The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3033 unique skills

"Does it matter who I am? You just need to know that my fist is harder than yours. Now that you have lost, I will start to make conditions."

"Conditions? What do you mean?"

Guan Ming was puzzled.

"What do you mean? You just asked me to fight with you, did you think it was free? There are requirements for me to fight with others. The losing party must agree to the other party's conditions unconditionally."

"What? You didn't say that there is such a condition just now, it's not fair!"

Guan Ming said angrily.

"Fair? I have fists, so I am fair. If you don't accept me, I will beat you into meat and make dumplings and feed them to those idiot brothers and sisters. Do you believe it?"

Ye Chen waited for Guan Mingdao with a cold face.

"you wanna die!"

Guan Ming was irritated by Ye Chen's words. No one had ever dared to say such words to himself. Thinking of this, Guan Ming tensed his leg muscles and rushed towards Ye Chen again with a low drink.

Yo, this guy has a broken hand and still wants to fight me. This obsession is too deep, isn't it just that he wants to chop him into dumpling stuffing? Why are you so excited?

Ye Chen sighed helplessly.

When Guan Ming was about two meters away from Ye Chen, Guan Ming's legs slammed on the floor, and he kicked Ye Chen's chest in the air.

Heart-piercing leg again, Guan Ming's unique skill!

Regarding the lethality of his unique skill, Guan Ming is still very confident, but the kid in front of him is really weird. Now that his arm is broken, this attack is his last ultimate move. If this move fails, then I'm afraid I'm going to be planted today.

"Leg work?"

Ye Chen looked at the toes that were pointing towards his chest, and nodded with interest, then he raised his foot in the same way, and kicked Guan Ming's toes with his feet!

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't dodge or evade, but used his feet to head-to-head with himself, he immediately became vigilant. He had broken his arm just now when he had a head-to-head fist with this kid. The horror of his strength is self-evident, and now he is going to head-to-head with himself Well, if he breaks his leg again, then he really won't be able to run away.

Thinking of this, Guan Ming hesitated for a moment, and unconsciously shifted his foot to avoid Ye Chen's kick.

The two changed positions alternately, Guan Ming secretly scolded himself for being useless, he was afraid of being taken advantage of by this kid, and was just about to fight back when he heard a muffled sound behind him, looking back, his face suddenly revealed A terrified expression.

Ye Chen kicked a hole in the bar counter behind him, exposing the solid granite inner layer.

This is the granite bar specially ordered by A Bao back then. It is carved out of a whole piece of granite. It is quite hard. Even with Guo Ming's full strength, the block of granite can at most crack it, but this guy Ye Chen actually Kicked the granite into pieces!

That's really solid, solid! Do you think this is tofu? If you say smash it, just smash it?

Just when Guan Ming was surprised by Ye Chen's powerful strength, Ye Chen beside him shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, I've tried my best to restrain myself, but unexpectedly it was still kicked, and it will cost a lot of money to repair it. What a headache."

Pooh! How shameless!

Brother Gan, Li and the others spit secretly.

The Chen Yurou siblings were turbulent in their hearts, did this guy take back a lot of strength from that kick just now?

Then how powerful will his kick under full strength be?

What is this guy from?

Guan Ming was also secretly startled, fortunately he had just avoided the collision with this kid, otherwise he might not have broken the bar, but his own leg.

But before he finished rejoicing, Ye Chen turned around.

"Okay, you've had enough fun, now it's my turn to settle the score."

As he said that, Ye Chen exerted force on his feet, and rushed towards Guan Ming like a ghost.

Before Guan Ming could react, Ye Chen's fist appeared in front of him, and he was hit without even giving him time to react.


Guan Ming's face was injured, and he instinctively raised his left arm to cover his injured face, but he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then he felt his whole body fly into the air, and he flew in the air for a while before landing hard on the ground .

But in the eyes of Chen Yurou and others, when Guan Ming raised his left arm to cover his face, Ye Chen's foot was firmly on Guan Ming's chest, and Guan Ming was kicked away. out.

Guan Ming was lying between the messy tables and chairs, with nosebleeds pouring out of his face. He tried hard to use one arm to support himself, but failed several times.

Ye Chen withdrew his feet and walked slowly in front of Guan Ming, looking down at Guan Ming with blood on his face.

"Are you convinced?"

Seeing that he couldn't get up, Guan Ming simply lay down on the ground, wiped his face with his left hand, and wiped the liquid mixed with sweat and blood from his face.

"Boy, I won't let things go. The people behind me will avenge me. You have offended the Chen family and another organization at the same time. Even if you really belong to any family, we will chase you down." Until you die, you will die without a place to bury you!"

Guan Ming stared at Ye Chen bitterly, his eyes were full of anger. He has lived for so many years, and he has experienced countless battles. Except for the round with Li Xin, he has never lost, let alone lost. It's so miserable.

Guan Ming was originally a person with strong self-esteem, but because of Li Xin's lucky victory, he found him for five years to avenge his shame, not to mention the disastrous defeat in Ye Chen's hands now.

This made Guan Ming furious, and he only wanted revenge. He had no idea what the consequences would be.

"This guy is finished."

Chen Tianyu seemed to have forgotten even the pain at this moment, and just muttered to himself.

Ye Chen's blow to him was too great. Originally, Chen Tianyu was still a little unconvinced by his defeat at the hands of Ye Chen. But now that he saw Guan Ming, who was infinitely stronger than him, being beaten so miserably, he suddenly felt balanced. too much.

Chen Yurou nodded unconsciously. In this situation, Guan Ming was still threatening Ye Chen with such force. Wasn't this forcing him to kill him?

Although the forces behind Guan Ming should not be underestimated, this is China after all, not a foreign country. It is very difficult for those guys to show off their evil here.

And looking at Ye Chen's performance, it seems that his background is not weak, and he may be a local snake-like figure in China. In this case, even if the forces behind Guan Ming unite with the Chen family, they may not be able to solve the opponent.

The situation at this moment was beyond Chen Yurou's control. Not only that, but even the plot was reversed. They who were originally in the upper hand were now under the control of others. The positions of hunter and prey changed, which Chen Yurou found difficult to accept for a moment.

And looking at the current situation, even Guan Ming, who stood up to help, is likely to die on the spot.

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