"It will be solved in two hours. Just wait. By the way, what were you arguing about just now?"

Ye Chen heard that it would take two hours to untie it, and he was about to beg for mercy again. When he saw Mr. Huang asking this, he became serious.

"Mr. Huang, ask him what he wants to do. He didn't feel right after seeing Sister Xiaoya yesterday. He came here today to ask Sister Xiaoya to take good care of herself. Something doesn't sound right to me. Stop him and ask him."

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, Huang and Lao also set their sights on Wang Yumin.

"Rainman, where are you going?"

"Mr. Huang, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean it has nothing to do with us! When have you ever encountered trouble in these years, it wasn't the old man who solved it for you? The old man taught you this fucking kung fu of yours. Now you say it has nothing to do with me. You kid has strong wings." Is it!"

Wang Yumin lowered his head and said nothing. Seeing this, Mr. Huang became even more angry and went up to give him a kick.

"Nite, what are you talking about? Are you mute?"

Brother Kun on the side saw this situation and quickly grabbed Mr. Huang.

"Huang Laosan, calm down and ask about the situation first."

"Yes, Mr. Huang, let's ask about the situation first, and you let me go first."

Ye Chen also said.

Huang Lao glanced at Ye Chen angrily, raised his right hand again, and another black shadow hit Ye Chen. Immediately, Ye Chen felt that his whole body was as transparent as if he had been soaked in a hot spring, and his body became more active.

Looking at the black shadow that fell on the ground, it was clearly a Go piece.

"Acupoints in the air?"

Ye Chen was taken aback.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and talk about what's going on."

Mr. Huang glared at Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Ye Chen chuckled, walked over and told what happened last night and just now.

Hearing Ye Chen talk about the box, Huang Lao frowned.

"Did you give the box to the rain people?"

"I gave it to him yesterday afternoon."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang raised his hand and slapped Ye Chen on the head.

"Who asked you to give it to me so late?"

"Then how did I know about this thing and sister Xiaoya, wait, Mr. Huang seems to have known about this from what you mean?"

Ye Chen covered his head and suddenly looked at Huang Laodao.

When Huang Lao heard Ye Chen's words, his hand that was about to wave again froze in mid-air.

"Well, don't talk nonsense here, how could I know this."

Although he said so, Huang Lao's tone has softened a little.


Seeing that there seemed to be something wrong with Huang Lao, Ye Chen suddenly became suspicious.

Suddenly Ye Chen remembered that Qianqian had said in the bar that she was entrusted to do this. Could it be that that person was referring to Mr. Huang?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked at Huang Lao with more and more doubts.

It's just that he couldn't understand why Huang Lao would do this?

Wang Yumin also set his sights on Mr. Huang. He only found out about the box yesterday, and judging from Ye Chen's intention, he didn't seem to have mentioned it to Mr. Huang. Why was Mr. Huang so angry?

The eyes of the two were on Huang Lao, no matter how calm Huang Lao was, he couldn't help but his face twitched.

"Okay, I did know about this in advance, but I did it for Yumin and Xiaoya. I grew up watching you, Yumin, and I also like Xiaoya. But Just because of that incident back then, the two of you have become like this, and I also want to help you."

"That Qianqian just returned to Southeast City, and the first person she contacted was me. At that time, she just wanted to tell me about Xiaoya's arrest, and I only made this plan after knowing about it."

"Originally, I wanted to use this to ease the relationship between Yumin and Xiaoya. The plan was foolproof. Who knew that you brat, Ye Chen, would actually hand over the box to Yumin just now? I'm really pissed off."

After hearing Elder Huang's explanation, both Ye Chen and Wang Yumin were stunned. They didn't expect Elder Huang to be a master of routines.

Wang Yumin was even more speechless. This whole thing was actually caused by Mr. Huang. He almost died for this matter. This is ridiculous.

"Then what is this box for?"

Wang Yumin touched his pocket and took out the small box.

"Oh, this is not a small box, this is Gu, the scientific name is Wangyou Gu."

"Forgetfulness Gu?"

Ye Chen and Wang Yumin were confused.

"Forgetting Worry Gu, Han Lang is ruthless, only forgetting sorrow. This is one of the love poisons that has been circulated in Miao territory for thousands of years. According to legend, there is a large lake three hundred miles east of Miao Territory, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles. The lake is as beautiful as a mirror. Around the lake, there is a kind of flower called Wangyou. It has only two petals, one is red and the other is blue. When one of the petals falls, the remaining petals will follow. fall."

"According to legend, if someone smells the Forgetting Flower, they will gradually forget the person they love most in their heart. In ancient times, sons of the Han family often walked in the Miao territory, and there were many people who secretly married Miao women, but most of the Han The family couldn't bear Miao Jiang's life and left, and the abandoned Miao girl would come to the lake and ask about Wangyouhua."

"Later, some powerful people discovered that there will be a King of Flowers among the thousands of Flowers of Forgetfulness. There will be a small insect living among the King of Flowers. With it, he can control the memory of those who smell the Flower of Forgetfulness, which can make them forget. People who love deeply can also remind them of their lover, this kind of bug becomes Wangyou Gu after being refined."

"If you want the other party to think of you, just wear this Gu with you, and the smell of the Gu will spread throughout your body over time. As long as you keep in touch with the person you think of, the other party will gradually think of you , Of course, this must be someone who truly loves each other, and it will be useless to change someone else."

Brother Kun took over Huang Lao's words and talked eloquently, and then looked at the Wangyou Gu in Wang Yumin's hands in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, Huang Laosan, you are really good enough to your apprentice. This Wangyou Gu is very valuable. It is not something that is taken lightly in Miaojiang. Most people will not lend it to others. You have to pay for it to get it. A lot of blood, right?"

Huang Lao's face trembled even more when he heard this, but it wasn't because he had given away a lot of pills that he had treasured for many years in order to borrow Gu from Qianqian.

But I didn't expect that the plan I worked so hard to make would be ruined because of Ye Chen, a brat.

On the other hand, Wang Yumin was also on fire.

Co-authoring the whole thing is so simple, Ye Chen took out the box earlier, he had already awakened Xiaoya, so he didn't have to do so much useless work, and almost went to the Times Group to die.

For a moment, Ye Chen, who was standing there listening carefully, felt a chill suddenly appear on his body. He raised his head in doubt and found two beams of resentment in the eyes of Huang Lao and Wang Yumin, and he was shocked immediately.

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