The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3077 good old gentleman

"Really or not, so Mr. Huang, your medical skills are not as good as this old gentleman?"

Yuan Lin looked at the old man in Tang suit suspiciously. This man was broad-shouldered and round-waisted, and walked with a vigorous stride. He didn't look like a doctor with superb medical skills, but more like a powerful warrior.

"Hehe. Each has his own strengths and weaknesses."

Mr. Huang smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Huang Lao's appearance, Yuan Lin knew the result in her heart, and looked at the old man with a more reassuring look.

Maybe this old man can really revive Ye Chen.

Around the old man, six people from the Qimen Group stood there, looking full of confidence in the old man.

Everyone was looking at the old man, seemingly waiting for him to come to a conclusion. However, as time passed, the relaxation and calmness on the old man's face began to fade away. Doubt and solemnity filled his face, and the hand on Ye Chen's body also changed. Several locations, but no progress.

After another ten minutes, the old man who was sweating profusely withdrew his hand and slowly opened his eyes. The originally bright tiger eyes were now slightly turbid and covered with bloodshot eyes, but there was a trace of A deep look of confusion.

Seeing that the old man seemed to be a little staggering, Li and Yuan Lin who were closest to him hurried forward and helped him onto the chair.

"How could this be, it's impossible, what's going on?"

Seeing the old man muttering to himself, Huang Lao hurriedly stepped forward.

"Third Elder, is there something wrong?"

"There is something wrong. How did this kid faint? Don't lie to me. Although your acupuncture skills are good, they are not as good as this."

The old man known as the Third Elder looked at Mr. Huang and asked.

"I really just tapped a few acupuncture points to make him faint, and I didn't do anything else."

As he said that, Huang Laojiang recounted the situation at that time in detail. After listening to Huang Lao's narration, the third elder frowned.

"I have never encountered this situation before taking Zhuanggu ointment when the silver needle crosses the acupoint, but even so, it will not be like Ye Chen's situation."

"Third Elder, what is Ye Chen's situation, you can just say it straight, don't go around in circles here."

Huang Laodao.

"Ye Chen's situation seems a bit like fugue."

"The wandering mind is too empty???"

Everyone couldn't help but ask in unison after hearing this.

"Third Elder, what does this wandering Taixu mean?"

"The mind wanders too empty" is a bit troublesome to explain. Taoist practice has "Yang Shen leaving the body", which is quite similar to the Buddhist supernatural power "wisdom and realization". The so-called "mind wanders too empty" means that the practitioner has a physical and mental state. Everyone enters tranquility, and the spirit escapes from the body and enters the second space. After being separated from the body, the spirit can still be independent and not interfered by external forces. Injured.”

When the third elder said this call, everyone present was stunned.

What do you mean, does this mean that Ye Chen's soul left his body?

Not to mention that most of the people present are highly educated people and most of them have atheistic ideas. Even Brother Gan and other disciples of the third elder have a little doubt about the third elder's words.

When was this? Twenty-first century!

Everyone enjoys the convenience and speed brought by technology, such as how to deal with local drought, south-to-north water diversion, and artificial rainfall.

What to do if there is a tsunami or an earthquake? Soldiers have created a safe path for the people. When one party is in trouble, all parties support it. All natural disasters are resisted by the people of China. When has anyone ever seen a god help?

No, even if it is not a time of disaster, who has actually seen a miracle in normal times?


Although Brother Qian and others admired Guan Ren very much and said that the book on Fanyun Leg left by Guan Ren might contain the method of becoming an immortal, in fact Brother Qian and others were only comforting themselves.

After all, their Qimen Dunjia has been established for so many years, and they have not found any ancestors who have become immortals in the organization's materials.

And in this situation for so many years, the third elder suddenly said something like Taoist "the mind wanders too empty", and said it as if he was a cultivator, which had to make everyone suspicious.

"Master, is your "Mind Traveling Taixu" just because your soul is out of your body or you have lost your soul?"

Brother Gan hesitated for a moment, then asked.

The result was a pair of cloudy tiger eyes of the third elder.

"Damn it, wandering in the twilight world is the true Taoist method. How can it be compared with those techniques of forcibly leaving the soul? In the past, the main purpose of the Taoist monks' spiritual gods to leave the body was to visit the Taoist cave heaven and the blessed land, pay homage to the Supreme Saint Gaozhen, and In order to seek the superior Taoist magic, the spirit spirit leaving the body was named "Wandering in the Taixu". For this reason, before the spirit spirit leaves the body, Taoist practitioners have already deep-rooted in their hearts the subconscious desire to visit the Taoist holy land. When gods travel, there is no doubt that they follow this idea and visit holy places.”

"As for the art of soul separation, the soul is forced to leave the body due to external factors or some sudden reasons, wandering around without a fixed place, without purpose, and the soul is also in a state of unconsciousness, commonly known as "dead soul" "The dead soul does not have the consciousness to return to the body on its own. If it is not called back for a long time, it will become a lonely soul."

"After becoming a lonely soul, although the body will not die, it will become a dementia or even a vegetative state. It is not until they die that the wandering soul can return to their main soul."

"Master, how do you determine whether Ye Chen is a departed soul?"

After being scolded by the third elder, Brother Gan didn't mean to be angry, but leaned forward and continued to ask.

"For people who have left their souls, their pulses are chaotic and disorderly, and their pulses are three-beat. The three strokes are divided into light, heavy, and urgent, the first stroke is light, the second stroke is heavy after half a second, and the third stroke follows the second stroke, which is the trend of three jumps."

Hearing this, Li walked up to Ye Chen and put his hand on his pulse for a while, then shook his head.

"The pulse is stable, no different from ordinary people."

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it's not just Lihun.

But even if what the third elder said is true, how can it be proved that it is too much fugue?

"Third Elder, although Ye Chen is not Lihun, he has been awake like this, and has no response to external stimuli. Is it really all right? Can you really be sure that it is Taixu?"

Zixia has been by Ye Chen's side since yesterday, and she didn't close her eyes all day and night, but Huang Lao and others tried their best to wake Ye Chen up, which made Zixia's heart almost break. Hastily asked.

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