The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3079 Three Elders

Brother Kun's voice suddenly became serious, and he slowly recited a few incantations that made people puzzled, and put his hand on the center of Ye Chen's brow.

It went on like this for a while, Ye Chen was still lying there, no different from before, with his eyes closed, motionless.


The people present turned their attention to Brother Kun again. Brother Kun was a little embarrassed. He recited the spell again, and pressed his hand between Ye Chen's eyebrows. He waited for a few minutes, but there was still no response.

Isn't this guy superficial?

At this moment, most people have such a thought in their minds.

"Second brother, what's going on with you? You've been working so hard that it doesn't seem to have any effect."

Depending on the age of the third elder, except for Huang Lao, he is the only one who dares to talk to Brother Kun like this.

Brother Kun withdrew his hand and squeezed his brows. He knew a little about these things as he was familiar with Qimen Dunjia. According to normal circumstances, I didn’t know how many times I used this procedure. Can't wake up.

Although the third elder said before that Ye Chen might be a fugue, but Brother Kun hasn't seen him for so many years, so he simply followed the method of summoning souls to find Ye Chen's living soul.

But now it seems that Ye Chen may really be too imaginative, otherwise how could he not be able to find the other party with his own strength?

Thinking of this, Brother Kun coughed twice.

"Don't worry, everyone. The premise for the success of my method just now is that Ye Chen's soul must be around. If there is no response now, it means that Ye Chen's soul is not here now. It is very likely that it has not returned. Didn't the third elder say that, Is there a limit of seven days for this fugue tour, it's only the first day, please be patient, wait for me to try again after a while. Hey, what's wrong with you guys?"

Brother Kun hadn't finished speaking when he saw that everyone who was standing in front of him all retreated one after another, looking at him in horror.

Isn't it just that he failed to wake up Ye Chen? Do you want to isolate yourself like this?

Brother Kun felt a little helpless, these guys really went too far.

"Brother Kun, behind you."

Gen stammered at Brother Kun, and pointed to the horrified expression behind him.

"Why are you behind me? I'll go!"

Brother Kun turned his head and looked behind him in some puzzlement, and found that Ye Chen, who was lying on the bed, was standing behind him at this moment, less than an arm's length away, with his eyes closed, and the yellow paper on his forehead. I don't know where the talisman paper came from, and a gust of wind blows the talisman paper up to the corners

Brother Kun shuddered, and immediately stepped back a few steps with his feet, widening the distance between him and Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen didn't respond at all, just walked forward with stiff steps.

"This, is this a fraudulent corpse?"

Gen asked in a low voice.

"Fart cheating corpse, Ye Chen is not dead yet, how to cheat corpse, brat, how did you learn?"

Brother Gan stared at Ye Chen and reprimanded him without looking back.

"That's not what a fake corpse is, sleepwalking? But I've never heard of people without souls being able to sleepwalk."

"Stupid, being able to sleepwalk means that this kid has a soul, that is to say, he's fine, he's just in a coma. Don't you understand that?"

Seeing that Gen is so stupid, Brother Gan somewhat resents his lack of integrity.

As soon as the words fell, brother Gan was hit on the head.

"Little bastard, you are misleading people here again. You say that little friend Ye Chen is fine, which means that your second uncle and I are wrong?"

Although the third elder was astonished at Ye Chen's situation at the moment, he still heard what brother Gan said very clearly. What is this? It hasn't turned to heaven for several years.

"Master, look at what you said. I don't dare to doubt you and the second uncle. I just wonder if Ye Chen's state is a little strange, which caused your second elder to make a wrong judgment."

Before he could finish speaking, Brother Gan got another shuddering blow.

"Still quibbling here, do you really think I'm a fool?"

Seeing that he said good things, Brother Gan was still beaten, so he had no choice but to hold his head and let his master beat him.

"Okay, you two, stop arguing, Gan and Zhen come over and help!"

Brother Kun let out a low voice and interrupted Brother Gan and the third elder. He didn't think Ye Chen was sleepwalking, but he didn't know the specific situation. The only thing he could do was to subdue Ye Chen first and then make another plan. .

But Brother Kun knows that Ye Chen possesses strange powers, and he usually knows how to restrain himself when he is conscious, but now he does not know how to restrain himself in this unconscious situation, and the destructive power can be imagined.

Brother Kun has some methods to subdue Ye Chen alone, but seeing the third elder reprimanding Brother Gan, no matter what, he is in front of outsiders. Brother Gan is now leading the Qimen team to work hard outside, what is needed is to be able to let Qi Everyone in the door team is impressed by their tolerance and ability.

Although the third elder is the master of Qian, he still has to save some face for others, so Brother Kun simply called Qian and Zhen over, in name to help, but actually to let the two calm down.

Seeing Brother Kun speak, the third elder glared at Brother Gan. Seeing that his master stopped, Gan smiled flatteringly and ran to Brother Kun.

"After a while, the two of you grab Ye Chen's ankle, and I will stop him from the front. Try to move as fast as possible, and don't give Ye Chen a chance to exert strength."


Qian Hezhen nodded, and squatted down to grab Ye Chen's ankle according to Brother Kun's words.

Brother Gan made a seal with his hands in front of Ye Chen, facing Ye Chen with his thumbs facing outwards, and he was ready to go.

"Three, two, one move!"

Brother Kun gave an order, and the three of them shot together and attacked Ye Chen.

And at this moment, Ye Chen's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, startling Brother Kun who was about to make a move in front of him, but fortunately, he saved a little strength when he made the move, so he barely avoided it sideways Ye Chen.

But Gan Hezhen under Ye Chen didn't see this scene, and still grabbed Ye Chen's leg with both hands. Ye Chen just woke up at this time, and didn't know what happened, but felt that his leg couldn't move. , but because of inertia, the body has already gone out first.

So, Ye Chen threw himself on the ground and made intimate contact with the floor.

But what is puzzling is the three words that Ye Chen yelled while throwing himself on the floor.

"Guan Gongming!"

Helping Ye Chen up and onto the bed, the third elder personally took Ye Chen's pulse and nodded.

"There is no serious problem, but it seems that the spirit is a little sluggish and needs to be recuperated."

Seeing that the old man in Tang suit with extraordinary bearing didn't seem to recognize him, Ye Chen turned his questioning eyes to Zixia and Yuan Lin beside him.

"This is Brother Gan's master, the third elder."

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