The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3019 Matchmaking for whom?

Why do the two siblings keep asking themselves this kind of question? It seems that they are very concerned about whether they have a boyfriend?

What does this have to do with them?

Suddenly, an ominous premonition came to Zixia's heart.

The Chen family promised to help Boyu Group tide over the difficulties, but they didn't want any benefits. How could such a good thing happen? Could it be that...

"It's okay, his family is relatively ordinary."

Zixia forced herself to reply reluctantly.

"Ordinary family? If that's the case, I'm afraid Uncle Cheng won't agree to the two of you?"

Chen Yurou asked nonchalantly.

"My father has no objection to this matter."

"That's it"

Chen Yurou didn't ask any more questions, but continued to nibble on the crayfish in her hand, as if she was really just asking casually.

Seeing that Chen Yurou didn't say anything else, Zixia's heart gradually calmed down.

Could it be that she was really just asking casually, or why didn't she suddenly ask?

But Chen Yurou didn't say anything else, Zixia naturally wouldn't take the initiative to ask, and the situation suddenly became cold.

After eating for a few more minutes, under Chen Tianyu's pitiful gaze, some snacks left on the table were cleaned up by Chen Yurou and Zixia, and Chen Yurou stood up and stretched.

"Since we're done eating, let's go back."

On the way back, the three of them talked a lot less, Zixia sat in the car and lowered her head in thought, while Chen Yurou looked at Zixia thoughtfully, only Chen Tianyu didn't seem to be affected by anything, and was still looking after herself talking.

Originally, Zixia wanted to arrange Chen Yurou and Chen Yurou to rest at the hotel, but Chen Yurou asked to see her father, so the three returned to the building of Boyu Group, but when they arrived at the front desk, they learned that Cheng Junlong and his party were not there. return.

This made Zixia's heart tense, it was already so late, where would her father go?

The problem of Chen Yurou's sister and brother made Zixia feel a little uneasy before, but now that her father has gone out, Zixia always feels a little uneasy.

What's going on, I always feel that they seem to be hiding something from me.

Turning her head to look at Chen Yurou, Zixia noticed that she also had a look of astonishment on her face, obviously a little surprised that Cheng Junlong was not here.

At this moment, Zixia's cell phone rang, and Zixia saw the number and hurriedly picked it up.

"Jin Yifa, where's my dad?"

What Wang Sheng said on the phone, Zixia immediately hung up the phone after listening, turned around and ran outside, Chen Yurou and Chen Tianyu looked at each other and followed immediately.

The three of them drove away from Boyu Group. Ten minutes later, the three of them came to a villa complex and got out of the car. Zixia walked to the door of one of the villas and knocked on the door. the gap.

The three of them entered in a file, and as soon as they entered, they found the bloated blonde standing there, who seemed to have been waiting for a while.

"Where's Jin Yifa's father?"

As soon as she saw Jin Yifa, Zixia asked anxiously.

"Miss, the boss is waiting for you in the room, please follow me."

With that said, Jin Yifa turned and walked towards the villa behind him, and the three of them followed behind Jin Yifa and entered the villa.

As soon as they entered the room, the three of them saw Cheng Junlong sitting on the sofa in the middle of the hall with a haggard look on his face.

On the carpet next to him, Wang Sheng and Chen Xiujie were lying. Their eyes were closed, and they seemed to have passed out. An old man in a yellow mandarin jacket was squatting beside them to check.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Seeing Cheng Junlong, Zixia breathed a sigh of relief, and walked forward quickly.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt, don't worry Xiaoxia."

Seeing Zixia approaching, Cheng Junlong forced himself to smile.

"Dad, what happened? What happened to Brother Sheng and Chen Xiujie?"

Seeing that her father was indeed fine, Zixia felt relieved.

Hearing Zixia's question, Cheng Junlong sighed.

"Xiaoxia, let me ask you a question first, do you think it's possible for you to be with that kid from Forest Bar?"

Cheng Junlong asked Zixia this question by surprise, she didn't know how to answer, she was stunned for a while.

"Dad, why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"Xiaoxia, I"

Before Cheng Junlong finished speaking, Chen Yurou interrupted him.

"It seems that Boss Cheng already knows."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Yurou.

"Miss Chen, what are you talking about?"

Zixia asked with a jump in her heart.

"Let's open the skylight and tell the truth. The reason why our Chen family agreed to help Boyu Group this time, and we don't ask for any compensation, is because we have other demands."

"And what I'm asking for is that I want Zixia to marry you."


Zixia couldn't help being stunned on the spot when she heard the words.

"That's right, our siblings are here this time to propose marriage."

Chen Yurou's voice was flat, without any fluctuation.

"Are you kidding? I don't seem to know anyone from the Chen family, nor have I met anyone from the Chen family. Why did you choose me?"

Zixia looked at Chen Yurou in disbelief as if she heard some joke, hoping that she was joking.

"I'm not joking. My second uncle personally ordered me to do this. This time, the old man is the matchmaker himself, so it is very solemn."

Chen Yurou's second uncle is the matchmaker himself? Cheng Junlong gasped, Chen Yurou is the daughter of the youngest son of the old man of the Chen family, isn't her second uncle the old man's second son, Chen Tianling?

For Jiangbei, Chen Tianling is a spokesperson. If the Chen family is the uncrowned king of Jiangbei, then Chen Tianling is the real underground king of Jiangbei.

At that time, the Chen family was just an inconspicuous small company in Jiangbei. The 23-year-old Chen Tianling was not content with the current situation, so she left the Chen family and went to the neighboring Jingnan province to venture out on her own. Society leader.

Afterwards, he was stationed in Jingnan and gradually eroded the power in the Jiangbei area. With the cooperation of the Chen family, he spent nearly ten years helping Chen Tianling take the entire Jiangbei area under his command.

From then on, the Chen family's status in Jiangbei could no longer be shaken, officially became a giant in Jiangbei, and established their own company.

He nominally relies on an ordinary company under the name of the Chen family, but in fact he controls the underground forces in Jiangbei and several nearby cities. Some provinces will be taken by him.

Chen Tianling was able to sit in this position today, and his thoughts are not unreasonable, and he is also quite ruthless. Many people who offended him disappeared immediately, and even the police could not investigate.

This kind of person would actually be a matchmaker, which was indeed beyond Cheng Junlong's expectations.

"I don't know if Second Master Chen is a matchmaker for a handsome young man from the Chen family?"

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