The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3067 Heavenly Way

Ye Chen calmed down. Since the other party said that he had not traveled through time, there was nothing to worry about. The worries disappeared, and Ye Chen began to become more interested in the man in front of him.

The other party just said that he was in a dream-like state, so is this his own dream or someone else's dream?

And why did he come back here?

I didn't make any progress by thinking about it here, so I simply asked directly.

"Old gentleman, may I ask why I appear here?"

Hearing Ye Chen's inquiry, the man in white robe raised his head and looked at the sky without saying anything. Ye Chen also raised his head when he saw this. The sky was gloomy, and there was faint thunder in the distance. It looked like a heavy rain was coming soon.

"What are you looking at, sir?"

Ye Chen observed for a long time. Apart from these accidents, he didn't see any other abnormalities. He couldn't even see a bird. Finally he couldn't help but ask.

"See what you can't see."

The white-robed man said solemnly.

Ye Chen's eyes twitched. Is this old guy kidding himself? Don't think that I won't dare to take action because you are a god!

Although he thought so in his heart, Ye Chen did not actually take action. Firstly, he was seriously injured and was unable to attack again. Secondly, the ability shown by the other party just now made Ye Chen know that the gap between the two was too big, even if He is fine now, and it is impossible to hurt the other person even a little bit.

Ye Chen's father, Ye Long, is one of the best in the world. Ye Chen has seen his father's various abilities emerge in endlessly since he was a child, but it is impossible to be like the old man in front of him.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about this flight. He was in the plains of thousands of miles just now, but now he has arrived in the lush forest. The speed of thousands of miles in a blink of an eye is no joke. When he attacked him, he could get away with his speed, but But he didn't take action. Even though the other party was confident in his own strength, it also showed that he was merciful to Ye Chen.

Seeing the man in white robe standing there looking up at the sky without moving, Ye Chen could only stand aside and wait. After an unknown amount of time, the man in white robe finally made a move and walked forward.

"follow me."

At this point, Ye Chen could only follow him honestly, otherwise he would probably never leave here today.

The two walked on the edge of the forest for about ten minutes. They came to a valley. After walking a hundred steps further, an antique thatched house appeared in front of Ye Chen and the man in white robe.

The bamboo, bamboo and pine trees surrounding the thatched house are luxuriant and the environment is quiet. The thatched house is hidden among the surroundings and is difficult to spot without looking carefully.

"This is Kong Ming's thatched cottage. I saw that it had been neglected for a long time, so I brought it here."

"Kong Ming? Zhuge Liang?"

Ye Chen widened his eyes and said.

"You can call him that too, come in."

The man nodded and then entered the thatched house without looking back.

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment, then followed him in. This was Zhuge Liang's thatched cottage, which most people had never seen before.

After entering the house, Ye Chen found that the man had taken off his white robe and hung it aside. Now he was wearing a gray linen garment. Despite this, it did not affect the other person's temperament, but made him more attractive. A hint of rustic feel.

"Please take a seat."

The man invited Ye Chen to sit down, and then a tea set appeared out of thin air on the table. The man picked up the teapot and poured it into the cup in front of Ye Chen, and a stream of steaming tea flowed out of it.

After filling their teacups, the man raised the cup in front of him and nodded slightly at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen understood and reached out to the tea cup in front of him to lift it up, but found that the cup in front of him didn't move at all.

How is it possible? Even a child can easily pick up the cup in front of me. How is it possible that I can't even lift a cup?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen unbelievingly increased his efforts, but found that he still couldn't lift the cup on the table.

What exactly is going on?

Ye Chen came closer to the table and looked at the gap between the cup and the table. He didn't find anything wrong, but he couldn't pick it up. Could it be this guy's fault again?

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, the man smiled slightly, put down the cup in his hand, and then stretched out his hand to pinch the tea cup in front of Ye Chen. Without seeing how hard he used it, he lifted the cup.

"Little one, what do you think I'm holding in my hand?"

The man placed the teacup in front of Ye Chen and asked softly.

"This, is the teacup and tea?"

Ye Chen answered somewhat uncertainly.

The man nodded and gently pointed his left hand at the teacup.

"What now."

Ye Chen lowered his head to look at the tea cup and let out a light sigh.

"This, this is"

At this time, the tea in the teacup in the man's hand is no longer scattered, but gradually condenses in the sky above the teacup, churning like clouds in the sky. A tiny flash of light, like lightning.

This strange scene immediately aroused Ye Chen's interest.

"Old sir, what is this, lightning?"

"That's right, it's not just lightning, it's also raining, you're watching!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he heard the sound of firecrackers bursting from the steam above the teacup in front of him, followed by ripples in the originally calm teacup.

Ye Chen couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips when he saw this magical scene. Before he could speak, he saw knocking sounds outside the window. When he looked out the window, it was raining!

It's raining outside too!

Ye Chen was shocked, why did this scene look so weird?

"Now what do you think I have in my hand?"

Ye Chen smiled wryly, cupping his fists at the man.

"Old man, are you going to tell me that this is the thatched cottage where we are?"

When the man heard this, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Ye Chen and nodded slightly.

"Yes, if you dare to think what others dare not think, and do what others dare not do, no wonder it chose you to come here."

"It? What are you talking about, old man?"

Ye Chen became even more confused.

"Didn't you just ask me why you came here? Now I can tell you that you are able to come here because of the way of heaven."

"Heaven? What is that?"

"The way of heaven is formless and formless. It cannot be seen with the naked eye, but needs to be felt with thoughts. You cannot feel its existence, but it affects your life all the time. It will drive people to do what they should do in this life. Things that drive the natural world to rain, strong winds, snowfall, and even some disasters are all controlled by it.”

"And some people will stand out in the long years and be given various accusations, and you are such a person!"

The man looked at Ye Chen, his tone became much more serious.

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