The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3203 Strange things

Ye Chen glanced at his left hand. Before, the backpack was wrapped around it with the back facing outwards, so it was dry, but now there are many water marks on it. The edges of the water marks are as thin as a woman's wet hair. A little bit thinner, Ye Chen judged that this thing should be long-haired.

Few animals living in water seem to have long hair, because they are cold-blooded animals, and their blood will change with the change of water temperature to maintain physiological balance needs, and there is no need for long hair to keep warm.

Thermostatic mammals like humans need hair to maintain a normal level of body temperature to cope with and adapt to changes in the environment.

The water here is very shallow, and the thing can still attack his arm. It must be a mammal. In this way, what could it be?

ape? That's not right, the ape should throw things at itself or reach out to grab itself, instead of running straight into it.

Bear? It's not right, if it's really a bear, he should be able to see it when he is so big.

This thing shouldn't have a big body, but it has a lot of strength. What the hell is it?

Ye Chen didn't continue to think about it, and the current situation didn't have time for him to think about it. The road was a bit weird, and he couldn't stay any longer.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen touched the wall and ran again. Although the speed was fast this time, Ye Chen still remained vigilant, as long as that thing appeared again, he must see its true colors!

But Ye Chen ran for a full ten minutes, but the thing that blocked him never appeared again, which made Ye Chen feel relieved in addition to being surprised.


Just as Ye Chen was thinking about how long he would run, Ye Chen's right foot suddenly lightened, and then Ye Chen heard the crisp sound of the shoe touching the ground.

And the darkness in front of his eyes disappeared in an instant, and the bright light that was originally only half a meter began to expand, and Ye Chen's eyes regained the brightness when they first came down.

I finally walked out of that weird road!

Looking back at the darkness that seemed to be able to swallow the light, Ye Chen's heart was unprecedentedly happy.

It's so frankly depressing in there, and someone else might go crazy.

Ye Chen breathed out, turned around and looked ahead. At this time, there was no water on the road, but a gentle slope with some slopes. Ye Chen walked forward without hesitation.

The more he walked inside, the more Ye Chen felt that something was wrong. He found that it was different from the place he had just walked. The walls here were actually dry, and they were dry without any moisture.

According to common sense, this place is close to the water, and the walls should be similar to those I have touched in the water before, or at least it should be wet.

Not only that, Ye Chen also found some bones scattered on the ground, judging from the size, they should belong to primates. After careful inspection, there seemed to be some traces of gnawing on them, but looking at the bones and the traces of gnawing, there should have been some bones. Not a short time.

Ye Chen remembers reading a passage in the book, dry for a thousand years, wet for ten thousand years, and neither dry nor wet for only half a year, no matter whether it is bone or iron or wood, it can only keep intact for half a year in this alternately dry and wet place, because the air The humidity is too high, and the bones in this environment will rot within half a year.

But these bones are very dry and old, which makes Ye Chen a little strange.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen put some of the smaller bones into the bag, and then walked forward.

As he went deeper, Ye Chen found that the effect of the lighting stick seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. The bright light that was originally only within a range of ten meters could now reach fifteen meters away, which made Ye Chen suddenly vigilant.

Ye Chen can be sure that there is no light in this hole, and even if there is light, it is midnight at this time, and it is impossible for any light source to shine into this narrow canyon.

The only possibility is the reason of the surrounding stone walls, Ye Chen tapped on the stone wall with his right hand, the voice was dull and solid.


Ye Chen felt something was wrong, and knocked his right hand on the stone wall again, the voice was still dull, but Ye Chen frowned uncomfortably, and then he clenched his right hand and slammed it on the stone wall, with a sound There was a loud noise, and stone chips flew.


Ye Chen looked at the stone wall with small cracks, and then at his right fist with the imprint, his eyes were full of surprise.

When I just hit the stone wall with my hand, I found that my hand didn't seem to feel the same. The punch just now also confirmed my guess. Although it wouldn't hurt me to hit the wall with the normal strength of my body, it would still hurt me. Still feel the pain.

But when I punched him just now, I didn't feel any pain at all, not only pain, but also no strange feeling at all.

Ye Chen tried to pinch himself, but it didn't hurt, and he didn't even feel anything. Because he couldn't feel the strength, Ye Chen didn't realize that the place he pinched just now was a little bruised until he let go of his hand.

I didn't even feel it when I pinched it so severely, it seems that I really have no sense of touch!

Ye Chen calculated in his mind that he lost his vision and hearing when he was in the water, and now he lost his sense of touch. It seems that he is going through a strange ritual, but Ye Chen doesn't know what it is.

At least I don't know what senses I will lose after a while, is it the sense of smell or the sense of taste?

Although Ye Chen didn't know which one it would be, he knew that if the search was not completed as soon as possible, Huzi and the others might not be able to wait to get down.

It was a fluke that he was able to escape the water that restricted his vision and hearing. If Huzi and the others went in, it was hard to say whether they could come out.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen walked forward quickly. The more he walked, Ye Chen felt that his body was less and less his own. Without the sense of touch, Ye Chen was like a computer host controlling a robot, able to issue various commands. The command is executed by the robot's body.

Can't go on like this!

Ye Chen shouted in his heart, just now he found that he has lost the sense of taste and the ability to speak, as if other organs except the ears and eyes have stopped working, the feeling of running seems to be in a dream, involuntary.

This reminded Ye Chen of a scripture in Buddhism—therefore there is no color in the air, no perception, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, no sound, color, fragrance, and touch.

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are the so-called "six roots". The six roots are impure, and the sound, color, fragrance, and touch are called "six dusts". Two places, and Ye Chen seems to be experiencing these things at the moment.

In fact, not only Buddhism, but also another way of thinking in Taoism has the same effect here, which is the so-called "sitting and forgetting".

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