The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3188 Tianmiao Mountain

"Brother Chen, what kind of strange place is Tianmiao Mountain? It is said that there is such a formation. It should be impossible for people to exist in this place, but looking at the stone steps, it is clear that they think it was chiseled. Is there anyone else with us? came in the same?"

Huzi asked as he chewed a piece of chocolate.

"I don't know, but according to what Ge Yunbing said, if such a story has been passed down from generation to generation in their Ge family, it seems likely that the Ge family must have entered this mountain, otherwise they would not have been so persistent in passing this story down to this day. "

Ye Chen guessed.

"It makes sense, Brother Chen is still smart."

Huzi laughed.

Ye Chen touched his nose helplessly. In fact, he still had some other things to say, which were about Li.

Li told him before when he was telling him how to crack it, that this magic circle is actually very rough, it is made of some trees or rocks in the mountains, and it basically cannot last too long under the consumption of wind and rain. For a long time, more than a hundred years, it needs to be repaired.

And when they arrived here, the magic circle was in normal operation, that is to say, someone had been here in the past hundred years and repaired the magic circle.

In this way, it seems that Tianmiao Mountain is not as simple as I imagined.

Tianmiao Mountain is actually not well-known in Donghang. It has no beautiful scenery, rare animals and plants, and no temples with rich incense. It is basically a barren mountain.

But in the past thousand years, there have been people who have been silently responsible for repairing this magic circle. There must be some secrets in it.

Fortunately, the female corpse that Guan Gongming wanted was not in Tianmiao Mountain, otherwise I really thought it had something to do with the female corpse.

Even though he thought so, Ye Chen was still a little uneasy, feeling that this trip to Donghang would not be so simple.

Near six o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen and others finally climbed to the top of Tianmiao Mountain, and the scene in front of them surprised Ye Chen and others.

On the top of Tianmiao Mountain, there is a gigantic banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, with countless aerial roots hanging down from the branches, which is the size of a football field, covering the entire mountain top.

"I'll be good, this is really a tree."

Liu Ming stared blankly at the banyan tree, and was so shocked that he couldn't close his jaw.

"I saw it at the foot of the mountain, and thought it was a forest, damn it."

Huzi was also stunned on the spot.

"A single tree can make a forest, this is the banyan tree that can make a single tree."

Ye Chen also had to sigh, which was beyond his expectation.

Ge Yunbing and his party also lamented that this banyan tree has grown so big after living on this mountain for many years.

"What do you see that is?"

At this time, a bodyguard with sharper eyes suddenly pointed to the huge trunk of the banyan tree and said.

The banyan tree has survived for an unknown number of years, and countless air roots hang down and coil together, forming a strange arch-shaped tree hole in the middle. The place the bodyguard is pointing at right now is in the tree hole.

This sentence awakened everyone from the shock. Yes, this is the top of Tianmiao Mountain. Ge Yunbing said that there is a land of immortal medicine. Since there is immortal medicine, maybe it will be protected by heaven and earth spirits, or Be careful.

"What did you just see?"

Ge Yunbing stared at the tree hole and asked.

"I, I only saw two red lights inside, but they disappeared soon. Maybe, maybe I was wrong. Right?"

The bodyguard scratched his hair uncertainly.

Even so, everyone dare not be careless, especially Ye Chen, who has been baptized by Guan Gongming and knows that there are some things in this world that they cannot understand.

It seems that Tianmiao Mountain has some secrets, and Guan Gongming also asked him to come here to look for the female corpse. In addition, the magic circle outside blocks people's footsteps. Ye Chen will not be surprised if there are any strange things on the mountain.

Although Ge Yunbing is relatively strong, she is still a girl after all. She still has a lot of fear when encountering unknown things in this kind of barren mountains, but thinking about her grandfather's strange disease and the family that is about to be disintegrated, she still musters up. Courage is ready to step forward to check it out.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as Ge Yunbing took two steps forward, Ye Chen dragged her back.

"There may be medicine that can cure my grandfather in there, I want to go in."

"You're crazy, it's dark today, and you don't know what's going on inside, you just go in like this, not to find medicine, but to die!"

Although Ye Chen is also very curious about this tree hole, it is obviously not their home field at this point in time, so it is really unwise to act so hastily.

"But grandpa."

"I know that you are going to be seriously ill too, but you have to understand that you are your grandfather's only hope. If something happens to you when you go in now, your grandfather and your Ge family will be ruined, you know?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Ge Yunbing came back to his senses, yes, he was indeed too reckless, the situation of grandpa is not optimistic, but it is precisely because of this that he should be more cautious.

"Thank you Ye Chen."

After thinking about this, Ge Yunbing gradually controlled her emotions.

"It's just a small thing."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and his eyes fell into the tree hole.

Looking at Ye Chen's blurred face in the night, Ge Yunbing became a little crazy for a while.

"Set up camp here tonight, and we will send people to watch the night in partnership to avoid any accidents."

"Okay, let's do as Mr. Shen wants, and rest in place."

Ge Yunbing turned her head and said to the bodyguard beside her.

A group of people set up a tent outside the mountain top, and after eating something, they sat around the campfire and chatted without saying a word.

"Mr. Shen, what is the purpose of your visit to Tianmiao Mountain this time?"

Ge Yunbing asked suddenly.

She wanted to ask this question before. Only the Ge family knew about the story of the fairy on Tianmiao Mountain in Donghang. She had to go up the mountain this time, but it happened to be such a coincidence. Four people with such strange names.

Ge Yunbing also suspected that the other party's purpose was also fairy grass, but if the other party's purpose was really the same as his own, then he would not bring people like himself up, and it would be more appropriate to drive them down the mountain or silence them.

"We went up the mountain for a blind stroll, and we just ran into you by chance."

Ye Chen flicked the fire and replied easily.

Seeing what Ye Chen said, Ge Yunbing knew that he didn't want to tell himself his real purpose, so he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"Don't worry, we are not interested in whether it is fairy grass or magic medicine. If there is any, you can take it back to save your grandfather."

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