The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3230 absolutely impossible

"You are trying to ruin the poor way, absolutely not."

After speaking, Hao Mingbo picked up the fifty yuan on the ground and handed it to the driver.

"There's only so much on Pindao's body, let's buy some food for the child."

Seeing this, the bodyguards had a much better impression of Hao Mingbai. There are not many Taoists with such a clean sleeve, and they really got a master!

Seeing this, the driver hurriedly refused to accept it, but Hao Mingbai couldn't resist him, so he had to accept it, and left without turning his head.

And Hao Mingbai, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, entered He's house.

After entering the villa, under the leadership of the servant, Hao Mingbai was taken to the door of a room on the second floor.

Knocked on the door, and after more than ten seconds, the door was opened, and a crew-cut man in a white shirt came out and looked at Hao Mingbai.

"You are Master Hao?"

"It's the poor way."

Hao Mingbo nodded.

"Please come in."

The man confirmed Hao Mingbai's identity, stepped aside, and invited Hao Mingbai in.

As soon as he entered the room, Hao Mingbai saw He Xiangdong sitting on the boss's chair and smoking a cigarette.

"Master Hao, please sit down wherever you want."

Seeing Hao Mingbai coming in, He Xiangdong didn't get up, but pointed to the sofa beside him and said to him.

Hao Mingbai didn't care about He Xiangdong's actions, anyway, he was here to make money, since he wanted to make money, first of all he couldn't shame himself, he still understands the truth after spending so long in Donghang.

Hao Mingbai randomly found a seat and sat down. The man in the shirt held a teacup and put it in front of Hao Mingbai. Hao Mingbai saw that it was neither tea nor coffee, but just a cup of ordinary boiled water.

This old guy wants to test himself.

Hao Mingbai reacted with a calm expression on his face. He picked up the teacup with his left hand, and passed the cup with his right hand. Then he took a sip and put the cup back on the table.

But at this time, the color in the cup has changed, from plain boiled water to light blue-yellow, and exudes a clear tea fragrance, and this scene naturally fell into the eyes of the man in the shirt, and the originally stern gaze also slightly changed.

"Aren't you Xia Fengxiao? I heard that Master Hao learned from a famous teacher since he was a child. He has admired you for a long time, but I don't know which famous teacher you learned from?"

The man in the shirt who called himself Feng Xiao clasped his fists at Hao Mingbai.

"I'm sorry, Benefactor Feng, Pindao's master once specifically told Pindao not to reveal his old man's name, so I can only disappoint Benefactor Feng."

Hao Mingbai's face remained unchanged, still smiling faintly.

"Oh, that's right. If that's the case, then I won't force you, but I like to dance some fists and kicks since I was a child. As soon as Master Hao entered the room, I found you walking silently and with a long breath. You must be of the same kind, so it's not as good as you How about I learn one or two?"

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiao didn't wait for Hao Mingbai to open his mouth, and directly shot.

Feng Xiao learned iron sand palms since he was a child. After decades of tempering, his palms can already crack stone tablets. His kung fu is so masculine that ordinary people will be injured if they are rubbed.

Facing Hao Mingbai, Feng Xiao suspected of making a surprise attack, so he withdrew a lot of strength, probably only used 40% of his palm strength, but even so, there was still a faint whistling sound.

Whoever you are, if you can't even take my slap, then don't show your eyes in the He family!

Feng Xiao thought so, his right palm had already reached Hao Mingbai's chest, and it was imprinted on his chest without hindrance.


Accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, Feng Xiao, who had struck out his palm, was shaken several steps away, while Hao Mingbai still sat there peacefully, as if nothing had happened.

Feng Xiao couldn't believe it, although he had received a lot of power just now, the power was still beyond the reach of ordinary people, even if this Hao Mingbai had some skills, it would not be so easy to take this move.

Moreover, he simply received his palm without moving, but he was shaken out a few steps, which is impossible no matter how you think about it.

"Feng Benefactor's Iron Sand Palm is 70% ready, it's pretty good, thank you just now for your mercy."

Hao Mingbai said with a smile.

Feng Xiao looked at Hao Mingbai for a long time, and then he showed a smile.

"Master Hao really has real skills, I'm being rude."

"Hehe, well, Feng, you go out and watch for me first, I have something to talk to Master Hao."

He Xiangdong extinguished the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, and finally spoke.

Feng Xiao nodded, turned around and went out, only He Xiangdong and Hao Mingbai were left in the room.

"Master Hao, to be honest, I have never met you before. This time I am looking for you because someone recommended you to me. It just so happens that I have some things I can't handle here. I think you might be able to help me." , as long as you can solve my problem, I will give you five million."

five million? I'll be good!

Hao Mingbai frowned, if he could get the money, his current crisis would be completely resolved.

But he was not dazzled by the money. Five million is not a small amount. It is not a small matter whether it is worth the price. Whether he can get it with his life is still unknown.

"Patriarch He, I don't know what you said, what is it?"

"It's not a big deal, do you know Tianmiao Mountain?"

"Tianmiao Mountain?"

Hao Mingbo naturally knows that Tianmiao Mountain is a little-known mountain in Donghang. It is located in the fringe area of ​​Donghang, and the surrounding area is sparsely populated. What means?

"Yes, it's Tianmiao Mountain. The old Patriarch of the Ge family got a strange disease and was unconscious all day long. You should know about this, right?"

"I have heard about this incident a little bit, but I haven't seen it, so I don't know the specific situation."

Hao Mingbo nodded.

"Well, the old man of the Ge family is in a coma. His children are busy fighting for power and plundering the resources of the Ge family all day long. I have a close personal relationship with the old man Ge, and I am heartbroken about this situation. I just got the news some time ago, saying Knowing that there is a miracle medicine that can cure all diseases on Tianmiao Mountain, I plan to go up the mountain to find it."

"But it's a pity that I don't know why, every time I walk to the mountainside of the outer mountain, I can't walk in anymore. The road is ahead, but I can't get over this step anyway. It cannot be inferred by common sense, so I thought of you, Master Hao, who was introduced by a friend."

"My friend said that Master Hao is proficient in the five elements and eight trigrams, and is also good at exploring geomantic omens, so I would like to ask Master Hao to find out what's wrong with that place."

He Xiangdong's tone was very sincere, but Hao Mingbai curled his lips secretly after hearing this.

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