The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2914: Harm others without using dirty words

"Come on, Ye Chen, tell us that you know each other~"

The table in the middle of the lobby on the third floor of the Forest Bar was full of meals. Due to too many people, another table was specially found. Ye Chen was standing between the two tables at this time, his face a little embarrassed.

Just now he talked with everyone for a while, when he saw the door of the room on the other side open, masked Kan and Li came out with a silent face. Chen has always been a little unhappy.

Seeing Li at this time, Ye Chen naturally wanted to save some face.

But I didn't expect that Li seemed to have a lot of opinions on her. Before she did it, she made a move first, which confused Ye Chen. When did I offend her?

But the other party has made a move, Ye Chen naturally can't stand there and be beaten, of course, the other party is also a girl, Ye Chen is not easy to hit hard.

But what Ye Chen didn't expect was that this Li, who looked soft and weak, was quite powerful, and he almost suffered a big loss due to his carelessness.

After a preliminary estimate, this woman can almost compete with me. Of course, the premise is that I can grasp the strength well.

And when the two were stopped by others and asked the reason for the fight, Li actually said that Ye Chen didn't use all his strength last time, which made her very upset.

The ambiguity of this sentence is great. Li Xin and others were startled for a while, and then looked at Ye Chen with an inexplicable smile.

Now Ye Chen was furious, he didn't do anything, how could he be labeled for nothing like this?

But no matter what he explained, no one believed him, and that continued until dinner.

Ye Chen rubbed his temples as he looked at Yuan Lin, who was on the table with a bit of unkind eyes, and at Sister Tian, ​​who had been silent but ignored her all the time.

But at this moment, Li Xin's teasing words came back again, Ye Chen finally couldn't help it, glanced at Li Xin who was grinning badly, and then his eyes fell on Xiao Xue who was gnawing on the chicken leg.

"Sister Xue, have you and Brother Xin been to Thailand?"

"Huh? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Xiao Xue raised her head, her eyes full of confusion.

Li Xin's expression suddenly changed.

Damn, this guy is trying to hurt me!

Only then did he realize that he still had the handle in Ye Chen's hands, so he quickly stood up and pushed Ye Chen back on the stool.

"Hahaha, I remembered that you told me that we met in that jewelry store, right? It was thanks to you, Ye Chen, otherwise all the people in that jewelry store would be doomed. You said that I have a brain Why did you forget about this? Hahahahaha."

Li Xin laughed so hard that he was out of breath, while Ye Chen looked at him with a comfortable expression.

"Come here and sit down. Let's see what you look like. Are you that funny? Your saliva is almost squirting into other people's food."

Xiao Xue was a little confused, but mostly depressed. It seemed that she really needed to give her husband some etiquette lessons.

But Du Jun had no time to see this at this time. He was sitting next to Kan with a flattering smile on his face, and from time to time he would pick up a chicken wing and put it in Kan's bowl.

Kan, on the other hand, looked down at the mountain of food in the bowl and scratched his mask.

After eating, Huzi walked up to Ye Chen with a serious face.

"What's wrong, Huzi, making it so serious?"

"Brother Chen, we don't seem to have a solution for tomorrow's game. I thought about it while eating. If we really let nature take its course, our chances of winning tomorrow are basically zero."

Ye Chen took a sip from the juice on the side and smiled.

"Don't worry, I already have a solution. We will definitely win tomorrow's game."

"Don't brag, you kid. The strength of Dongyan University is there. I've seen your chances of winning tomorrow. It's less than 20%. I think it's still early. It's better to go to Dongyan University and kill Zhuang Zongshi directly." With that mysterious player, tomorrow's game is absolutely safe, and you don't have to worry about not being able to beat them, the Qimen team is here, and this small favor can still help."

Li Xin walked over with a smile and shaved teeth.

"Am I such a shameless person? This is a competition. I want to win in an honest way, not by using such small means to win!"

Ye Chen said righteously.

"Good boy, I admire you. This is how the game is. Even if you lose, you have to lose with a clear conscience. Our Qimen team needs talents like you very much."

A hand patted Ye Chen's shoulder, and then a rich male voice sounded. Ye Chen didn't even need to look, he knew it was his godfather.

"I said Brother Gan, let's stop for a while, I know your Qimen group is very powerful, but I really have a lot of things to do, please find another lover."

Ye Chen turned around and said helplessly.

"That's not possible. You won it from a bet. You can't disobey your bet, right?"

Qian had already made up his mind to let Ye Chen join the Qi Men Group willingly, so naturally he would not let him go so easily.

Ye Chen spread his hands in silence, forget it, let him do whatever he wants, could he still tie him up if he doesn't agree?

At this moment, Tian Yun's cell phone rang. After answering it, Tian Yun hung up the phone.

"Ye Chen, Wang Zhong called me just now, and Sun Wei is downstairs now, saying he wants to talk about cooperation."

This guy is finally here!

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this guy came, he was sure to let him stay. In this way, the safety of the forest bar was guaranteed, and he no longer had to worry about accidents.

Glancing at the people around him, Ye Chen walked towards Tian Yun, and then dragged Tian Yun downstairs together.

"You guys talk first, I have something to do with Sister Tian going down."

"What's the matter with this little guy? Is Li not beautiful, or is she in bad shape?"

Gan touched his head and asked suspiciously about Kan who was wearing a mask beside him.

"He might just not like you."

After speaking, Kan snapped his fingers, and Du Jun ran over in a hurry.

"My dear, what are your instructions~~"

"Come practice with me."

After speaking, Kan also went downstairs, followed by Du Jun, like a wolf who saw meat.

"This girl doesn't even use dirty words when hurting others. Am I so disgusting?"

Cursing his lips dryly, he looked at the two brothers Lei and Gen Dui who were not far away.

"Do you think I'm annoying?"

"Team leader, I don't think you need to ask such a well-known question." Gen whispered.

"Well, very good, you are very honest, a thousand push-ups tonight, if you can't finish it, you are not allowed to sleep."

After leaving such a sentence, Qian walked away, leaving Gen with a confused face.

"Brother, come on, it's only a thousand, you can finish it before we get up."

Dui patted his brother's shoulder and comforted him.


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