And I remember that the results of the investigation at that time seemed to be strongly blocked, and I didn't even know the names of Ye Chen's parents.

It seems that I guessed correctly at the beginning, this guy's background may not be that simple.

Thinking of this, Cheng Junlong raised his head and looked in Ye Chen's direction, only to see Yiji and Chen Yidou squatting on the ground carefully observing Guan Ming who was lying on the ground.

"Brother Chen, no matter how you say this guy has friendship with my dad, isn't it kind of bad for you to hit so hard?"

Guan Ming pulled Guan Ming's deformed right hand, frowned and sighed.

"You guys still have the nerve to say, look at what your dad is doing. You Chen family has such a big family business, and why are you acting as a matchmaker for some kind of Times Group? Are you going to attack the low-end market? ?”

"Brother Chen, you don't know. Both my grandma and my grandpa were married twice. When my grandpa married my grandma, he had a child who was younger than my mother. So even if her brother is my uncle, they have different surnames. , but the relationship is not bad, my mother will often help my uncle after marrying into the Chen family, and Times Group was established in this way."

"I asked about the situation this time before I came. It was my uncle who begged for his son, my cousin. Anyway, this is my father's brother-in-law. If he begged you, my father would not It’s so good to refuse, I can only agree to this matter, my cousin and cousin are also obeying orders.”

"Oh? Didn't your father investigate beforehand when he sent someone to do something?"

Ye Chen glanced at Chen Yurou who was standing beside him with a half-smile expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Chen's weird expression, Chen Yurou's heart twitched for no reason.

Why does this guy seem to be teasing the Chen family, his second uncle Chen Tianling?

I have lived for more than 20 years, except for my grandfather Chen Wen who teased my second uncle, I have never seen anyone else dare to do this, even my uncle Chen Guangfu dare not do it, let alone such a young man people.

But looking at his cousin, he doesn't seem to mind the other party teasing his father, which is a bit strange.

Chen Yurou's heart became more and more uneasy. Although she didn't know what was going on, she still felt guilty for no reason when facing Ye Chen's gaze.

On the contrary, Chen Tianyu had an angry expression on his face when he heard Ye Chen's teasing. In the Chen family, the person Chen Tianyu admired the most was his second uncle Chen Tianling.

He and his sister Chen Yurou had different purposes for Chen Tianling. Chen Yurou was to get people in the family to recognize him, while Chen Tianyu was just to get Chen Tianling to recognize him.

His dream is to become someone like Chen Tianling, someone who can support the entire Chen family, but now that he sees someone insulting his idol, he is naturally furious.

"Boy, you dare to insult my second uncle, I will fight you today!"

Chen Tianyu yelled and wanted to get up and fight Ye Chen desperately, but before Ye Chen hit harder, Chen Tianyu struggled a few times but still could not stand up, gritted his teeth and crawled towards Ye Chen's direction.

"Yo, I didn't expect your dad to have such a fanatical fan. Let me tell you, hurry up, otherwise I will kill your dad, the only fan, in a short time."

Ye Chen squatted on the spot and pointed at Chen Tianyu, who was crawling towards him, and said to Chen Yidou.

"Brother Chen, give me some face, what are you and him fussing about, there is something the two of them don't know"

"Boy from the second Chen family, you didn't pay me, but chatted and laughed with this kid here, are you worthy of your father, this is his order, you hurry up and bring someone to kill him, otherwise"

"Otherwise, what do you want to tell my dad about my crime and let him spank my ass?"

Chen Yidou was obviously a little upset when Guan Ming interrupted his words. He turned his head and gave Guan Ming a glance, but Chen Yurou was surprised by what he said.

In her impression, Chen Yidou's speech has always been gentle and refined, and he has never even said a word of swearing. How can he even complain now?

Seeing Chen Yidou talking to him like this, Guan Ming's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Chen family boy, do you know what you are doing? You are disobeying your father's order, do you know that, aren't you afraid of being blamed by your father?"

"Blame me? Are you kidding me, Mr. Guan, for the sake of your friendship with my dad, let me remind you that there are some people you really can't afford to offend, let alone you, even the organization behind you I can't afford to provoke you, if I hadn't rushed over today, you would have become chemical fertilizers, don't you believe it?"

"Hmph, I don't believe that he dared to touch me, dare to touch people from the Chen family. Who does he think he is, the number one in China? I also advise you, don't think that you are so powerful just because you are valued in the Chen family. Don't try to keep this kid today, I advise you to kill him honestly, otherwise I promise to use all the abilities I can to make you unable to be the head of the family!"

Guan Ming sneered, obviously thinking that Chen Yidou said that in order to keep Ye Chen.

"I said, Mr. Guan, why are you so stubborn? You really can't afford to offend this guy in front of you. Let me take you back honestly."

"It's ridiculous. I, Guan Ming, have never been afraid of anything in the Mo country. I would be afraid of such a kid. Since you don't want to make a move, then I will do it myself!"

While they were talking, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps at the door, and there were at least nearly a hundred people at the sound.

Chen Yurou's face changed slightly when he heard the voice, and he turned to look at the door, thinking that the other party's troops had arrived, but when he saw the leader who appeared at the door, he was quietly relieved.

The leader was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties. His hair was tied into a ponytail and he was dressed in casual clothes. He looked a bit laid-back.

Chen Yurou knew this person, it was Lu Yuan, the right-hand man of her second uncle Chen Tianling.

Lu Yuan has been by Chen Tianling's side since he was fighting in other places, and has been solving some military troubles for Chen Tianling. He has saved Chen Tianling's life several times in critical situations. In addition to his own ability, Lu Yuan is also an extremely important point.

Due to years of fighting, Lu Yuan's body has also suffered too much pain. Although he is only in his forties now, his body is not as good as before.

Chen Tianling is not an ungrateful person, he deliberately arranged for Lu Yuan to work as a clerical job beside him, the benefits are high and the risk is low, and the two people can chat with each other when there is nothing to do, life is much easier than before.

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