"Huzi, I'll leave this guy to you. Liu Ming, you and Huzi will watch here, and tell them to retreat to a safe distance. Someone will break their leg and throw it on the road."

"Understood, Brother Chen."

Huzi nodded, grabbed the man, and kicked him up the leg.

The man couldn't help kneeling on the ground with a "plop" under the pain. Before he could react, he felt a strong force coming from his back, and he fell face down on the ground.

Huzi stepped on the man's back and twisted it hard, and the painful man screamed.

"You can't do this. If he calls the police, you will be arrested."

The waitress was taken aback and whispered to Huzi.

"Hahaha, it's okay. You can't be used to dealing with this kind of person. The more timid you are, the more arrogant he will be. Just giving him two slaps is worth more than money."

As Huzi said, he stomped on the man again.

"Ah! You, you bastards, I want to call the police. You will all be arrested, and none of you will run away!"

"Hey, I'm going, I'm so scared, you call the police and arrest me, I want to see who is being arrested!"

What Huzi fears the most in his life is being threatened, the more threatened he is, the more excited he is.

With that said, Huzi raised his head and looked at the crowd.

"Whatever you look at, leave this street for me, if you stay here for three minutes, this will be the end of my feet!"

Hu Zi's aura was like a little ruffian, and the people around him scattered away after hearing the words, and the road that was still somewhat congested became clean after a while.

Hu Zi chuckled, picked up the man on the ground, and dragged him in front of him.

"Boy, don't say I didn't warn you, this time you are lucky, next time you dare to make trouble in this street, labor and management will interrupt your dog legs, get out!"

As he said that, Huzi threw the man aside, like throwing trash.

The man didn't dare to stay after being thrown out, and slipped out of the bar street like a bereaved dog.

It wasn't until he got out of the street that the man stopped at the corner, panting and tidying up the footprints on his body while cursing in a low voice.

"Are you OK?"

At this time, a man wearing a hoodie ran over cautiously and asked.

The man became even angrier when he saw the man in the hoodie, and kicked him up.

"You're so fucking mean. Laozi was pushed to the ground and beaten there, and you ran away like that. Now you still have the nerve to ask me if I'm okay. Get out of here. After a while, Laozi will go ask someone to get the place back. Come!"

The man in the hood saw him coming out and was still cursing, so he quickly covered his mouth.

"You can calm down, do you know why I don't help you?"

"Why? Because you are cowardly!"

"That's right, I'm cowardly, but if you know who you provoked just now, you should be cowardly too. Do you know who they are?"

"Who is it, can it be the Heavenly King Lao Tzu?"

The man said disdainfully.

"It's much more terrifying than the Heavenly King, that's Ye Chen from the Forest Bar!"

The man froze for a moment, and his struggling body stopped.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Ye Chen from Forest Bar, you are also in this industry, you don't know him?"

The hooded man whispered.

Just kidding, how could I not know this person, Abao, the boss of the bar street, died at the hands of this guy, although the newspapers said that Abao died of revenge, but they all knew that Ye Chen did it .

Moreover, the forest bar opened a few days ago, and this guy dealt with Yu Wenzhao and Ding Wu in front of countless people. This incident caused a lot of trouble in the bar street. I know about Ye Chen.

Of course, the man who caused trouble had heard of Ye Chen's name, but he only heard his voice and didn't see him. He didn't know anything about Ye Chen's appearance, but the man with the hood happened to meet Ye Chen that day , so when he saw his friend trying to provoke Ye Chen, he didn't even have the courage to stand out.

The man shivered twice, but fortunately the man in the hood was holding him, otherwise his legs would have given way and he would have fallen to the ground.

"Call me, take a taxi, I'm going to hide in other provinces for a few months."

The man's voice trembled a little.

Seeing this, the man in the hood shook his head helplessly. If he had known this before, why did he do it in the first place.

Supporting the man, the two waved to a taxi and headed straight out of the province.

"Okay, beauty, all the troubles are settled, you should leave quickly, lest something happen and hurt you later."

Seeing passers-by leave, Huzi turned his head, and his face returned to the simple and honest before.

Seeing Huzi's simple and honest appearance, the waitress couldn't help but be stunned because it was really difficult to connect him with the guy who looked like a devil in the world just now.

"I said Huzi, how many times have I told you to be gracious in front of girls, especially beauties. Look at your actions just now to scare her beauties."

Liu Ming stood aside and taught.

"Hey, Liu Ming, you really don't feel back pain when you stand up and talk, I just had to talk to those people about my demeanor, and besides, I didn't behave rudely to this beautiful woman, didn't I just speak a little too loudly. "

Huzi stared at Liu Mingdao.

"Tsk tsk tsk, a child can't be taught, that is, that woman Irene can fall in love with you."

Liu Ming smacked his lips, looking like a rotten wood that cannot be carved.

"Stop smacking your lips, fix your panda eyes first, and you'll have the nerve to come out with them."

Hearing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Liu Ming's face, and he got into the car muttering.

Seeing Liu Ming retreating, Hu Zi showed a smug smile, and turned to look at the waitress beside him.

"If you don't mind, you can come to our car to rest for a while."

The waitress blushed, nodded, got into the car and sat in the back row, Hu Zi sat in the co-pilot, and the three began to wait quietly for the movement upstairs.

At this moment, a brand new Camaro quickly drove to the car where the three of Huzi were sitting, and with the same flick, it parked side by side with the car of the three of Huzi.

"Who the hell told you to park the car here, are you blind with the parking space next to it?"

Liu Ming opened the door and got out of the car. Just as the owner of the car was about to teach him a lesson, he found Li and Yuan Lin getting out of the car, looking at him with half-smiles.

Seeing this, Liu Ming immediately put on a smiling face.

"So it's you two, I'm sorry I didn't pay attention just now, don't take what I just said to my heart, me."

"Where is Ye Chen?"

Before Liu Ming could finish speaking, Li directly interrupted him.

"Brother Chen and the others are upstairs at 301, he said to let everyone wait for him downstairs"

Before Liu Ming finished speaking, Li turned around and entered the restaurant, leaving Liu Ming alone in a mess.

"Okay, let's go up and have a look and come down right away, nothing will happen."

On the contrary, Yuan Lin and Liu Ming giggled, which eased the atmosphere a lot.

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