The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2968 people who like tea

"Aunt Li, what do you mean?"

"Hey, Xiaoya's situation seems to be under some kind of witchcraft. With our current knowledge, it can't be solved at all. I just checked for her, and there are still five days at most."


Wang Yumin felt as if he was struck by five thunders. He was stunned. He opened his mouth and it took a long time to squeeze out a sentence from his dry throat.

"Aunt Li, is there really no other way?"

Aunt Li shook her head and said nothing.

"I understand Aunt Li, then I will take Xiaoya to see the sea."

Wang Yumin took a deep breath, and after speaking to Aunt Li, he took Zhou Xiaoya, who had just changed clothes, downstairs.

At the same time, Aunt Li got up and came to Mr. Huang's room. Looking at Mr. Huang who was leaning against the wall and reading a book, Aunt Li sighed slightly and sat on the sofa beside them. The two were silent.

The coastal areas of Southeast City, and in recent years the city has relied heavily on the sea to develop tourism, so the coastal areas of Southeast City are very beautifully built, so many people come here every year to escape the summer heat.

It is already autumn, the weather is no longer suitable for swimming, and there are many fewer people, but there are still many people coming to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the seaside.

Wang Yumin parked the car and took Zhou Xiaoya for a stroll to the beach. During this period, Wang Yumin followed Zhou Xiaoya and watched her silently.

The previous Zhou Xiaoya seemed very embarrassed in the car, but when she got to the beach, she seemed to be a different person, she became more lively, just like the innocent girl back then.

Watching Zhou Xiaoya trotting on the beach, Wang Yumin felt his nose was a little sore. How long had it been since he had seen Xiaoya smile?

I don’t know if it’s the memory hidden in my heart that led the way. Zhou Xiaoya gradually ran to her favorite place at the beginning, a cliff that protruded four or five meters from the sea. She used to like to sit on this place and look at the sea. Silently telling his secrets.

But now, she is still skillfully sitting on the edge of the cliff facing the sea, just watching so quietly, the golden sun shines on her body, making her more like an angel.

The sea breeze was slightly cool, and Zhou Xiaoya was only wearing a coat. Seeing this, Wang Yumin stepped forward and put his coat on her body.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoya didn't seem to mind Wang Yumin's actions. He just looked at the sea by himself, not knowing what he was thinking as his beautiful eyes moved.

Time passed by, Zhou Xiaoya just sat there without any other reaction, Wang Yumin also stood beside her, quietly looking at the girl in front of her.

"Little man, what are you having for dinner tonight?"

Suddenly, Zhou Xiaoya, who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, said something carelessly.

It sounded a little strange, but Wang Yumin's eyes widened instantly.

Only he knew that Xiao Minzi was the nickname he gave himself when he and Zhou Xiaoya were in love.

When they were preparing for their marriage, Zhou Xiaoya said that after getting married, she would be Lafayette. Wang Yumin also said with a smile that she was Lafayette, and that he was the chief steward serving Lafayette. From that day on, Zhou Xiaoya began to call him Xiaominzi. .

And this title disappeared along with the case two years ago.

But what Wang Yumin never expected was that after two years, he actually heard this name again, and the person calling him this name was none other than Zhou Xiaoya in front of him!

Could it be that she has recovered her memory?

Thinking of this, Wang Yumin suppressed his excitement and squatted down to look at Zhou Xiaoya.

"Xiaoya, what did you just say?"

Zhou Xiaoya turned her head, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

"I don't know."

"You don't know? You don't know what you just said?"

"I really don't know. I just feel happy and sad sitting here. This place gives me a very familiar feeling. That sentence also came out of my mouth."

Seeing Wang Yumin's excitement, Zhou Xiaoya seemed a little overwhelmed. She didn't know why just now, but she felt a voice in her mind kept repeating this sentence, and she unconsciously said it.

Wang Yumin was taken aback, was it really just a coincidence?

Looking at the sea in front of him again, Wang Yumin sighed slightly, and sat beside Zhou Xiaoya, and the two of them regained their previous tranquility.

At this time, in the office of the Phoenix Bar, Ye Chen stood at the door of the bar quietly waiting for the arrival of Cheng Junlong and others.

"Sister Tian, ​​Cheng Junlong and the others are coming soon, you"

Tian Yun looked at Ye Chen, knowing that he was worried that he would be embarrassed when he saw Cheng Junlong, so he smiled slightly.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Seeing what Sister Tian said, Ye Chen didn't say anything, nodded and continued to look outside the door.

After a while, several black Mercedes-Benz surrounded a Maybach and slowly parked in the parking lot in front of the bar.

Immediately after the door opened, Cheng Junlong and Zixia got out of the car first, and Wang Sheng as the driver also got out of the car.

In the Mercedes-Benz behind them, Chen Xiujie and Jin Yifa couldn't help but feel a sudden shock when they saw Ye Chen standing at the door. They glanced at each other and then got out of the car.

Seeing Cheng Junlong arrived, Ye Chen walked over and extended his hand with a smile, Cheng Junlong didn't mind, and also extended his hand to hold Ye Chen together.

"Mr. Ye, it's been a long time. You've been doing well recently, haven't you?"

"Thanks to you, I'm doing just fine, please come in."

Ye Chen also said politely.

Zixia behind her also blinked at Ye Chen. ,

Wang Sheng also had a very good impression of Ye Chen, so he smiled and nodded at Ye Chen.

Chen Xiujie and Jin Yifa, on the other hand, wanted to laugh but couldn't. They could only force out a smile that was uglier than crying.

When Cheng Junlong walked to the door, he looked at Tian Yun who was standing there. He didn't say anything, but nodded politely.

Tian Yun also smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to make a "please" gesture.

Everyone came to the office upstairs. Cheng Junlong and Ye Chen sat across from each other. Others were scattered on the sofa nearby. Fortunately, the place was big enough, otherwise it might not be able to accommodate so many people.

After taking a sip of the tea served by Ye Chen, Cheng Junlong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The aroma of this tea was fragrant, with a faint orchid aroma. The color of the tea was orange and bright, and the leaves were also red and green. After drinking it, he felt refreshed, even if Cheng Junlong, a tea lover, has rarely seen such good tea.

Thinking of this, Cheng Junlong couldn't help but become curious.

"I never expected that Mr. Ye would have such good tea. What a blessing."

Ye Chen was not surprised when he heard this. The tea used this time was the Wuyishan Dahongpao that was given to Huang Lao last time. It is authentic mother tree tea. The price of one tael is at least more than 300,000 yuan.

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