The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3082 explain the legend

The third elder put aside his thoughts about the fugue for a while, and began to talk about the person that brother Gan provoked.

"Since the other party wants to deal with the Qimen group so blatantly, it should have a lot of hatred for you. In this case, the other party is either someone you offended or hired to deal with you. Just follow this clue to find out Go on, it shouldn’t be a problem to get the other party’s information.”

Ye Chen hesitated and asked.

"It's useless. I once asked a friend to check it for me, and I also asked my second brother to do a divination, but the identity of the other party is obviously extremely complicated. Even our divination image has been messed up by the other party, so we can't find out the other party at all. identity of."

"Disturb yin and yang? Could it be that the other party is also a hexagram master?"

Mr. Huang obviously just learned the details of this incident, so he couldn't help asking.

"Even if they are not hexagram masters, they should be of the same type. It is rumored that overseas wizards, Nanyang warlocks, and Eastern onmyojis have all studied this. I suspect that the people who attacked us may be those guys."


The third elder looked serious, and seemed to have forgotten the good news brought by Ye Chen.

"Well, in fact, I have long wanted to ask, what kind of organization is the Qimen Group, and why are they being hunted down? I heard from a senior of mine that the members of the Qimen Group seem to be working as mercenaries in some small countries in East Africa? "

Ye Chen was careful, for fear of saying something wrong.

"How should I put it, the Qimen group is one of the top mercenary groups in the world. Among the mercenaries, it is a guard type. It specializes in taking on tasks to protect important people. This is our identity on the surface."

"Does the Qimen group have other identities?"

From what the three elders said, it seems that they have other identities.


When Ye Chen mentioned this question, the third elder's face suddenly brightened.

"Then tell me, what other identities does this Qimen group have?"

Ye Chen saw that the third elder was like this, so he continued following the third elder's words.

"The two groups of Qimen and Dunjia originated from the Chinese magic book "Qimen Dunjia", and "Qimen Dunjia" is also the largest secret art among the three secret treasures of Qimen, Liuren, and Taiyi, and it is the first of the three styles , the most reasonable method, known as the highest level of forecasting in Huang-Lao Taoism, known as the study of emperors or the highest forecasting, the founder is Jiutianxuan."

"Its essence is an advanced astrophysics, which reveals the interaction between the eight planets in the solar system and the earth's magnetic field. "Qi" refers to the three odd, namely B, C, and D, and "gate" refers to the eight doors, namely "open, Hugh, life, injury, Du, scenery, death, and surprise", and Dunjia refers to Liujia's ten-day first escape into Liuyi, that is, "Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui".

"And our Qimen group has been established for nearly five hundred years, and what we have inherited is this authentic Qimen Dunjia. Anyone who enters our Qimen and Dunjia groups must take it as their duty to safeguard the destiny of China and do our best to protect our country." Waiting for the responsibility that should be fulfilled as a son and daughter of China."

"Back when the Allied Forces invaded China, our Qimen and Dunjia fought to protect the country, and in the end they were killed and injured. As a result, the Allied Forces took eighteen life-related things from the palace, and the Qing Dynasty was also destroyed. This is also our Qimen. The two groups of Dunjia and Dunjia have always been the most guilty thing, so the ancestors of the sixth generation of Kun at that time simply led the remaining people of Qimen to leave China, cross the ocean to the west, and vowed that the eighteen lifelines would not be found. Don't give up."

"So my ancestors lived in the west, and continued to search for the lost things while spreading their branches and leaves. It has been nearly a hundred years since then. There are also some clues for the eleven items. Although China is prosperous today, our sins have not been redeemed, because we have not found the eleven lost items, and we are ashamed of the expectations of our ancestors. , I am also ashamed of the Chinese people."

When the Third Elder said this, the slight complacency disappeared, and his voice gradually became hoarse, with a sense of sadness.

Brother Gan and the others also lowered their heads, with no expression on their faces, but a sad atmosphere permeated the air.

Ye Chen looked at the old man in Tang suit in front of him and couldn't help being awed. He could see that the third elder had a deep affection for Huaxia. The Tang suit on his body was meticulously arranged, and even the cuffs were not wrinkled.

Even so, Ye Chen can still tell that this Tang suit has been worn for some years. The silk fabric looks a little old, at least fifty years old, but it has been preserved so well. It can be seen that this old man is How much I like this dress.

The battle that year was not their fault, but the Qimen and Dunjia groups cited it as their own mistake, and they have been trying to make up for it for so many years. Ye Chen really admires such a profound understanding of righteousness.

"The three elders and the entire Qimen group are so understanding of righteousness. It is because of you people who have given silently that Huaxia can flourish like this. Ye Chen admires it very much. Please be respected by Ye Chen."

As Ye Chen said, he stood up and bowed deeply to the third elder and Qimen group.

Seeing this, the third elder hurriedly helped Ye Chen up.

"Young friend Ye Chen, how can you do this? You are the person chosen by the immortals, and your future achievements are limitless. How can you do such a great gift to sinners like us in China?"

"The third elder speaks seriously. Anyone who has worked hard for China is worthy of respect. You are like this in my heart. What happened back then was not your fault. It is very good that you have been able to do this for so many years."

Ye Chen's words seemed to resonate with the third elder, and after a sigh, the third elder held Ye Chen's hand tightly.

On the other hand, Yuan Lin took out her tablet computer and quietly recorded something as if she had realized something.

After calming down, the third elder and Ye Chen each sat back in their seats.

"Third Elder, please continue."

Ye Chen said to the third elder.

The third elder nodded and continued to recall.

"Not all of the eighteen lost items were lost in the western Morocco, so I, the Qimen Dunjia, can be said to have traveled the entire world, and some of the seven lost items were brought back through illegal means. Yes, so too many forces and countries have been provoked, so we really don't know exactly who wants to do this this time."

Ye Chen sighed in his heart. With the strength of Brother Gang and others, they would be so cautious. It can be seen that they have offended many people. I am afraid that the coalition countries have offended them all over the place.

But this is nothing to Ye Chen, if he really can't do it, he will ask his father for help. With the contribution of the third elder and others, it is not a shameful thing for Ye Chen to look down and ask his father.

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