in his mouth, and he couldn't help retching a few times.

He Tianzhi glared at the retching man, and scolded him bloody in his heart.

"Thank you, Master Hao!"

Hearing the words, the man immediately stepped forward, ready to thank Hao Mingbai, Hao Mingbai didn't hesitate to face the other party's thank you, and just accepted it calmly.

In fact, the main reason why he stopped the opponent was not just because the ghost-faced anaconda feeds on human flesh, but because the flesh and blood of the ghost-faced anaconda devoured the ghosts suppressed by the evil formation after devouring the corpses of the dead. China has long been full of resentment.

The art of witchcraft is prevalent in the land of Miaojiang, and some of them feed human flesh to make the poison carry corpse poison, so as to achieve the purpose of torture.

But this ghost poison is unusual, it goes directly into the soul of the person who eats it, making it painful. "

If that guy ate some anaconda meat, he would die within three days without a burial, and his soul would also be burdened by these ghosts, and he would never be reborn forever.

But Hao Mingbai didn't say anything about it. He knew that the words were too mysterious, and even if he told them, the other party might not reply. These things were beyond the scope of the other party's acceptance, and things that were too surprising became less scary.

And if you give a reason that the other party can understand and accept like this, the other party will be grateful to Dade instead.

"Then Master Hao, we should..."

He Tianzhi originally wanted to say that it was time to go to Tianmiao Mountain, but Hao Mingbai raised his hand to stop He Tianzhi's words.

"We're not going anywhere, we'll go back to He's house right away."

"What, let's not go to Tianmiao Mountain? But this is the old Patriarch..."

"I am responsible for everything, you just listen to me, don't forget, I am responsible for this operation, the task of all of you is to follow my command, as long as I don't let you die, you must listen to me ,Understand."


"I asked if I understood!"

Hao Mingbai interrupted He Tianzhi's words, his voice was cold, but with an unquestionable taste.

He Tianzhi looked at Hao Mingbai, and he felt that he couldn't understand this young man more and more. He looked like a very easy-going person just now, but now he suddenly became a little strange, which made people feel stressed.

This feeling made He Tianzhi seem to see the shadow of the old Patriarch in a trance.


He Tianzhi nodded, and the nine members of the Dizi team behind him agreed when they saw that He Tianzhi agreed, and they naturally did not object.

So after He Tianzhi took a few photos and videos of the ghost-faced anaconda, the group went back to where they came from.

Hao Mingbai began to think about the whole thing while on the road. The members of the Ge family had already entered the mountain before them, and the death time of the ghost-faced anaconda did not exceed ten hours, which means that the person who killed the ghost-faced anaconda was very Maybe it was with the Ge family.

Being able to invite this kind of role, it seems that although the Ge family is now fighting endlessly, the network is still not comparable to that of the He family.

With such an expert sitting in charge of the Ge family, it may be difficult for the He family to stand up.

Hao Mingbai just thought about all this in his heart, and didn't say it out loud. Although he didn't have deep contact with He Xiangdong, he could tell that he was an extremely conceited person. Even if he said it, he might not believe it, maybe he would. dissatisfied with myself.

That being the case, why bother to put a hot face on someone's cold ass.

He Xiangdong sent himself to investigate here, and now it seems that even if there are any rare treasures here, they should be taken away by that expert.

That being the case, the effect of the evil-suppressing formation will also disappear, and I will break the formation after a while, and let these dead souls reincarnate.

At the same time, in the lobby of He's villa, He Xiangdong was nestled on the sofa, his eyes full of chills.

There is a person kneeling in front of him at the moment, this person is naked from the upper body, with gauze wrapped around his waist, it is He Xiaoyu who was seriously injured by the blast of the blast before.

On his left side, there were two people lying side by side, or two corpses. The methods of death of the two were exactly the same. A blood hole had been dug out in the chest, and the heart had been removed. They looked extremely hideous and strange.

And squatting beside the two corpses was a middle-aged man in a gray mandarin jacket. This man had no hair or eyebrows, and his head looked like a smooth egg that had been peeled off its shell. It looked a little funny, but his pair of The eyes of the inverted triangle are so full of energy that people dare not look directly at them.

Careful observation reveals that this person's hands are extremely slender, and his nails seem to have not been trimmed for a long time. In his left hand, there are two iron walnuts coiled in his hand. The two iron walnuts are spinning like flying in his hand, but there is no sound at all, let alone the intention of losing control.

And his right hand was pulling at the chest of one of the corpses. After observing the size of the wound, those triangular eyes really couldn't help but wrinkle.

"Mr. Gu, did you find anything?"

He Xiangdong was sitting on the sofa, watching the change in the other person's expression, he couldn't help asking.

The bald man called Mr. Gu was named Gu Zhensheng, and He Xiangdong invited him to the He family's guest from other places. Hearing this, he stood up and nodded.

"Patriarch He, these two of your subordinates died after their hearts were ripped out by human beings. According to the size of the wounds, it shouldn't be the size of a grown man, but rather the size of a child's palm. "

He Xiangdong nodded when he heard the words, which coincided with He Xiaoyu's words. Could it be that what he said was true?

"Mr. Gu, you are an expert in practicing dexterity. Who do you think did it?"

The spinning iron walnut in Gu Zhensheng's hand stopped, and looked at He Xiaoyu who was kneeling on the ground beside him.

"I have to ask Mr. He again, please describe the whole process of the matter, so that I can sort it out."

"Okay, here's the thing, today I am stationed at the foot of Tianmiao Mountain with 18 people. I originally wanted to see if the four murderers who injured the young master would appear again, but I didn't want to come suddenly. Three men, two women and two children under the age of ten."

"The skeleton and the poisonous arrow had evil thoughts towards the two women. As a result, the girl next to the woman in the ancient dress suddenly took action and ripped out the heart of the skeleton alive. After I took action with all my strength, He was also defeated by another boy on the other side with one move."

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